Moved Thread James Hird - is it time to give him a second chance at coaching an AFL club? Gil says yes! - The PEDs Forum Version

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Perhaps combined with some rebranding? "Essendon Injectors" perhaps?

New club logo:

Perhaps combined with some rebranding? "Essendon Injectors" perhaps?

New club logo:


Jeez you lot a a bunch of infantile babies rambling on with your imaginary detailed insights into the inner workings of the EFC

I pray Hirdy gets back in just so you can all freak out and run around in circles screaming hysterically in outrage

It’s gunna kill most of you


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Hearing a snippet of Hird saying “I still don’t think the players took anything illegal” from whatever it was, maybe Howies pod reminded me why I dislike the bloke. The constant pretending like he doesn’t know, as if he wasn’t in regular communications with Dank and there weren’t spreadsheets that magically disappeared and all the other BS. His voice always softens as well when he states that like a little kid who knows they’ve been caught in a lie but is sticking to their story.

I reckon most people had moved on and were happy to forget about it all since ultimately him and the players and the club all paid the punishment. But if he was thrust into the limelight again he’ll get grilled regularly as long as he continues his staunch Not Guilty stance with people wanting to poke holes in his flimsy story and it’ll all be brought to the surface again which wouldn’t be fair on anyone involved and their families.

He really could’ve just stayed relatively anonymous being an assistant at GWS and rebuilding a footy career but he has the gall to want to do this and Essendon have the stupidity to enable him.
Lol that is so *ed. Don’t know why I’m surprised. Further confirms my very low opinion of Whately - he makes out like he’s an intellectual and moral voice, but he’s a little grub who’s none too smart or mor

Lol that is so *ed. Don’t know why I’m surprised. Further confirms my very low opinion of Whately - he makes out like he’s an intellectual and moral voice, but he’s a little grub who’s none too smart or moral
They were all in on it, but from what I heard Robbo and Chip Le Grande were the main two running the PR campaign. The Head of News was a massive Essendon supporter and financial contributor - they were going hard to try and spin it and seemed to have an open cheque book to pay.
You know why the media are pushing for Hird to coach Essendon because if it goes **** up they have infinite amount of headlines to trash Essendon and Hird.

Media are scum and i hope the club dosen't hire Hird
Slobbo isn't in that boat. He's got countless of redemption story templates, already written in his spare time, that just need a date put to the heading.

He's invited James over to read through some of them, but Slobbo hasn't cottoned onto the fact that Hird only uses him to get his views out there.

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To put it simply, Essendon cheated via the use of PED's. You can dispute that all you like but the facts are the AFL, WADA/ASADA and the courts all rules against Hird and Essendon.

And in sport, if there is one thing most people hate, its a cheat. People had moved on but if Hird comes back it will only re-open Essendon for the kind of attention no club wants.

Essendon is a cult, what I find hilarious in all of this is that the one time in my life they had success they went out and got a good young coach in Sheedy and now they are fixated on insiders like Hird and cannot move on.
I wonder what on earth could have assisted such a strong start to the season, quickly followed by an enormous amount of soft tissue injuries 🧐 🧐

if only the TB4 we took actually worked right?

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Who says it didn't?

I will need concrete proof that it didn't affect players' performance.

TB4's purpose is to prevent soft tissue injuries and assist in recovery.

The fact we had so many of them would say it didn't work rofl.
TB4's purpose is to prevent soft tissue injuries and assist in recovery.

The fact we had so many of them would say it didn't work rofl.

Sounds circumstantial. Unacceptable. Concrete proof plz.
Sounds circumstantial. Unacceptable. Concrete proof plz.

not really. you can literally google what TB4 does..... its entire purpose is to increase recovery rates of muscle & tissue cells and assist in preventing soft tissue injuries. So, the fact we had half the team out with soft tissue injuries in 2012 suggest that TB4 was either a complete waste of time, or we got a bad batch of it.


I know you'd like to think Essendon took some kind of banned human growth hormone and the team somehow turned into a bunch of X-Men mutants with special powers, but that just is not correct.
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not really. you can literally google what TB4 does..... its entire purpose is to increase recovery rates of muscle & tissue cells and assist in preventing soft tissue injuries. So, the fact we had half the team out with soft tissue injuries in 2012 suggest that TB4 was either a complete waste of time, or we got a bad batch of it.

View attachment 1509125

I know you'd like to think Essendon took some kind of banned human growth hormone and the team somehow turned into a bunch of X-Men mutants with special powers, but that just is not correct.

Is it? The club would have records of what was injected into players to prove it wasn't HGH then would they? Or was it all in Dean Wallis' MSpaint spreadsheet that conveniently fell into the shredder.
not really. you can literally google what TB4 does..... its entire purpose is to increase recovery rates of muscle & tissue cells and assist in preventing soft tissue injuries. So, the fact we had half the team out with soft tissue injuries in 2012 suggest that TB4 was either a complete waste of time, or we got a bad batch of it.

View attachment 1509125

I know you'd like to think Essendon took some kind of banned human growth hormone and the team somehow turned into a bunch of X-Men mutants with special powers, but that just is not correct.

Did you really just take a snap of a Wiki page and insinuate that is proof?

Did you really just take a snap of a Wiki page and insinuate that is proof?

"ohF Y AreeE JoUst rEfEriNCinG Wiki Druurrrr" lol scroll down to the references.

the WIKI page references sources including medical journals and trials. You are most welcome to go look at them rofl. That is if you really want to see the proof, or you would rather just blindly keep shit kicking, which is what we both know you are doing.

Just because its a wiki page means nothing if its referenced and sourced correctly.

I had a look at a few of these back in the day when i had no ****in idea what TB4 was. Pretty insightful if you take the time to look at it.

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Is it? The club would have records of what was injected into players to prove it wasn't HGH then would they? Or was it all in Dean Wallis' MSpaint spreadsheet that conveniently fell into the shredder.

They were proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have taken TB4 by WADA and CO. Nothing else.

So until its proven otherwise, they didn't take any HGH.

Dont forget at the time this was all occurring Essendon were getting blood tests by ASADA, all of which showed zero banned substances. So the accusation they took a banned HGH and somehow evaded ASADA blood testing is quite absurd.

but believe what you want lol. Though i am certainly not the one speculating.
It was banned.

You can't take something that is banned then make the case that you should be let off because it didn't work.

Attempted murder and all that.
It was banned.

You can't take something that is banned then make the case that you should be let off because it didn't work.

Attempted murder and all that.

Ummm Wtf? When did i say they should be let off? i did not say that. You didn't even quote my full post haha. What a gee up.

I'm simply saying TB4 didn't work. I did not say they should not have been banned for taking TB4.

I have no issues with them being banned for taking TB4 if they were proven to have taken it beyond a reasonable doubt, the suggestion or inference they took a HGH though is laughable, when it was never been proven in the slightest.

You think if we had the slightest chance of taking a HGH WADA would have only gone after us for TB4?

just laughable
It was banned.

You can't take something that is banned then make the case that you should be let off because it didn't work.

Attempted murder and all that.

Could have quoted the rest of the words that followed it. Low grade trolling effort, I give you 1 out of 10.

banned human growth hormone
Could have quoted the rest of the words that followed it. Low grade trolling effort, I give you 1 out of 10.

wat can you do? When the bloody admins aren't even quoting you correctly in order to support a false narrative what chance the rest of the mob mentally have on here.

oh remember though there's a beyond blue post on the main thread, just so you know we care about mental health.

fukin joke.

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