***The Bigfooty 2014 WSOP Fantasy Freeroll***

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Norm Smith Medallist
Sep 17, 2009
AFL Club

Hi All

Last years WSOP Fantasy Freeroll was a much bigger success than I thought it would be, so I'm looking forward to hosting it again for 2014 and hoping we can get some more teams involved and more action all round

The Prizes
The same as last year, I'll be putting up a $150 prizepool with the following payout structure
Less than 8 runners = Winner take all
8-12 Runners = $100 for first, $50 for second

As a bonus though, if we managed to get more than 12 runners I'll kick the prizepool up to $200 total, creating a payout structure of 1st $120, 2nd $50 and 3rd $30


The Scoring
Scoring will be the same as last year, using Bluffs WSOP POY Scoring system. http://www.bluff.com/wsop-poy/formula.asp

Simply the person with the most points at the end of the series wins. In the event of a Main Event final table sweat, we'll just have to wait :)

I may add some bonuses for different achievements so if you have any ideas throw them out there

The Teams
Each team will consist of 12 players, fitting the following requirements
-MINIMUM 3 The Americas Selections (USA, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean, South America)
-MINIMUM 2 European Selections (Countries in the European Union, look them if for clarification)
-MINIMUM 1 Asia Pacific Selection (Australia, NZ, China, Japan, Korea etc)
-MINIMUM 1 Rest of the world (Russia, Africa, Middle East and anything that doesnt fall under the other 3)
-The Million Dollar man - This player must have at least one USD$1,000,000 tournament score to his name. Regardless of the buyin size.
-Young Gun - This player must be under 25 years old before the start of the first event
-Non bracelet winner - This player cant have won a WSOP bracelet before
(as previously explained, the 3 feature catagories dont apply to the region catagories, the million dollar man can be from anywhere etc, and he doesnt take up on your region spots, theyre a seperate selection on their own)

Your Sub - Remember whoever your sub replaces, they must fit that catagory. If you select a European as the sub, they cant replace an American.


You'll see that the team selection is now based on a minimum. This will allow more freedom, you'll essentially have 2 players who can float between regions (ie you can have 5 americans, 2 Euros, 1 Apac and 1 ROW, or 3 Americans, 3 Euros, 2 APAC and 1 ROW etc). This also applies to the sub, if you select 3 Americans, 3 Euros, 2 Asias and 1 ROW, and you'r sub is an American, you can still sub out a European because you'll still have the minimum requires Europeans in your team

I hope that makes sense, its pretty simple so of there is confusion it'll be because of how I've explained it.

Also to add a little flavor, if anybody in the contest is in Vegas and plays a WSOP event and scores points, they'll get those points added to their team as well. So you're all the 13th man of you're side


The Sub
Since the Sub has become such a natural part of our lives, and we are all sick of it burning our AFL Fantasy teams, its only fair we make an effort to save ourselves from the terrible performances of the people we once put our faith in.

The sub will work like this. You can pick any player, fitting any catagory, and that player will wear the green vest. Then if at some point one of your players is failing you, you can activate the sub, swapping a player of your choice from your starting 12. However your sub can only jump in to a catagory that he fits in. An American sub cannot replace a European, and every other which way that applies.

You will lose all the points (if any of course) the player you choose to sub out has earned you so far, and you will only receive the points that your sub earns once he is in your team. (For example, if Sam Trickett is your sub and he wins the first event and you obviously dont have him on your starting 12, you will not get the points for that win, only points from the moment you bring him on)

You do not have to activate your sub of course if you dont feel the need to. You must post your sub change in this thread, and it will be included in all tournaments that start from that point onwards, so dont try and sub in a player whos about to reach a final table, it wont count. However if you sub out a player who is halfway through a tournament, you wont get that players score for that tournament if they happen to cash, so tread carefully.

The Fineprint

Teams need to be in by Wednesday morning for the start of the series!
I'll check all your teams before the start and if theres anything that needs to be corrected I'll let you know
Payouts can either be by bank transfer or pokerstars/fulltilt account
Teams will be on a google doc for sweating and updated scoring

As for countries, lets keep it simple. If its a grey area I'll decide where they belong and make it aware. But to get the one I had to deal with most last year out of the way, Dan Kelly is NOT Australian. Lissandro can be either Australian or Italian etc

Anybody is welcome to play, some resources for those less experienced in poker are listed below
2013 WSOP Player of the year leaderboard: http://www.bluff.com/wsop-poy/
Hendon Mob for all poker scores and rankings etc: http://pokerdb.thehendonmob.com/rankings
Last years selections: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...9BYV9HUDQ4d0VfT1VLSkFueVE&usp=drive_web#gid=0

