Poo Mega Thread Suzi's 50 Bottom-Posters for 2020

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You should know better than to tag me minnow.
I know that as a higher ranking poster I shouldn't engage with the plebians but just the thought of you with your little chode boner in your hawfie lycra get up just made me giggle
“Loves to stir sh*t” “is a sh*t stirrer” “Karen”

It depends on which phase she is in and what the word/phrase of the week is. Shit stirring was in vogue when these were written. Toxic a few weeks back. Karen is a recent addition to the lexicon.

Don't knock it; the process has yielded such past gems as "campaignerbiscuit" "****-head dick-head of the first order" and "Phwoooar!!" You just need to be patient and wait.
It depends on which phase she is in and what the word/phrase of the week is. sh*t stirring was in vogue when these were written. Toxic a few weeks back. Karen is a recent addition to the lexicon.

Don't knock it; the process has yielded such past gems as "campaignerbiscuit" "****-head dick-head of the first order" and "Phwoooar!!" You just need to be patient and wait.
Remember the week Brad Scott used "aberration" in a press conference and she repeated it ad nauseum for a full fortnight?
Fair go Mof, that was just an aberration.

Due to circumstances beyond her control, Suzi is unable to post her Bottom 50 list here.

However her contributions to BigFooty are the stuff of legends.

So I will help her out as best I can by submitting her list in this bastion of good taste and morality; Bay 13 is indeed blessed to play host to her gospel.

There is no prize for guessing who will make her list. I can imagine the piss boners being cracked at the thought of nailing the top pick. I know I'm a bit moist myself.

#50 Dan
#49 subaru
#48 Starburns_
#47 RedVest4
#46 A Cut Above
#45 no-one remembers you when you are gone
#43 Wosh
#42 Mofra
#41 Messenger
#40 Chief
#39 no-one remembers you when you are gone
#38 no-one remembers you when you are gone
#37 no-one remembers you when you are gone.......... come on, Suzi, enough! Back to BF!
#36 Banana Bread
#35 hawks realist
#34 Rusty Cohle
#33 Dingster
#32 Private Hudson
#31 Impunity!
#30 Syd
#29 zackah
#28 Art Vandelay_
#27 Spuddage
#26 Stronzo
#25 Hoffy95
#24 Mentallo
#23 STPer18
#22 peppy la pew
#21 Who?
#20 Who?
#19 Hawk Dork
#18 The Tigers Nuts
#16 oogac
#15 rdhopkins2
#14 Over The Post
#13 Norwegian Blue
#12 Bodicifer
#11 TubbsFarquhar
#10 Yeoyeoyeo
#9 The Cryptkeeper
#8 AFLOnline
#7 frggr
#6 Jazny
#5 Freomaniac
#4 Lethality

Well holy shit, Sooz is still alive, and still dominating? :D

That's a relief - I saw that horse breakdown and get euthanised during the Melbourne Cup, and I was worried it was s00z :(
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So, let me get this straight. She's included posters she's actively ******* complimented in a BOTTOM 50 list, higher than posters she's actively scathed. I think Sooz is just compiling a list of 50 posters and saying what she thinks of them but has labelled it a bottom 50 to make it sound official.

Let her do this.

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You missed out the part where you tried to have him killed. Why do you think he no longer posts much any more? :(

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Dwarfism is from birth?


I thought s00z caught it in her early 20s?
It's the last thing a Singaporean street hawker plops on your nasi goreng.

View attachment 1003219

Nice and short. Brevity being the soul of wit, and all that.
A karen? Is Sooz just throwing around a random insult for the sake of it without knowing its true meaning? That said, I've never felt so honoured to be acknowledged!

twitter said:
Suzanne Olsen

Sep 12

Am not going to watch crap football being played by @NMFCOfficial
had enough of this crap.

twitter said:
Suzanne Olsen

Sep 12

Not bothering to watch the #aflnorthfreogame why? It's just going to be a one sided piece of crap by
No faith anymore because of the way how they are being coached.

twitter said:
Suzanne Olsen

Sep 12

I believe that @NMFCOfficial will end up getting rid of half the list because they are wanting to mess the place up. Fact is that the players you are playing are not up to afl standard.

twitter said:
Suzanne Olsen

I think if @NMFCOfficial are going to be rebuilding we are going to have to put up and shut up about these crap games. I reckon they will continue until somebody pulls their head in and coaches them properly

Snake Baker, wherever you are these days, or whichever alias you're using: This is what is known as a scorching return of serve, you have just watched Suzi's ball sizzling past you to touch the far corner of the court. You look stupid.
View attachment 1013760

Snake Baker, wherever you are these days, or whichever alias you're using: This is what is known as a scorching return of serve, you have just watched Suzi's ball sizzling past you to touch the far corner of the court. You look stupid.

Tbf, the third tweet posted was pretty on the money.
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