Conspiracy Theory MH370 investigator assassinated upon new evidence finding

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I suggest you watch it before putting your foot in your mouth again.

Nah mate, as I said I prefer to deal in facts not fiction (and btw, my foot tastes like bacon - wanna lick?)

BTW, "butterfly" shaped pieces of shrapnel were found in the wreckage, exactly the same as used in the 9N314M warhead - the same as installed in missiles used by the the Buk (mks 9M38 and 9M38M1) AD system.
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Nah mate, as I said I prefer to deal in facts not fiction (and btw, my foot tastes like bacon - wanna lick?)

BTW, "butterfly" shaped pieces of shrapnel were found in the wreckage, exactly the same as used in the 9N314M warhead - the same as installed in missiles used by the the Buk (mks 9M38 and 9M38M1) AD system.

Such a shame then that all the Russian air-space satellites picked up nothing so far as a ground to air BUK missile is concerned....And they have released all their info for general public perusal....Which does show 2 SU25's in the immediate vicinity of MH17 immediately prior to it's going down....In other words, the Russians have nothing to hide here.

Another damning fact still, remains the Ukrainian govt's refusal to release it's air-space satellite tracking imagery info on the day.....Guilt by omission right there.

Perhaps you'd like to try a 'THOROUGH' investigation of ALL the facts, before shooting your mouth off again.

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Leave the petty insults out of it.

Debate the topic not the man.

I apologise for throwing in the odd insult amongst my facts, I prefer to treat those less fortunate with respect, but sometimes I do resort to using the language of the lower class in order to reinforce my message.

I am reminded of my best (and I submit humbly, the greatest ever known to man) sledge.

I was playing a game of Ra Ra, the ball went into touch and lo and behold my Mum was right at the spot the line in was going to happen. I said "g'day Mum, wheres Dad?" and one of the oppo yoiks decided that he'd found my weakness and taunted "lads, the opposition fly half seems to want his Daddy" to which I replied "at least I only want to know where my Father is, not WHO my Father is" - the oppo yoik summoned the might of all his 3 brain cells and said "what are you trying to say?" and I responded "if you have to ask that then your not just a bastard, your a stupid bastard!"

BTW, Procrastinator, I'm happy to let the experts sort through the wreckage, and make my own conclusions based on (a) the evidence they provide and (b) My more than workable knowledge of air defence systems.
I apologise for throwing in the odd insult amongst my facts, I prefer to treat those less fortunate with respect, but sometimes I do resort to using the language of the lower class in order to reinforce my message.

I am reminded of my best (and I submit humbly, the greatest ever known to man) sledge.

I was playing a game of Ra Ra, the ball went into touch and lo and behold my Mum was right at the spot the line in was going to happen. I said "g'day Mum, wheres Dad?" and one of the oppo yoiks decided that he'd found my weakness and taunted "lads, the opposition fly half seems to want his Daddy" to which I replied "at least I only want to know where my Father is, not WHO my Father is" - the oppo yoik summoned the might of all his 3 brain cells and said "what are you trying to say?" and I responded "if you have to ask that then your not just a bastard, your a stupid bastard!"

BTW, Procrastinator, I'm happy to let the experts sort through the wreckage, and make my own conclusions based on (a) the evidence they provide and (b) My more than workable knowledge of air defence systems.

Well clearly this is not the board for you then.

Try the more General Discussion forums etc which may be more to your liking.
Well clearly this is not the board for you then.

Try the more General Discussion forums etc which may be more to your liking.

Mate, I love conspiracy theories, I just dislike people ignoring facts. I'll keep reading and posting in here, but I'll ignore the barbs thrown towards me and respond in a very vanilla manner, facts and just the facts.
Search is back on!

The Malaysian government has awarded a "no-find, no-fee" contract to a private US-based tech company to resume the search for Malaysian Airlines flight 370, one of the most enduring aviation mysteries of the modern era.
Ocean Infinity will only receive payment if it's successful in finding the remains of the plane, which went missing in March 2014 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board.
The 90-day search will initially take place over an area of 25,000 square kilometers (just under 10,000 square miles) off Australia's west coast, to the northeast of the original search area.
Mate, I love conspiracy theories, I just dislike people ignoring facts. I'll keep reading and posting in here, but I'll ignore the barbs thrown towards me and respond in a very vanilla manner, facts and just the facts.

Yep.....You & me both brother.

Russian TV Airs MH17 Shoot-Down Images

November 14, 2014

"We're leading in dealing with Ebola in West Africa and in opposing Russia's aggression against Ukraine, which is a threat to the world, as we saw in the appalling shoot-down of MH17."
- President Barack Obama at Queensland University, November 15, 2014


NOVEMBER 14, 2014 (18:00) - Russian TV1 airs satellite images clearly showing a fighter jet firing a missile at Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, the passenger aircraft that was shot down over Ukraine in July 2014.

