Social Mumford and "Recreational" Drugs

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If my sources are correct, this is in Melbourne, but i do agree, Cogs and Whifield need to get to hawthorn STAT!
If my sources are correct, this is in Melbourne, but i do agree, Cogs and Whifield need to get to hawthorn STAT!

I'd be pretty surprised if the Hawks don't indulge in this stuff, like every other club...
I'd be pretty surprised if the Hawks don't indulge in this stuff, like every other club...
Young blokes on good coin who rarely ( for their age anyway) get to party and “live” the usual young bloke life. It would not surprise me in the slightest. Really the the problem comes from the stuff the likes of coke can be cut with. The coke might be out of their system when tested, if it’s been cut with shit that’s on the banned list.. well that’s the risk for them I spose.
I'd be pretty surprised if the Hawks don't indulge in this stuff, like every other club...
I'd go from that to "I refuse to believe it doesn't happen at Hawthorn"
GWS apparently still going to recruit Mumford anyway.

As it happened over 3 years ago, he'll escape any WADA/ASADA issues and not even a strike under the AFL rules.

Fine by me. Wouldn't be Crusoe in doing a line in his spare time. Wonder how many of the journos doing the hand-wringing over a footy player doing some coke are doing it on a Friday night also. The sanctimony over recreational drug use by footy players is staggering.
Fine by me. Wouldn't be Crusoe in doing a line in his spare time. Wonder how many of the journos doing the hand-wringing over a footy player doing some coke are doing it on a Friday night also. The sanctimony over recreational drug use by footy players is staggering.
Ned, the moral high-horse attitude by journos is always staggering, but blatant drug use is also a no-no.

As a father, I don't like how the attitude to drug use is turning into acceptable.
Ned, the moral high-horse attitude by journos is always staggering, but blatant drug use is also a no-no.

As a father, I don't like how the attitude to drug use is turning into acceptable.

As a dog owner, I find the attitudes towards recreational drugs mind-boggling when drinking to excess is not only tolerated, but widely accepted and celebrated. People laugh and laugh at stories of past players getting a skin full and doing stupid things - but a player takes some ecstasy on the weekend and gets treated like they have assaulted someone.

Not doubting that some drugs in society are an issue (ice being one of them). However, other drugs aren't nearly as bad as alcohol and yet get treated illogically different by society and by the law. I get that they're illegal - but so is jay-walking and I am more than happy to do that every day because I am not an idiot and can manage my own safety. Personally I would rather my hypothetical kid to be doing the odd bit of ecstasy (with pill testing available) than binge drinking every weekend. I say this as someone who has dabbled with drugs maybe twice in my life and has been painfully drunk too many times to count.

Granted for footy players there are extra complexities because substances can be cut with banned PEDs and that can cause much bigger issues. Clubs should be educating their players on this front. However, if you wanted the game rid of players who indulge in the odd bit of party drugs then I think you'd see a chunk of our list disappear quite quickly.

If Mumford gets rubbed out for doing some coke a few years ago then it would be absolutely pathetic.
As a dog owner, I find the attitudes towards recreational drugs mind-boggling when drinking to excess is not only tolerated, but widely accepted and celebrated. People laugh and laugh at stories of past players getting a skin full and doing stupid things - but a player takes some ecstasy on the weekend and gets treated like they have assaulted someone.

Not doubting that some drugs in society are an issue (ice being one of them). However, other drugs aren't nearly as bad as alcohol and yet get treated illogically different by society and by the law. I get that they're illegal - but so is jay-walking and I am more than happy to do that every day because I am not an idiot and can manage my own safety. Personally I would rather my hypothetical kid to be doing the odd bit of ecstasy (with pill testing available) than binge drinking every weekend. I say this as someone who has dabbled with drugs maybe twice in my life and has been painfully drunk too many times to count.

Granted for footy players there are extra complexities because substances can be cut with banned PEDs and that can cause much bigger issues. Clubs should be educating their players on this front. However, if you wanted the game rid of players who indulge in the odd bit of party drugs then I think you'd see a chunk of our list disappear quite quickly.

If Mumford gets rubbed out for doing some coke a few years ago then it would be absolutely pathetic.
How would you feel if the video was from March 2018 instead?

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As a dog owner, I find the attitudes towards recreational drugs mind-boggling when drinking to excess is not only tolerated, but widely accepted and celebrated. People laugh and laugh at stories of past players getting a skin full and doing stupid things - but a player takes some ecstasy on the weekend and gets treated like they have assaulted someone.

Not doubting that some drugs in society are an issue (ice being one of them). However, other drugs aren't nearly as bad as alcohol and yet get treated illogically different by society and by the law. I get that they're illegal - but so is jay-walking and I am more than happy to do that every day because I am not an idiot and can manage my own safety. Personally I would rather my hypothetical kid to be doing the odd bit of ecstasy (with pill testing available) than binge drinking every weekend. I say this as someone who has dabbled with drugs maybe twice in my life and has been painfully drunk too many times to count.

Granted for footy players there are extra complexities because substances can be cut with banned PEDs and that can cause much bigger issues. Clubs should be educating their players on this front. However, if you wanted the game rid of players who indulge in the odd bit of party drugs then I think you'd see a chunk of our list disappear quite quickly.

If Mumford gets rubbed out for doing some coke a few years ago then it would be absolutely pathetic.
I think drugs are an absolute stain on society but that is a very good post.
How would you feel if the video was from March 2018 instead?

