Family & Relationships Mail Order Brides

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Premiership Player
Feb 18, 2011
AFL Club
Just watching luis theroux episode on blokes going to thailand to 'pick them up'. Assumption but i assume they were massive in Aus in the 60's-80's and there would still be the odd ones going around here today. Anyone got a story of knowing someone who has engaged with a mail order bride or had a similar experience?
I used to work in a hotel. A lot of the housekeepers were mail order brides who moved here to be with their Australian husbands. They worked their arses off all day and then had to go home and cook and do everything around the house. They were still happier than they would have been in their home countries though. They were proud of being able to send back food and money to their families.

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When I drive through a one horse town and theres a good Thai restaurant in it I thank mail order brides.
3 guys in my town have them a Thai a Russian and Filipino.
The Filipinos husband died but the other 2 couples seem happy
A guy I worked with has had 2, first was asian, wouldnt sleep in the same bed as him and ended up cleaning him out, took half the house and everything. So old mate decided to go Russian with wifey #2. They now have a kid and all seems ok apart from he has like a $500k mortgage and is close to 60. In another workplace there was filipino girls working there, most were older in their 40's and 50's and were brides to much older blokes, I think most were waiting for the hubby to die, they would happily admit they didnt marry for love but its better than life in a 3rd world country.
Filipinos are popular these days. Its not mail order but sort of the same thing. 2 of my neighbours have them. 1 was an old guy probably in his 70s and eventually she left him. The other guy treats his like shit. Funny thing was after the first guy lost his partner he went to the other neighbour and asked if he could bring back another one. Ended up being a big argument when he didnt do it.
Spend some time at the local casino during the day and you can guarantee there are plenty there gambling their husband's money !! I worked with a guy who had brought back a bride from the Philippines, who then set about bringing all her family over to live. Her and her mum spent all his money at the cas and sent him broke. He flicked her, and then went back to find another one. Absolute sucker for punishment !!
Filipinos are popular these days. Its not mail order but sort of the same thing. 2 of my neighbours have them. 1 was an old guy probably in his 70s and eventually she left him. The other guy treats his like shit. Funny thing was after the first guy lost his partner he went to the other neighbour and asked if he could bring back another one. Ended up being a big argument when he didnt do it.
Filipinos are very loyal,from what I'm been told.
I say good on the blokes who go after these usually younger girls. I know most of them ended up there because their Australian wife nagged the **** out of them and took half their shit anyway - so why not go for a younger more attractive girl, even if she takes your shit again at least you have a bit of fun in the meantime. Both parties are at least gaining something (money/citizenship and sex/companionship).
I say good on the blokes who go after these usually younger girls. I know most of them ended up there because their Australian wife nagged the **** out of them and took half their shit anyway - so why not go for a younger more attractive girl, even if she takes your shit again at least you have a bit of fun in the meantime. Both parties are at least gaining something (money/citizenship and sex/companionship).
Pretty much agree with that!
I work in mining and have done for a decade & work with several blokes who have the "male order bride" Thai, Russian what ever takes their fancy!
Most of those blokes have been taken to the cleaners by their former partners

We live in a society where dudes date other dudes. For some reason I'll never understand! women date other women & im obsessed with female euro backpackers!
Who cares weather you agree with it what ever makes people happy!

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the majority of Asian male order brides in Australia are basically legalised slavery,some old fat ugly bloke gets a young slim hotty half his age, in their country thy have to sleep with ten blokes a night and get paid not much, over here they only have to sleep with one bloke and set themselves up for life, from what ive seen they fall into two catagories: the ones that come over here send all hubbys money over to family overseas and gamble the rest away and those that hook up with a really old guy and are content to wait until he falls off the perch and inherit his dough, there are some true romances but the majority are just business deals where domestic violence is very common
Know of a lot of guys who have married Internationally. Either meeting when either party was on holiday etc.

As to the Mail Order Bride - Does that still exist? Or more dudes go over and specifically look to seek a partner of a certain background?

Don't know. In cases I can see the potential for exploitation and misery on both sides.

However provided no party is forced each person is getting something they want.
A man with no hope of ever attracting anyone else gets a wife.
A woman in absolute poverty gets a shot at Western Society, can send money back, get a divorce or wait for an old guy to die off.

They were still happier than they would have been in their home countries though. They were proud of being able to send back food and money to their families.

so why not go for a younger more attractive girl, even if she takes your shit again at least you have a bit of fun in the meantime. Both parties are at least gaining something (money/citizenship and sex/companionship).

Agree with the above posts, especially the bold. We live in a far from ideal world. Some really really struggle through poverty, loneliness, unemployment, divorce, you get the picture. Now I don't think either party is stupid or naive (if fully consenting that is) they know what they are doing and making an informed trade off. As said above aren't they happier than they otherwise would be? Isn't life to a degree a series of compromises and trade offs anyway?
the majority of Asian male order brides in Australia are basically legalised slavery,some old fat ugly bloke gets a young slim hotty half his age, in their country thy have to sleep with ten blokes a night and get paid not much, over here they only have to sleep with one bloke and set themselves up for life, from what ive seen they fall into two catagories: the ones that come over here send all hubbys money over to family overseas and gamble the rest away and those that hook up with a really old guy and are content to wait until he falls off the perch and inherit his dough, there are some true romances but the majority are just business deals where domestic violence is very common
Strong content to user name ratio
Feeling some cross-over with the old mongering thread.

Replace what you can afford with what you can attract and it is basically the same thing.

Then again what about couples who pay an impoverished 18 yo $10000 in surrogacy fees to get pregnant. Isn't that the same thing? People want something badly enough there will always be a market crop up.
Pretty much agree with that!
I work in mining and have done for a decade & work with several blokes who have the "male order bride" Thai, Russian what ever takes their fancy!
Most of those blokes have been taken to the cleaners by their former partners

We live in a society where dudes date other dudes. For some reason I'll never understand! women date other women & im obsessed with female euro backpackers!
Who cares weather you agree with it what ever makes people happy!
They're gay:huh:
Heaps and heaps of old chaps I've come across with have mail order brides. I remember one bloke who had gone through three divorces finally go overseas and get himself a Thai girl.

Bloke is almost 70ish and the Sheila he married now would be in her late 30s.

On iPhone using mobile app
Heaps and heaps of old chaps I've come across with have mail order brides. I remember one bloke who had gone through three divorces finally go overseas and get himself a Thai girl.

Bloke is almost 70ish and the Sheila he married now would be in her late 30s.

On iPhone using mobile app

Saw lots of this at work. Blokes pushing mid/late 70's with early 20's stunners.

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