Public vs Private School funding

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broken system is broken

Geez... Would be interested to see what data they've used to come to these findings... The first school that is mentioned has a grand total of... 43 enrolments! Feels a bit cherry pick'y to me to use them as an example of the per student funding being provided. That could literally be one kid...
Geez... Would be interested to see what data they've used to come to these findings... The first school that is mentioned has a grand total of... 43 enrolments! Feels a bit cherry pick'y to me to use them as an example of the per student funding being provided. That could literally be one kid...
I mean its clear from the article that the states are very much yeah we won't/can't tell you how much funding individual students get or what we do with the federal funding we receive that is for an individual student
I mean its clear from the article that the states are very much yeah we won't/can't tell you how much funding individual students get or what we do with the federal funding we receive that is for an individual student
Which, interestingly, is one of the major claims that critics of the non-government system have of their funding allocations models, particularly the Catholic ones!

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Which, interestingly, is one of the major claims that critics of the non-government system have of their funding allocations models, particularly the Catholic ones!
I mean they'd be looking at data that says the commonwealth paid this school xx dollars for these students

whether the school allocated it correctly wasn't part of the article, just that the school had definitely received the federal funding if it was not a public school

for the public schools the government passes that funding to the state and the state was saying they couldn't tell you how that flowed through to the school it was meant to

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