Exactly the same. Players should not get banned for recreational drug use. Internal counselling by clubs, sure. Clubs should probably test them internally to ensure they aren't taking things that could be cut with PEDs and to also ensure they aren't using to excess. It's no different to doing a skinfold test to ensure they players are eating properly. I don't think they should test in order to discipline players through a strike system however.

I don't understand the argument. Drugs aren't so bad because alcohol is legal and bad things happen when people get drunk.

Drugs = bad
excessive drinking = bad

Neither makes each other better or worse.

Correct - which is why the societal viewpoint and legal viewpoint of both is beyond stupid and why I think coming down hard on someone for casually doing some ecstasy on the weekend but fully allowing someone to drink to excess every Friday and Saturday is illogical. It's why I think the way we look at drug use needs a paradigm shift, it's not a black and white argument.

Much like how in the NRL recently they allowed a player to twice come back to the game after being arrested for violently abusing his partner, once while pregnant. They also let Blake Ferguson continue to play for his club, state and nation despite him carrying a conviction for indecent assault. Personally I would rather see people like this wiped out of sport as opposed to someone who did a line of blow and then go on to hurt nobody.
Exactly the same. Players should not get banned for recreational drug use. Internal counselling by clubs, sure. Clubs should probably test them internally to ensure they aren't taking things that could be cut with PEDs and to also ensure they aren't using to excess. It's no different to doing a skinfold test to ensure they players are eating properly. I don't think they should test in order to discipline players through a strike system however.

Correct - which is why the societal viewpoint and legal viewpoint of both is beyond stupid and why I think coming down hard on someone for casually doing some ecstasy on the weekend but fully allowing someone to drink to excess every Friday and Saturday is illogical. It's why I think the way we look at drug use needs a paradigm shift, it's not a black and white argument.

Much like how in the NRL recently they allowed a player to twice come back to the game after being arrested for violently abusing his partner, once while pregnant. They also let Blake Ferguson continue to play for his club, state and nation despite him carrying a conviction for indecent assault. Personally I would rather see people like this wiped out of sport as opposed to someone who did a line of blow and then go on to hurt nobody.
"casually doing some ecstasy" - you say it like its eating a sandwich. Clubs comparing drug use supervision to skinfolds is a stretch for mine.

I think as a society we need to be much harder on drug use and alcohol consumption.

Mumford is a ruck coach at GWS, he's interacting on a daily basis with 18y.o. kids. That's the concern with his drug use.
"casually doing some ecstasy" - you say it like its eating a sandwich. Clubs comparing drug use supervision to skinfolds is a stretch for mine.

I think as a society we need to be much harder on drug use and alcohol consumption.

Mumford is a ruck coach at GWS, he's interacting on a daily basis with 18y.o. kids. That's the concern with his drug use.
Being hard on drug use has worked so effectively to date hasn't it.....
"casually doing some ecstasy" - you say it like its eating a sandwich. Clubs comparing drug use supervision to skinfolds is a stretch for mine.

I think as a society we need to be much harder on drug use and alcohol consumption.

Mumford is a ruck coach at GWS, he's interacting on a daily basis with 18y.o. kids. That's the concern with his drug use.

Why is his interaction with kids an issue? Just because someone does drugs doesn't mean they are going to enthusiastically recommend it to every junior player at the club. I guarantee you most of the young kids he has under his charge have probably dabbled without Mumford putting the idea into their head.
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Why is his interaction with kids an issue? Just because someone does drugs doesn't mean they are going to enthusiastically recommend it to every junior player at the club. I guarantee you most of the young kids he has under his charge have probably dabbled without Mumford putting the idea into their head.
Question, would you care if your kids teacher was a drug addict?
Could never really understand the use of 'recreational' when talking about drug use.

Ned - why are you supporting Mummy in all this? Travis Tuck was banned for 'recreational' drug use. Not a good look at all.
Could never really understand the use of 'recreational' when talking about drug use.

Ned - why are you supporting Mummy in all this? Travis Tuck was banned for 'recreational' drug use. Not a good look at all.
I work on the theory that its a way of differentiating from performance enhancing, plus that fact that people tend to use it the same way as the legal recreational drugs like alcohol and nicotine and caffeine

vs the performance enhancing drugs which they are obviously using to enhance their performance, like viagra
I work on the theory that its a way of differentiating from performance enhancing, plus that fact that people tend to use it the same way as the legal recreational drugs like alcohol and nicotine and caffeine

vs the performance enhancing drugs which they are obviously using to enhance their performance, like viagra
Understand. I am not sure snorting lines of coke should be an acceptable recreational activity, though. The term socially acceptable should be thrown in there somewhere. Sort of like saying I vandalise cars for pleasure and that makes it a recreational activity. Not socially acceptable.

Is viagra performance enhancing or recreational? By definition, recreation is an activity undertaken primarily for pleasure. Seems to me that makes it a recreational drug.;)
Understand. I am not sure snorting lines of coke should be an acceptable recreational activity, though. The term socially acceptable should be thrown in there somewhere. Sort of like saying I vandalise cars for pleasure and that makes it a recreational activity. Not socially acceptable.

Is viagra performance enhancing or recreational? By definition, recreation is an activity undertaken primarily for pleasure. Seems to me that makes it a recreational drug.;)
not in the pr0n industry ;)

FWIW recreational and socially acceptable aren't really related

I also don't think smoking a joint vs dropping a pill vs smoking ice vs snorting coke are all the same, some people group them all together because they are all illegal but the damage they can do is very different.

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