Suarez is scum

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An hour past the deadline and still no sign of an appeal.

There was this from Mancini though: "Sometimes the FA takes a strange decision. If you want my opinion, this is strange. Ten games I think is too much"

Sean Hessey received a 5 game ban for biting in 2006 (same scenario as Suarez). FA should explain ASAP the difference in suspension length. Disgraceful they are allowed to impose bans based on their own personal opinion of a player. It should be based on what the incident is and the severity of it. Anything else should be absolutely irrelevant.
Sean Hessey received a 5 game ban for biting in 2006 (same scenario as Suarez). FA should explain ASAP the difference in suspension length. Disgraceful they are allowed to impose bans based on their own personal opinion of a player. It should be based on what the incident is and the severity of it. Anything else should be absolutely irrelevant.

Even though the panel said they weren't taking into account past offences I sincerely doubt that's the case and fair enough too. The problem for me is how arbitrary the process is in terms of deciding how many extra games a player with a bad record should receive. It seems to be done on a whim from case to case as opposed to any strict guidelines which opens up the process to bias and that's where the changes need to be made. So Suarez receives an extra 7 games, but why does he receive 7 as opposed to 5 or 15 extra games? For all the criticism of the AFL's match review panel in principle it's a good idea, that's the sort of thing the FA need to be looking at if they are to review it in my opinion.
Sean Hessey received a 5 game ban for biting in 2006 (same scenario as Suarez). FA should explain ASAP the difference in suspension length. Disgraceful they are allowed to impose bans based on their own personal opinion of a player. It should be based on what the incident is and the severity of it. Anything else should be absolutely irrelevant.

Agreed, no one biting another should ever get only 5 games

2 wrongs don't make a right

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Agreed, no one biting another should ever get only 5 games

2 wrongs don't make a right

The severity of the ban should reflect the severity of the action though, that's how the rules are written. If there is no lasting injury then 5-7 games is right and follows how biting suspensions have been generally handled. Fair enough the FA don't like Suarez but punishments shouldn't change because of who the player is. If the club really wanted to pursue it in court they would have a field day but taking on your Fa in court is pretty much illega.

Yellow card... lol
The severity of the ban should reflect the severity of the action though, that's how the rules are written. If there is no lasting injury then 5-7 games is right and follows how biting suspensions have been generally handled. Fair enough the FA don't like Suarez but punishments shouldn't change because of who the player is. If the club really wanted to pursue it in court they would have a field day but taking on your Fa in court is pretty much illega.

Absolutely the ban should consider the individual circumstances.

That's why its pointless to point at other incidents when sooking about this one

It was an incredibly cynical act, he knew what he was doing.

Given his history I'd have happily seen the dog banned for 20.
I like and respect most of your views but if we get rid of our best player and fall future into irrelevance what good is that for our reputation. We're not trying to win a popularity contest amongst other teams fans.
There has to come a time when the type of rubbish that Suarez dishes up must be eliminated from a club.

Getting rid of Suarez will not make Liverpool irrelevant, in fact, I reckon that it would boost Liverpool's reputation no end and send a clear message to top class, professional footballers that Liverpool is a club worthy of going too. Liverpool doesn't need Suarez because Liverpool has been founded on the fact that the club is far more important than the individual and Liverpool's past success has been predicated on this fact.

Suarez is a ripper of a player but there are ripper players to be found all over the globe. It's just that Suarez is a filthy piece of shit with absolutely no respect for anyone or any convention to go with his ability and the great Liverpool Football Club should f*** him off.
That's why its pointless to point at other incidents when sooking about this one

The comparisons people are making are ridiculous. The likes of Defoe 7 years ago when the rules were totally different. People are also having a whinge about why Thatcher wasn't considered while Hazard and Barnes were. Fairly simple really, Hazard and Barnes were charged under the same section of the disciplinary code as Suarez was. Thatcher wasn't charged under that section so can't be taken into account.

8-12 is what I said when it happened, the FA were never going to give less than he got from the Dutch FA.

He can count himself lucky though, if he did that in a club on a Saturday night he would have spent the night in the cell with the prospect of a long holiday at her majesty's pleasure to look forward to.
He can count himself lucky though, if he did that in a club on a Saturday night he would have spent the night in the cell with the prospect of a long holiday at her majesty's pleasure to look forward to.

Very doubtful.

More likely spend the following few minutes knocked out on the floor and the rest of the night in hospital. Can't imagine some pissed campaigner at the disco being bitten and reacting with 'oh no I'm going to ring the police'.
Literally every second thread is about Liverpool. It's pretty sad that other supporters first and foremost want to see us fail rather than their own team succeed. I would probably give up supporting if that was the case.

And some of us get the best of both worlds

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Once again showing his true colours in his endeavour to leave Liverpool, claiming contract clauses that don't exist and now resorting to claims of "gentleman's agreements". I know the first thing I think of when I think of Luis Suarez is "gentleman". He's certainly placed his club in a precarious position. Replacing a player of his quality is not a simple task.

Has there ever been a bigger campaigner to play the game? Ever? He makes Torres seem like an alright guy. just an offensive human on all levels.
He's showing to the Liverpool fans what we've all been seeing and saying this whole time. They do deserve better for the loyalty and defending him throughout his time there, but it was something we all criticised at the time.

Common theme was "Why are you defending someone so blindly when he would leave if you didn't make Champions League"
He's showing to the Liverpool fans what we've all been seeing and saying this whole time. They do deserve better for the loyalty and defending him throughout his time there, but it was something we all criticised at the time.

Common theme was "Why are you defending someone so blindly when he would leave if you didn't make Champions League"
If you're stupid enough to continually, and aggressively, defend the actions of someone like Suarez, and keep insisting that he's "turned a corner" (laughable then and still laughable now), then sorry, you cop it sweet when he turns around and shits on your club.

I couldn't understand them vehemently defending him when he was so obviously a selfish arseh*le. Now some are claiming to "see the light". Really? NOW you see the light? I never leapt to the defence of Tevez because my appreciation of him extended to his talent, nothing more.
I'm a Liverpool fan who feels torn over Suarez- great player, scores a lot of goals, extremely useful to the cause. On the other hand, he is a liability who can end up banned for large chunks of the season at a time, and his attitude is that the media has made a meal out of it all- I'm sorry, but he bit another player, and racially abused another. He's damaged the reputation of the club which stood by him, and then had the cheek to try and force a move away, spitting in the face of fans who stood by him. I don't know whether to cash in big time or force him to stay as punishment for his attitude.
I'm a Liverpool fan who feels torn over Suarez- great player, scores a lot of goals, extremely useful to the cause. On the other hand, he is a liability who can end up banned for large chunks of the season at a time, and his attitude is that the media has made a meal out of it all- I'm sorry, but he bit another player, and racially abused another. He's damaged the reputation of the club which stood by him, and then had the cheek to try and force a move away, spitting in the face of fans who stood by him. I don't know whether to cash in big time or force him to stay as punishment for his attitude.
Are Liverpool supporters admitting this now?

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