As world leaders assembled in Brisbane, Australia, for the G-20 conference, the stage was being set to criticize the Russian leadership for the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 17 last July. Vladimir Putin and Russia have been blamed by corrupt western leaders and the controlled media, without any evidence being presented, for somehow being involved in the downing of the passenger plane as it flew over the war-ravaged Donetsk region.

Now, with perfect timing, Russian TV 1 has broadcast satellite images that apparently show the Malaysian passenger plane being attacked by a fighter jet, which can clearly be seen firing a missile at the plane. If these images are genuine, as they appear to be, they are a "game changer".

As Itar-Tass described the evening news report on TV1:

First, the Boeing came under gun fire and then the cockpit was hit by an air-to-air missile, its right engine and the right wing were hit by a heat-seeking missile.


The evidence certainly seems to indicate that the cockpit of MH17 was attacked by machine gun and/or cannon fire.


This diagram show the location of the fragment seen above.


Yaron Mofaz, a relative of Shaul Mofaz, the former Israeli Chief-of-Staff, took this photo of MH17 at the airport in Amsterdam shortly before it was shot down over Ukraine. Why would a person connected to one of Israel's most senior military officers be taking a photo of the Malaysia Airlines plane before it was shot down?

See: "The Israeli Photo of MH17 - Who is Yaron Mofaz?"
and: "The Downing of MH17 - Is Israel Involved?"

The question as to why the Russians would have taken so long to produce this exculpatory evidence is answered in the Itar-Tass report:

MOSCOW, November 14. /TASS/. Russia’s television Channel One said on Friday it had a photo presumably made by a foreign spy satellite in the last seconds of Malaysia’s MH17 flight over Ukraine.

Channel One showed Ivan Andriyevsky, the first vice president of the Russian Union of Engineers, demonstrating a photo sent by a George Beatle, who had introduced himself as an air traffic controller with a 20-year working record.

According to Beatle, the Malaysian Boeing was shot down by a fighter jet that followed it. First, the Boeing came under gun fire and then the cockpit was hit by an air-to-air missile, its right engine and the right wing were hit by a heat-seeking missile.

The e-mail had an enclosed snapshot of a missile launch from under the fighter’s left wing directed right at the Boeing cockpit.

“We see a space shot made from a low orbit. Such photo shots are typically made in air and ground surveillance purposes,” Andriyevsky said. “Coordinates on the photo hint that it was made by an American or a British satellite. We have thoroughly analyzed this photo to find no signs of fake.”

Here is the image that appears to show a fighter jet firing a missile at the passenger aircraft, which was shown in the Russia 1 news piece:


GAME CHANGER - These images will certainly change the discussion at the G-20, which had planned to attack Putin for his support of the rebels in the Donetsk region, who are fighting against the anti-Russian regime that was installed in Kiev by Victoria Nuland (i.e. Mrs. Robert Kagan) of the U.S. State Department. Victoria Nuland's husband and her Kagan in-laws are well known for being the leaders of the PNAC who worked to bring the U.S. into war against Iraq. Since the 2003 war against Iraq was clearly a war of aggression, why are the Kagans and George W. Bush not being prosecuted for conspiring to wage a war of aggression? It is, after all, the mother of all war crimes.

Sources and Recommended Reading:

"Russia’s Channel One show satellite photo evidencing MH17 was downed by fighter jet",, November 14, 2014

News Report on Russia's Channel One, November 14, 2014

"The Downing of MH17 - Is Israel Involved?" by Christopher Bollyn, Updated August 13, 2014

"The Israeli Photo of MH17 - Who is Yaron Mofaz?" by Christopher Bollyn, Updated August 3, 2014
Yep.....You & me both brother.

Russian TV Airs MH17 Shoot-Down Images

November 14, 2014

"We're leading in dealing with Ebola in West Africa and in opposing Russia's aggression against Ukraine, which is a threat to the world, as we saw in the appalling shoot-down of MH17."
- President Barack Obama at Queensland University, November 15, 2014


NOVEMBER 14, 2014 (18:00) - Russian TV1 airs satellite images clearly showing a fighter jet firing a missile at Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, the passenger aircraft that was shot down over Ukraine in July 2014.

As world leaders assembled in Brisbane, Australia, for the G-20 conference, the stage was being set to criticize the Russian leadership for the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 17 last July. Vladimir Putin and Russia have been blamed by corrupt western leaders and the controlled media, without any evidence being presented, for somehow being involved in the downing of the passenger plane as it flew over the war-ravaged Donetsk region.

Now, with perfect timing, Russian TV 1 has broadcast satellite images that apparently show the Malaysian passenger plane being attacked by a fighter jet, which can clearly be seen firing a missile at the plane. If these images are genuine, as they appear to be, they are a "game changer".

