Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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In South Africa there were always vastly more African's than whites.
That was very obviously why it happened.

In Israel, there are more Israeli's , they will vote ...democratically to opress the Non-Israeli's.
If it was the reverse , the Palestinians would vote to repress the Jews.

In a case like this, Democracy is simply an indicator of the masses.

If people in a democracy have an overwhelming vote to be apartheid , then its democratic.
They aren't mutually exclusive.

Pretty narrow definition of democracy. It is more than just voting.
Democracy is a better system than dictatorial tyranny, but there should be limits as to what 'the People' can will into being via the ballot box. Human rights in a universal sense should always and forever outrank the will of the majority.

If a democratic majority ever votes to remove or degrade human rights for minority segments of society then that democratic wish needs to be blocked. Indeed, parties who seek to take rights away should be barred from the political process entirely. Those that gain power and then go about removing rights should be removed from office even if they/their party got 90% of the popular vote.

There should be no compromise on this. Human rights matter MORE than democracy. Always and forever.

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Democracy is a better system than dictatorial tyranny, but there should be limits as to what 'the People' can will into being via the ballot box. Human rights in a universal sense should always and forever outrank the will of the majority.

If a democratic majority ever votes to remove or degrade human rights for minority segments of society then that democratic wish needs to be blocked. Indeed, parties who seek to take rights away should be barred from the political process entirely. Those that gain power and then go about removing rights should be removed from office even if they/their party got 90% of the popular vote.

There should be no compromise on this. Human rights matter MORE than democracy. Always and forever.

A great constitution is important and do all your discrimination business at immigration entry. That’s about all you can do.
God save the king.
You could make the same illustration on Americas response to the Japanese following pearl harbour or the allied world war 2 response or americas response to 9-11.

That doesn't justify it or make it OK.

If you think it does, then you should have no complaints about what Hamas did October 7.
Why use the term Zionist ? Everyone is suddenly an expert on Judaism. Why not say Israel’s intention is annihilation. Israel is doing all this as a government.
Do you just want to say a nasty word ?
Because Zionists in Australia try to conflate Israel with Judaism. Not all Israelis support the Genocide. Not all Jews support Israel or Zionism.

People need to draw clear distinctions otherwise we have people calling everybody anti-semites if they say Israeli instead of Zionist.
Because Zionists in Australia try to conflate Israel with Judaism. Not all Israelis support the Genocide. Not all Jews support Israel or Zionism.

People need to draw clear distinctions otherwise we have people calling everybody anti-semites if they say Israeli instead of Zionist.

Based on this, there was plenty of Jewish opposition to Zionists right from the beginning of the modern Zionist movement.

The state of Israel attracted radicals to Israel, just like Syria and Isis attracted radicals from around the world.
They've been allowed to live there and fester.
That doesn't justify it or make it OK.

If you think it does, then you should have no complaints about what Hamas did October 7.
My complaint is that Israel is being supported by us westerners to drop bombs on cities in Gaza.
We don't know how many Hamas those air strikes have killed but it's killed 30k people according to Netanuhu.
How many people who support Israel think that's OK?

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Democracy is a better system than dictatorial tyranny, but there should be limits as to what 'the People' can will into being via the ballot box. Human rights in a universal sense should always and forever outrank the will of the majority.

If a democratic majority ever votes to remove or degrade human rights for minority segments of society then that democratic wish needs to be blocked. Indeed, parties who seek to take rights away should be barred from the political process entirely. Those that gain power and then go about removing rights should be removed from office even if they/their party got 90% of the popular vote.

There should be no compromise on this. Human rights matter MORE than democracy. Always and forever.

Former High Court judge Michael Kirby was always a strong supporter of adopting a method of statutory interpretation that considers human rights as part of the interpretation process.
From memory, Victoria is the only state that sort of adopts that approach.
The problem it creates is that we don't even have a 'bill of rights' in Australia.
So the argument goes that we would be putting our legislative powers in the hands of someone else (like the UN), who creates these human rights.

The big problem is that there is huge political mileage for anyone who wants to exploit xenophobia.
If people are given universal human rights, then we can't exclude them at the border.
Based on this, there was plenty of Jewish opposition to Zionists right from the beginning of the modern Zionist movement.

The state of Israel attracted radicals to Israel, just like Syria and Isis attracted radicals from around the world.
They've been allowed to live there and fester.
Not just fester, but take over and steer the country towards fascism.

It's those leaders who desperately try to link Zionism and Israel to Judaism as a whole. So they can disguise their fascism and white supremacy as religious "freedom".
Not just fester, but take over and steer the country towards fascism.

It's those leaders who desperately try to link Zionism and Israel to Judaism as a whole. So they can disguise their fascism and white supremacy as religious "freedom".

aka criticism of Israel is ANTI SEMITIC because you definitely can't criticise a nation state for their shitty decisions
venal propaganda is another way of weaponising terrorism. these peeps are as perilous as the zionists who make the decisions to kill and maim.

on the other hand israelis who, to paraphrase edward kennedy's eulogy to his brother

they see wrong and try to right it, see suffering and try to heal it, see war and try to stop it

may their god love ‘em
Because Zionists in Australia try to conflate Israel with Judaism. Not all Israelis support the Genocide. Not all Jews support Israel or Zionism.

People need to draw clear distinctions otherwise we have people calling everybody anti-semites if they say Israeli instead of Zionist.

Not all zionists support Israel's apartheid, either.

Please look up the actual definition of zionism instead of just echoing a word you've heard used recently.
Why use the term Zionist ? Everyone is suddenly an expert on Judaism. Why not say Israel’s intention is annihilation. Israel is doing all this as a government.
Do you just want to say a nasty word ?
bc zionism is the political arm of judaism and from where the terrorism comes.
You could make the same illustration on Americas response to the Japanese following pearl harbour or the allied world war 2 response or americas response to 9-11.
Just three quasi fascists state chilling out. Imperial Japan, the US, and Israel........wait, is that your point?

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