Teams can be edited up until the start of the first tournament on the 27th of May

Finally as I'm running it, I'll have the final say on any disputes or rulings. I'll always run a fair comp and do my best to keep people updated of any changes etc

For all who express their interest in this thread, I'll send out PM reminders as we get closer

May we all feel as good as this guy

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Also asking about interest in a fantasy draft auction comp for around $50 per person

For those that are interested let me know and hopefully we can get one running

The draft concept works with all of us having an auction, going in order each person putting up a player and everyone bidding on that player, highest big gets that player in their team

There are logistics involved in hosting the auction but it shouldn't be too difficult if we want to make it happen so let me know and hopefully it gets up

Obviously this would be run separately to the freeroll which will be going ahead regardless
Count me in for the freeroll please Judds ... and thanks again for running & funding it. Here's hoping my performance improves drastically from last year.

Hot tip to everyone: make sure all your horses are at least 21 years old. Don't make the mistake of picking someone who isn't eligible to play in the US (like I did last year with Ole Schemion). :(

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Count me in for the freeroll please Judds ... and thanks again for running & funding it. Here's hoping my performance improves drastically from last year.

Hot tip to everyone: make sure all your horses are at least 21 years old. Don't make the mistake of picking someone who isn't eligible to play in the US (like I did last year with Ole Schemion). :(

Researching cant be stressed enough, pretty sure we all got burned by someone putting in weak schedules last year

Then there were others like Jason Somerville who played nearly every event for nil return, so I guess anything can happen
Juddy few points

- 4 North American Selections (USA, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean, South America) South America apart of North American selections?
- What do you class Russia as? Asia? Europe?
- 1 Rest of the world? do you just mean Middle East or Africa?
Researching cant be stressed enough, pretty sure we all got burned by someone putting in weak schedules last year
There there are those who declare they won't be playing much, and they end up playing a fair amount and produce good results. Yes I'm looking squarely at you Juanda!!
Juddy few points

- 4 North American Selections (USA, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean, South America) South America apart of North American selections?
- What do you class Russia as? Asia? Europe?
- 1 Rest of the world? do you just mean Middle East or Africa?

lol good pickup, but yeah South America can be in the Northern America catagory

Russia is rest of world, along with middle east/africa etc. I'm not exactly sure of the Russian contingent of poker players, would it be more reasonable to be able to select 2 Russians/ROW?
-3 European Selections (Countries in the European Union, look them if for clarification)
As I was looking them up for myself, I thought I'd share the list here:
Czech Republic
United Kingdom

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In it to win it.

Also, to make things interesting/fair, I will personally be on the hook for whatever you win (according to payouts, as well as HU betting if you like.

FWIW, I would think that a pure draft would be better than an auction (an auction is going to take an awful long time unless you do it over instant media like skype or in person.

A pure draft with no rules as per locations etc... would be pretty sweet and straightforward. Maybe 8 rounds for 10 "teams" (80 poker players total)

Anyone, Im excited for it. and am going to try get it done either way.

In it to win it.

Also, to make things interesting/fair, I will personally be on the hook for whatever you win (according to payouts, as well as HU betting if you like.

FWIW, I would think that a pure draft would be better than an auction (an auction is going to take an awful long time unless you do it over instant media like skype or in person.

A pure draft with no rules as per locations etc... would be pretty sweet and straightforward. Maybe 8 rounds for 10 "teams" (80 poker players total)

Anyone, Im excited for it. and am going to try get it done either way.


Pardon my noobness, but what is "on the hook?
I'm in for the freeroll I was doing ok in the side comp we had going, but research killed me!
Yeah, exactly.

So if the winners are

Juddy 1st
Glenno 2nd
Goodo 3rd

Juddy will pay out 2nd and 3rd money to you guys, and instead of him just keeping 1st money for himself, I will pay him that amount instead, so he can get some Ash money out of this competition (which is super valuable of course compared to regular money :))
Sweet so current runners are

Baz machine

Still probably a week before I'll confirm the team selection criterea but I cant imagine it would change too much so dont be afraid to start hunting for selections

I wont bother with a new thread for a draft etc, but if you're interested in a $50 draft (so each team is individual) then let me know either here on PM and in about a week or so if theres enough interest I'll start a thread for that

Of course if you want to play the freeroll then jump in, dont need to be a regular poster to play or anything, just need to be able to send me a team (I wont accept anybody whos made an account after the start of this thread or has an extreme low post count though, just to prevent somebody jumping in trying to play a few teams and take advantage)

As for now, all freeroll discussion here, I'll put up a list of studs and duds soon from last year to job ppls memory
Yeah, exactly.