As Itar-Tass described the evening news report on TV1:

First, the Boeing came under gun fire and then the cockpit was hit by an air-to-air missile, its right engine and the right wing were hit by a heat-seeking missile.


The evidence certainly seems to indicate that the cockpit of MH17 was attacked by machine gun and/or cannon fire.


This diagram show the location of the fragment seen above.


Yaron Mofaz, a relative of Shaul Mofaz, the former Israeli Chief-of-Staff, took this photo of MH17 at the airport in Amsterdam shortly before it was shot down over Ukraine. Why would a person connected to one of Israel's most senior military officers be taking a photo of the Malaysia Airlines plane before it was shot down?

See: "The Israeli Photo of MH17 - Who is Yaron Mofaz?"
and: "The Downing of MH17 - Is Israel Involved?"

The question as to why the Russians would have taken so long to produce this exculpatory evidence is answered in the Itar-Tass report:

MOSCOW, November 14. /TASS/. Russia’s television Channel One said on Friday it had a photo presumably made by a foreign spy satellite in the last seconds of Malaysia’s MH17 flight over Ukraine.

Channel One showed Ivan Andriyevsky, the first vice president of the Russian Union of Engineers, demonstrating a photo sent by a George Beatle, who had introduced himself as an air traffic controller with a 20-year working record.

According to Beatle, the Malaysian Boeing was shot down by a fighter jet that followed it. First, the Boeing came under gun fire and then the cockpit was hit by an air-to-air missile, its right engine and the right wing were hit by a heat-seeking missile.

The e-mail had an enclosed snapshot of a missile launch from under the fighter’s left wing directed right at the Boeing cockpit.

“We see a space shot made from a low orbit. Such photo shots are typically made in air and ground surveillance purposes,” Andriyevsky said. “Coordinates on the photo hint that it was made by an American or a British satellite. We have thoroughly analyzed this photo to find no signs of fake.”

Here is the image that appears to show a fighter jet firing a missile at the passenger aircraft, which was shown in the Russia 1 news piece:


GAME CHANGER - These images will certainly change the discussion at the G-20, which had planned to attack Putin for his support of the rebels in the Donetsk region, who are fighting against the anti-Russian regime that was installed in Kiev by Victoria Nuland (i.e. Mrs. Robert Kagan) of the U.S. State Department. Victoria Nuland's husband and her Kagan in-laws are well known for being the leaders of the PNAC who worked to bring the U.S. into war against Iraq. Since the 2003 war against Iraq was clearly a war of aggression, why are the Kagans and George W. Bush not being prosecuted for conspiring to wage a war of aggression? It is, after all, the mother of all war crimes.

Sources and Recommended Reading:

"Russia’s Channel One show satellite photo evidencing MH17 was downed by fighter jet",, November 14, 2014

News Report on Russia's Channel One, November 14, 2014

"The Downing of MH17 - Is Israel Involved?" by Christopher Bollyn, Updated August 13, 2014

"The Israeli Photo of MH17 - Who is Yaron Mofaz?" by Christopher Bollyn, Updated August 3, 2014
We all miss @Long Live HFC’s wayward opinions in these parts!
We all miss @Long Live HFC’s wayward opinions in these parts!

As I've always said Leb....Ukranian air traffic control sent that plane to that destination, not the Russians....And they still refuse to release their flight data during that time to this very day.....But you won't hear any of those damning facts on our controlled MSM.....Not a peep.

Ukranian air traffic control sent that flight 14km's off it's regular flight course & 2 km's lower than it's regular altitude.....And that Su14 came from out of Kiev, as the Russians flight data has also proven.

And as James Corbett intimated on his forensic analysis....The flight controller was overheard to say that the military had taken over control of the tower in Kiev at the time.

Check out Chris Bollyn's take on MH370 from the article I've sighted above....He has some rather interesting & new info on that one also, that you may not have come across before.

Chris is a first class journo who does all his own independent investigations.
Has it really now?....LOL

Might want to avail yourself of the facts of the case by watching the vid I've supplied in post 9.....Zero evidence of an air to ground missile strike from the wreckage.

What you are quoting above is nothing other than western MSM propaganda.

Also....chism was referring in his posts to MH370.

Stop embarrassing yourself. Investigators recovered shrapnel from a Buk M1 warhead from the bodies of the technical crew:

The front of the aircraft is battered with shrapnel holes of varying sizes and shapes with the biggest damage up and to the left of the cockpit. That's consistent with a SAM missile exploding just in front of the aircraft and destroying it from fragmentation.

Even your Russian buddies, who first tried to push a ridiculous story about a fighter jet shooting the plane down now have dismissed that joke of a theory and are now claiming the aircraft was shot down by a BUK missile... but it couldn't possibly could have been them of course.

