What the heck? Oh Wayne ... snortle

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Most of the hate comes from him having an affair with his mates wife. And no one cares about the toxic masculinity shown by Archer.
If Carey is a pos, there are many, many pos in the AFL.
is there anyone who picks and chooses when to apply his standards on this forum more than you

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is there anyone who picks and chooses when to apply his standards on this forum more than you
You're jumping on Carey for using a recreational drug like 30% of the population do. His other crimes aren't great but they were a long time ago now.
Fagan and Clarkson are much much more pos than Carey. They are scum
Carey is not a pos. He grew up with an a-hole father and was treated like s**t by the North Melbourne fc.
He has done some average stuff but he gets judged more harshly than others imo.
Don't call me a low rent troll and look in your own backyard at people like Bomber Thompson and Jake Stringer

He is a pos. But that's not a problem, because he's not alone in the pos group. Many other ex-footballers, and members of the public, fall into that group. Also, a lot of people grow up with a $hit parent, or parents, but they don't end up physically abusing women, nor do they end up with the luxuries he has benefited from by reason of his career including post retirement.
Just because other people are pieces of shit, it doesn't mean Wayne is less of a piece of shit. The issue, from where I sit, is that he has been enabled by the hero worship of his fellow commentators when anyone else - of lesser standing - would've been consigned to the scrap heap years and years ago.
Just because other people are pieces of s**t, it doesn't mean Wayne is less of a piece of s**t. The issue, from where I sit, is that he has been enabled by the hero worship of his fellow commentators when anyone else - of lesser standing - would've been consigned to the scrap heap years and years ago.
Commentators / footy personalities will never ever denigrate another commentator / personality (unlike true footy reporters) regardless of what they may do wrong.
Will never forget the tears of a Father of the year winner (whilst hardly a candidate for Husband of the year) when one of their hero worshipped brethren passed.
Another former Club President is also very well versed at sweeping past indiscretions under the carpet lest he has to admit his hero worship was misgiven and perhaps risks losing future opportunities or credibility amongst his peers.
Even the holier than though Whateley will never put down a fellow commentator. He will mention the word "Commentators" but never have the guts to name anyone.
And as for Healy and Russell, they simply change the subject and hope Gill isn't listening.
Love him or hate him, but Kane Cornes is the only Commentator with any balls going around these days.
Carey is not a pos. He grew up with an a-hole father and was treated like s**t by the North Melbourne fc.
He has done some average stuff but he gets judged more harshly than others imo.
Don't call me a low rent troll and look in your own backyard at people like Bomber Thompson and Jake Stringer

NM loved him til he ****ed the captain's wife. Pretty sure it was at an official function too.

As everyone but you has said numerous times, off field he is a piece of shit.

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Also I tend to have a theory - 80% of them are on the gear, but don't dare get busted or you'll ruin it for the rest of us. Hence they stand him down to show how anti-drugs they are.

Glassing, assault - we can put that behind us. My OMG he has drugz!!!!!

Sam Newman allegedly had massive parties on his boat with many big media and AFL names invited. People who would then get all high and mighty when a player was caught out doing similar.
I’ll take the absence of a response as agreement,

- He’s made a lot of money out of his ‘popularity’

- He does not respect women ....or his team-mates, or the law

- He’s disappointed and annoyed a lot of people....for good solid reasons
Archer got plenty of public feedback when he allegedly took out a cyclist with his truck earlier this year:


He is also POS material from where I'm sitting, if he was indeed the driver of that truck in the video.

Looks like it was probably an accident, and the driver may not have known it even happened, , which is why i don't ride my bike on roads like that.
I've been hit by a car , it went straight into me at a roundabout. The driver wasn't a POS, she was a school teacher and was very upset, fact is she didn't see me and had bad judgement.

Now lets see if we can dig up dirt on any of his ex-partners to see if we can brand them a POS to justify what he did.

And i'm sure its easy to determine that Star Casino is a POS.
I've seen a fair bit of innuendo about Ted Whitten over the years, what kind of off field stuff are we talking about there? Had heard he wasn't exactly husband of the year.
It's no secret that EJ Whitten had two loves in his life, they being football and women.
According to my late father who was good mates with a Footcray administrator at the time Ted was a notorious womaniser, had a girl in every port as well as one or two known mistresses. Apparently it was a frequent occurance for Ted to head off to play footy Saturday morning and not return home until Monday morning.
One infamous related story, which may well be urban myth although he did apparently share this incident with a close mate who obviously then told others was - Drunk Ted wakes up in the middle of the night, fumbles around in the dark and gets dressed, places 5 pounds on the bedside table and just as he is heading out the door, the light comes on and to his shock he hears his wifes voice; "Where the hell are you going at this hour and what's the money for..?"
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Carey is not a pos. He grew up with an a-hole father and was treated like s**t by the North Melbourne fc.
He has done some average stuff but he gets judged more harshly than others imo.
Don't call me a low rent troll and look in your own backyard at people like Bomber Thompson and Jake Stringer
Yes NMFC did treat him badly - they covered up & downplayed his indiscretions for years as he was a gun player (as many other clubs have done since day dot).

If only they had pulled him up from the start just maybe some of his proven indiscretions would never have happened and he would have turned out a better person.

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