Play Nice Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 7 - Prosperity Theology, The Coal Man + His Bootlickers

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Just have to read the last few pages of this thread to see where this sh*t is going...downhill, fast, it's turning decidedly racist and it's ugly.

The Chinese community in Australia must feel pretty sh*t right now. The media need to stop giving this sh*t airtime and press this campaigner on real issues, otherwise, let the war begin and let Peking wipe this campaigner all over the APH.

Anyway, if ScoMo does win it'll be more misery and we'll eventually have to put up or shut up...I wonder how those exporters that have been hit hardest feel about this sh*t?

Haha, the Murdoch/Costello media need to stop with the divisive rhetoric and focus on important issues?!?!

When was the last time either of them did that? Let alone press the LNP Govt on anything. Divisive rhetoric is all Costello and Murdoch know. One trick ponies.

I wish there was somewhere that I could bet on the debt and deficit being a HUUGGEEE issue if the ALP win power. The reporting on it will go from near-zero now to astronomical levels if the ALP win Govt. Is there somewhere I could invest like this?

They've used LGBTQI+ kids as political pawns, refugee kids, sexual assault victims, the PM saw votes in stirring up anti Islamic sentiment, now it's Chinese Australians turn. The only thing that matters to these guys is retaining power and it doesn't matter who they trample on in pursuit of that.
They've used LGBTQI+ kids as political pawns, refugee kids, sexual assault victims, the PM saw votes in stirring up anti Islamic sentiment, now it's Chinese Australians turn. The only thing that matters to these guys is retaining power and it doesn't matter who they trample on in pursuit of that.
Scare campaigns, Sky After Dark and the aggrieved deplorables have ‘ruled’ for too long.

I hope the feralness/ferality is confined to one side, so it is obvious to our citizens, undertaking their civic duty, what they have to do …. the election is going to reveal who Australians really are - one trusts, that for the vast majority, it shall be our better selves.

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Scare campaigns, Sky After Dark and the aggrieved deplorables have ‘ruled’ for too long.

I hope the feralness/ferality is confined to one side, so it is obvious to Aussie voters what they have to do …. the election is going to reveal who Australians really are - one trusts, that for the vast majority, it shall be our better selves.

Here's hoping
Do you reckon Dave Sharma thinks we are all stupid

He tells the ASIO boss that he (the ASIO boss) is opposing the right of Parliament's using its power of free speech when discussing China's preference's.
While at the same time voting over 80 times to shut down Labor's right to free speech to raise any number of issues in the same Parliament
They've used LGBTQI+ kids as political pawns, refugee kids, sexual assault victims, the PM saw votes in stirring up anti Islamic sentiment, now it's Chinese Australians turn. The only thing that matters to these guys is retaining power and it doesn't matter who they trample on in pursuit of that.
It's a fantasy, but I'd like to see them trampled at the election by losing many seats including the jewels like Dutton and Frydenberg.
France or Italy for me. Sell up out of Australia's overpriced property and retire.
It is a bit scary how many Australians are actually doing this. Not necessarily moving overseas but selling their city pad for a mint and retiring to the beach or the country at the ripe old age of 40 something.

For the economy generally it is a bit unhealthy.
It's a fantasy, but I'd like to see them trampled at the election by losing many seats including the jewels like Dutton and Frydenberg.
The way many inner-city seats are being taken up with apartments is changing demographics. Then you've got LNP policies totally aimed at outer-metro and regional and generally the poorly educated, I can't see many of the old inner-city LNP seats staying as safe as they have been if the LNP continue down this path.

Since the LNP combined in Qld, the Nats have held far too much sway, in partnership with the fundies. It's why their policies are so backwards.

Some of the seats which changed hands in the last Vic election were simply staggering. The seat of Hawthorn has only been non-Conservative for 7 years out of about 135 years. And that includes the last 4. I put it down to the apartments around Swinburne as much as the stupidity of the state LNP. I don't think winning it back next election is a given, the apartments are still going up, and filling with students, academics and low-paid workers.

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Holey moley the SMALL DICK ENERGY coming off of peter dutton lol

" cHiNa haSn'T cOnDemNeD rUsSiA !!!! "

Spot the mob trying to distract from 9 years of shit governance.
Just have to read the last few pages of this thread to see where this sh*t is going...downhill, fast, it's turning decidedly racist and it's ugly.

The Chinese community in Australia must feel pretty sh*t right now. The media need to stop giving this sh*t airtime and press this campaigner on real issues, otherwise, let the war begin and let Peking wipe this campaigner all over the APH.

Anyway, if ScoMo does win it'll be more misery and we'll eventually have to put up or shut up...I wonder how those exporters that have been hit hardest feel about this sh*t?
Given the level of toxic dumb scomo has demonstrated, being targeted by scomo may be increasing Chinese popularity (for those living here) as people who can think realise scomo can’t think.

Yes I see the problem many Australians can’t think and believe scomo can.
Notice anyone missing on this graph?

Can we get a number to compare the scomo government even if no graph?
Scare campaigns, Sky After Dark and the aggrieved deplorables have ‘ruled’ for too long.

I hope the feralness/ferality is confined to one side, so it is obvious to our citizens, undertaking their civic duty, what they have to do …. the election is going to reveal who Australians really are - one trusts, that for the vast majority, it shall be our better selves.
Or we jail and execute the worst of the other side for shits and giggles.
Now we know why Zali Steggall was in the papers for incorrect donation disclosure.

To the surpise of nobody it turns out the Nats who did the wrong, but lets attack Steggall at the start of the week and release this at the end of the news cycle so it goes through to the keeper.
dutton basically cut his own balls off with that " haven't condemned " line

Supposed tough guy lol

Shades of andrew boltz and his " muslim leaders MUST " wank that he used to shit out

We see ya

oh while i'm here

4,797 dead
Now we know why Zali Steggall was in the papers for incorrect donation disclosure.

To the surpise of nobody it turns out the Nats who did the wrong, but lets attack Steggall at the start of the week and release this at the end of the news cycle so it goes through to the keeper.
I got caught out watching the Channel 9 news last night. It's like Sky News now, but with reporters on the ground. All opinions and anecdotes, few facts

Costello has destroyed 9 and Fairfax's independence.
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