It is an absolute fact that MH17 was destroyed by a BUK M1 missile, stop embarrassing yourself and face facts.

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As I've always said Leb....Ukranian air traffic control sent that plane to that destination, not the Russians....And they still refuse to release their flight data during that time to this very day.....But you won't hear any of those damning facts on our controlled MSM.....Not a peep.

Ukranian air traffic control sent that flight 14km's off it's regular flight course & 2 km's lower than it's regular altitude.....And that Su14 came from out of Kiev, as the Russians flight data has also proven.

And as James Corbett intimated on his forensic analysis....The flight controller was overheard to say that the military had taken over control of the tower in Kiev at the time.

Check out Chris Bollyn's take on MH370 from the article I've sighted above....He has some rather interesting & new info on that one also, that you may not have come across before.

Chris is a first class journo who does all his own independent investigations.

The complete flight path of the flight was publicly tracked on websites such as Flightradar24. Here is a playback of the tracking:

And the diverting of the aircraft is nonsense. It was on its assigned flight plan which was publically available. A quick summary debunking that claim is:

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Oh... he's on ignore. Fancy that!

The video evidence speaks for itself....All else is narrative spin & poppy-****....The Ukrainians have not released their air-space flight-radar data for that day for a very good reason....Because it was they that sent that jumbo over that destination to start with....a point which is both uncontested & irrefutable....It was also they who sent the Su14 to shoot it down, after requesting that it drop 2.5 km's below it's usual cruising altitude.

Facts, not fancy my good man.

Game, set, match snookums.
The video evidence speaks for itself....All else is narrative spin & poppy-****....The Ukrainians have not released their air-space flight-radar data for that day for a very good reason....Because it was they that sent that jumbo over that destination to start with....a point which is both uncontested & irrefutable....It was also they who sent the Su14 to shoot it down, after requesting that it drop 2.5 km's below it's usual cruising altitude.

Facts, not fancy my good man.

Game, set, match snookums.

Oh really. But you haven't yet responded directly to the following...

The complete flight path of the flight was publicly tracked on websites such as Flightradar24. Here is a playback of the tracking:

And the diverting of the aircraft is nonsense. It was on its assigned flight plan which was publically available. A quick summary debunking that claim is:

Has this been proven to be incorrect?
Oh really. But you haven't yet responded directly to the following...

Has this been proven to be incorrect?

Depends....If you trust the Western MSM sources or not....Both sets of Sanctions issued against the Russians have been prefaced upon false pretexts....Kerry got on the front foot in saying they have direct satellite footage of a SUK ground to air missile hitting that plane....No evidence to back that immediate claim has been put forward since....Yet more fabrications on the part of the Yanks....Just like 12 facebook memes does not an election hack make!

But wait a minute, I hear you ask, Shouldn't those sanctions now be withdrawn & an apology issued over all the false claims that went along with it?

No, no, you are right....Those would be the actions of an honorable & just administration, rather a criminal, lying & duplicitous one.

Stop swallowing all the yankee BS....It doesn't get any more obvious.
Do western MSM sources ever speak any truth about anything?

If the claims are completely false, why isn't Russia making more of an effort to expose this?

Depends....If you trust the Western MSM sources or not....Both sets of Sanctions issued against the Russians have been prefaced upon false pretexts....Kerry got on the front foot in saying they have direct satellite footage of a SUK ground to air missile hitting that plane....No evidence to back that immediate claim has been put forward since....Yet more fabrications on the part of the Yanks....Just like 12 facebook memes does not an election hack make!

But wait a minute, I hear you ask, Shouldn't those sanctions now be withdrawn & an apology issued over all the false claims that went along with it?

No, no, you are right....Those would be the actions of an honorable & just administration, rather a criminal, lying & duplicitous one.

Stop swallowing all the yankee BS....It doesn't get any more obvious.
Do western MSM sources ever speak any truth about anything?

If the claims are completely false, why isn't Russia making more of an effort to expose this?

In case you came down in the last shower, certain elements maintain a stranglehold on all Western MSM.....A deliberate ploy that was enacted & completed prior to 9/11 going down.
In case you came down in the last shower, certain elements maintain a stranglehold on all Western MSM.....A deliberate ploy that was enacted & completed prior to 9/11 going down.

Why can't you just answer the question - why did you claim there was no flight tracking when that absolutely is not the case with irrefutable evidence not sourced by the "MSM" cited above?

There are very good reasons for sanctions against Russia. Providing support to the rebels with a surface to air missile unofficially was appalling behaviour by Russia. They knew the airspace was busy with commercial flights and they sent in a surface to air missile battery unofficially which meant there was no coordination with air traffic control to prevent an accidental shootdown. If the US did the same you'd be going absolutely nuts about it.

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