So if the winners are

Juddy 1st
Glenno 2nd
Goodo 3rd

Juddy will pay out 2nd and 3rd money to you guys, and instead of him just keeping 1st money for himself, I will pay him that amount instead, so he can get some Ash money out of this competition (which is super valuable of course compared to regular money :))
I can only dream so high
2014 WSOP Bigfooty Fantasy Form Guide

2013 Studs
Dan Kelly - The American had a great 2013, putting up 325 points in Vegas. He made a total of 8 cashes including a deep run in the Millionare Maker, getting 5th for over 300k. He's not just a NLHE specialist either, cashing in 3 mixed game events
David 'Bakes' Baker - Not to be confused with David 'ODB (older/other david baker)' Baker, Bakes scored 475 points in 2013. He also scored 8 cashes including a 2nd in the $10k 2-7 Championship. With a big bankroll, Bakes plays a large number of events in Vegas and despite his age is a hardened veteran
Scott Seiver - Probably the best looking guy in poker at the moment, and hes got the cashes to go with it to prove hes not the Anna Kournikova of the poker world. 5 cashes last year with 2 final tables, amassing 247 points, hes an all round poker superstar and top bloke to boot.
Jeff Lisandro - Jeff is an exclusive member of two clubs, one being the 3 bracelet club, winning 3 bracelets in a single WSOP series, the second and much more sought after club is the one that put him on the map though. Its the 'threaten to knock out Prahlad Friedmans teeth at a poker table' club. Still though, he doesnt let that stuff get in the way of good poker. In 2013 he scored 231 points in Vegas with 2 final tables.
Matthew Ashton - Ashton was looked over by all teams last year, which proves what clue we actually have. He went bang, bang, bang and bang again with 4 final tables and a win in the 50k Poker Players Championship for $1.7mill

2013 Duds
Phil Ivey - The Gary Ablett of the poker fantasy world turned out to be more of a ruckman with a bad foot in 2013 and stunk it up. 34 points in total despite playing nearly every event. Ivey is famous for his self destructive behaviour, openly stating he doesnt really enjoy playing all these tournaments but places bets with other people that he'll win some of them which forces him to play them all. Who knows what Ivey, if any, will show up in 2014
Sam Trickett - A member of the famous "I've got too much money to give a stuff about the WSOP" club, Trickett put in pretty low volume in 2013, but with the return of 1 drop which he finished second in its first year, we can assume he'll be in town, but what he'll be doing is anyones guess. 27 points in 2013.
Shaun ****ing Deeb - Shaun Deeb is a tournament superstar and aspiring member of the former mentioned club of Sam Trickett. Deeb was so desperate for WSOP glory he once dressed sa a women to play the ladies event, but last year he spent the entire summer at the Aria playing Open Face Chinese Poker. Lets hope this year he earns more POY points than fantasy land points.
Venessa Selbts - Another superstar who puts in the hours and effort for little reward. I've seen Venessa dust off more chip stacks than I've had hot dinners. 23 points last year, could win 5 bracelets or bubble the main after having 200bb at hand for hand
Jason Somerville - LOL. Heres a guy that started a video blog series about hunting bracelets for 2013. Guess how many he hunted? 0. You might think I'm being harsh on poor Jason, after all lots of people dont win bracelets. But you misheard me, when I say 0, I dont mean breacelets, I mean points. Not a single blip on the radar for this bloke, which might make his web series interesting viewing. Enough of the shw business Jason, lift!

2014 Wildcards
Ole Schemion - The talk of the town at the moment, Ole is now 21 and able to play in Vegas. He's got a shitload of cashes to his name already around the EPTs, so who knows if Ole will bother getting up for the 1ks etc. Could be a disaster not to have him, could be spending Vegas in Germany in a cooking class. Research.
Daniel Negreanu - 2013 POY is an interesting one. First of all, Dans a hippy, so you never know when hes gonna ignore a 10k tournament to treck the hills of Nevada or take on a green tea class. Won a lot of his points in Australia for the his POY win, hes still capable of big results.
Jeff Rossiter - The Australian has stormed the world money rankings the last year and a bit, but with tax implications who knows how much volume hes going to put in
Viktor Blom - Hasnt really put in a WSOP effort, but has the ability to crush any field he plays in. Has the ability to leave teams asking "how'd I miss that bloke?"

Happy Hunting all, hope this helps in sorting the men from the boys
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