Rest In Peace Whitney Houston

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Even with her drug issues, didn't see that news coming.

As a singer, she had an amazing voice. Her work up to the Bodyguard was pretty good, but then she met Bobby Brown and it went down hill from there. Anytime drugs are involved, you know the outcome, it is just a matter of when. My thoughts are with her daughter.
Very shocking and sad news, Whitney was a troubled soul who despite her fame and fortune, lived a pretty shitty life from what i gather, often used and exploited by grubs.

Very unexpected. As others have said she died to young. I thought she would of been older then 48. She has had a rough trip of it all with drugs and apparently gone broke I read only the other week.

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I am very saddened by this news.

I saw Whitney in concert at the Melbourne Sports and Entertainment Centre in November 1986. A friend managed to get front row tickets and we decided to buy some flowers to give to her. We stood behind a barrier about ten feet from the stage and we were able to toss the flowers on the stage. She came over, picked them up and sang directly to us. I was in heaven. (Oh... to be young again.)

A week later I was in the same venue where Pope John Paul II spoke to a gathering of Melbourne's Catholic school teachers. I have to admit that Whitney's concert was much more memorable, though the Pope's wardrobe was more ornate.

Saving all my love for you, Whitney. Rest in Peace.
Completely shocked by this news.

That's what I felt too

I had to be sure that it wasnt all a hoax when a death like this happens

But she slipped off the radar for so many years - pretty much living on past glories and memories, so it wouldnt make any sense for the presses to lie to us about her death

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