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This topic is worthy of sensible discussion. Take your trolling to Bay 13 and your conspiracy theories to the relevant boards.
This thread is about the AFL, staff and players, not about politics and anti vax rants.

Thank you
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I once might have had some empathy for people choosing not to vax.

But given the scale of this pandemic - not just here but overseas as well - I have no sympathy for those choosing not to be vaccinated and couldn't care less whether they are allowed to play footy, go to a pub or swim at a pool.

I'm tired and sick of it all and just don't care about them - and I reckon I have about 90% of the population who are vaccinated who would probably agree with me.

If someone chooses to be unvaxxed and ends up in hospital on a ventilator, they arent getting any sympathy from me.
Yeah. This thread is supposed to be free of anti-vaxxer talk but much of it is not being removed. We have to put up with it everywhere else on social media so let's get back on topic... are there any confirmed players not willing to get vaxxed yet?
According to this article quoting Andrew Dillon, "only a small handful of players". So not zero, but not many.

Really, studies seem to show Pfizer for example is 90% effective at preventing hospitalization and even better at preventing deaths.

I would say that's pretty effective.

Obviously, booster shots after 6 months are required to maintain this
(I'm no expert, grain of salt)

From what I've read - while the Pfizer/Astra immunity wears off over time, the protection against hospitalisation/death stays strong long-term.

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Yeah. This thread is supposed to be free of anti-vaxxer talk but much of it is not being removed. We have to put up with it everywhere else on social media so let's get back on topic... are there any confirmed players not willing to get vaxxed yet?

At this stage just one AFLW player from Adelaide- who is also an ICU nurse - so unless she changes her mind will lose her job and footy career
I think there’s been one AFLW player pull the pin. I guess a player would need to have extremely strong views to give up the money they could be on if it’s a top player. But you’d think the percentages say there’s got to be one player in the league at least.
St Kilda put out a statement in the last hour saying that AFLW footballer (and club BnF) Georgia Patrikios will be taking a "leave of absence", followed by usual lines of club offered support and respecting privacy.

Although no specific mention of the Covid Vaccination protocols, I think this is now the statement template going forward for clubs when a player refuses to get the jab.
I think there’s been one AFLW player pull the pin. I guess a player would need to have extremely strong views to give up the money they could be on if it’s a top player. But you’d think the percentages say there’s got to be one player in the league at least.

Also don't forget that an IQ test is not needed to join the AFL. There are some barely literate footballers in the AFL.
St Kilda put out a statement in the last hour saying that AFLW footballer (and club BnF) Georgia Patrikios will be taking a "leave of absence", followed by usual lines of club offered support and respecting privacy.

Although no specific mention of the Covid Vaccination protocols, I think this is now the statement template going forward for clubs when a player refuses to get the jab.
Yeah I suspected the same when I read it. Don't think they could just come out and say she's an anti-vaxxer because of the abuse she'd cop.

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Mandate isn’t law.
Looking forward to the courts deciding that the AFL has no right to force a player to put an experimental substance in their body.

Nurse in aged care who claimed unfair dismissal because she refused a Flu vaccine had her claim dismissed by the fair work commission.

People thinking the courts will rescue them might be in for a rude shock.
Eagles had 3 players who were not going to, until they got wind this was happening from 2 weeks ago

Ones gotten his first Jab, two are organising it now
Hopefully they'll get that shit sorted well before pre-season training, in case of side effects from the second jab.
I think as a country we're in a fantastic place. We're one of the most vaccinated places in the world. There will be a couple of exceptions but seeing the numbers constantly climb makes me super proud.

I know eventually they'll flatten out but if all those that have had their first eventually get their second, then I assume that puts us somewhere towards the top as far as a vaccinated nation is concerned.

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