Is the UK monarchy hastening its downfall through PR stupidity?

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30k Posts 10k Posts HBF's Milk Crate - 70k Posts TheBrownDog
Sep 13, 2000
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Maybe they have no perspective without Phillips influence. They WILL lose this PR stoush with Megan Markle

Raising the attack while the woman is pregnant for a second time? priceless

Archaic and Toxic. Probably the best descriptions going around. Harry himself said “The Crown” pretty much represents the vibe
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The British monarchy has survived far worst crises than this. This is small fry and while it's obvious republicans will be talking up the seriousness of it all, to further drive their agenda, the reality is the monarchy will emerge relatively unscathed. Even now there are doubts being placed on some of the allegations made.

What in fact do we have in terms of the allegations?
- Archie wasnt given the title of prince. (See the patent letters of George V to see why) and subsequent protection.
- Meaghan was told by her husband that there were comments by a royal about how dark the skin colour of their son might be.
- The Duchess of Sussex had suicidal thoughts and claimed that she was denied help for mental health

The British monarchy is in the throes of being slimmed down to Prince Charles' immediate family and while Harry and Meaghan were originally part of that plan, the focus will be further narrowed to Prince William and his family.

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The British monarchy has survived far worst crises than this. This is small fry and while it's obvious republicans will be talking up the seriousness of it all, to further drive their agenda, the reality is the monarchy will emerge relatively unscathed. Even now there are doubts being placed on some of the allegations made.

What in fact do we have in terms of the allegations?
- Archie wasnt given the title of prince. (See the patent letters of George V to see why) and subsequent protection.
- Meaghan was told by her husband that there were comments by a royal about how dark the skin colour of their son might be.
- The Duchess of Sussex had suicidal thoughts and claimed that she was denied help for mental health

The British monarchy is in the throes of being slimmed down to Prince Charles' immediate family and while Harry and Meaghan were originally part of that plan, the focus will be further narrowed to Prince William and his family.

Harry and Meghan were there till Williams brood is put in the window (read Margaret, Anne - thats 'slimming down' Most people cant see what the families' problem with Harrys bringing it forward.

It was not a surprise or shock

Was he supposed to put up with it until hes fat and boring and less able to make the change? For mine the question is how a family/firm with so much financial clout cant learn.

But then I remember they are british family and its inevitable. I'm predicting courtiers heads will roll, Its been a trainwreck from that side
Harry and Meghan were there till Williams brood is put in the window (read Margaret, Anne - thats 'slimming down' Most people cant see what the families' problem with Harrys bringing it forward.

Who says the 'family' has a problem with it?

For mine the question is how a family/firm with so much financial clout cant learn.

Can't learn what?

Its been a trainwreck from that side

No it hasn't. That's hyperbole.
But then I remember they are british family and its inevitable. I'm predicting courtiers heads will roll, Its been a trainwreck from that side

Yeah a trainwreck from all those involved in the bullying allegations by you know who who cant publicly defend themselves.

How many staff resigned due to her tantrums???
Yeah a trainwreck from all those involved in the bullying allegations by you know who who cant publicly defend themselves.

How many staff resigned due to her tantrums???

Bullying in royal households? I’m sure that’s never happened ever
Maybe they have no perspective without Phillips influence. They WILL lose this PR stoush with Megan Markle

Raising the attack while the woman is pregnant for a second time? priceless

Archaic and Toxic. Probably the best descriptions going around. Harry himself said “The Crown” pretty much represents the vibe

Monarchy has a brand problem: Queen Elizabeth is the whole brand. Mystique is in the crapper when she dies.
Monarchy has a brand problem: Queen Elizabeth is the whole brand. Mystique is in the crapper when she dies.

There's an important distinction between the Royal Family as a collection of individuals and the Crown, which is bigger than any one natural person.
There's an important distinction between the Royal Family as a collection of individuals and the Crown, which is bigger than any one natural person.

Queen Elizabeth and "the Crown" is essentially the same thing for everyone born after World War II (i.e. most people alive today). Charles has no chance of replicating what twentysomething mum did in the 1950s.
Queen Elizabeth and "the Crown" is essentially the same thing for everyone born after World War II (i.e. most people alive today). Charles has no chance of replicating what twentysomething mum did in the 1950s.

Replicating what exactly?

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Mystique. People don't know anything about her.

They do actually and have done since the Windsors commissioned a 105-minute documentary called Royal Family to coincide with Prince Charles‘ investiture as the Prince of Wales in 1969 which was released to celebrate the milestone.

As I said the Crown is bigger than any one natural person regardless of whether Queen Elizabeth holds the office or not.

The moment Queen Elizabeth dies, Prince Charles automatically becomes the new King. The Queen's death and subsequent funeral will be a massive media event that will rival or surpass that of Diana's. Following that, there will a be a succession of royal events that will be watched by the world. The coronation of Charles III (George VII) will be the first. William automatically becomes the Duke of Cornwall on his grandmother's death and will likely be followed swiftly by his appointment and investiture as Prince of Wales. This will no doubt be followed by tours of the Commonwealth nations by one or both with wives and family in tow.

It will all be covered extensively by the Australian (and world media) and may well have the net effect of helping to maintain and even increase the monarchy's popularity in Australia. Then of course George, Charlotte and Louis will become the darlings of women's magazines with extensive coverage of their lives by the papers as they mature into adulthood.
They do actually and have done since the Windsors commissioned a 105-minute documentary called Royal Family to coincide with Prince Charles‘ investiture as the Prince of Wales in 1969 which was released to celebrate the milestone.

As I said the Crown is bigger than any one natural person regardless of whether Queen Elizabeth holds the office or not.

The moment Queen Elizabeth dies, Prince Charles automatically becomes the new King. The Queen's death and subsequent funeral will be a massive media event that will rival or surpass that of Diana's. Following that, there will a be a succession of royal events that will be watched by the world. The coronation of Charles III (George VII) will be the first. William automatically becomes the Duke of Cornwall on his grandmother's death and will likely be followed swiftly by his appointment and investiture as Prince of Wales. This will no doubt be followed by tours of the Commonwealth nations by one or both with wives and family in tow.

It will all be covered extensively by the Australian (and world media) and may well have the net effect of helping to maintain and even increase the monarchy's popularity in Australia. Then of course George, Charlotte and Louis will become the darlings of women's magazines with extensive coverage of their lives by the papers as they mature into adulthood.

What people know about Charles: Crap husband, philanderer, pissed off his wife enough for her to openly talk to the media about his cheating, wife died partly because of media focus, forced his kids to walk behind dead mother's body for the media, alienated his son enough for him to quit Britain and move 8 time zones away, possibly pissed off his daughter-in-law because she was black and had a life before meeting the son, sends stupid letters to government ministers who are obliged to respond, tries to arseh*le people who live on his properties through government influence, is a very old man who won't change.

What people know about Queen Elizabeth: Um.... she wears hats... sometimes they're blue... sometimes purple... got the throne before people were born

Do you see what I mean by mystique? Or do you genuinely believe one funeral will do-ever the collective memory of millions of people?

Edit: "women's magazines" You know that industry is in something resembling terminal decline...
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What people know about Charles: Crap husband, philanderer,

So was Edward VII. As Prince of Wales Edward had his reputation as a playboy prince with numerous affairs and he didn't get on with his mother the Queen. He had affairs with actress Lillie Langtry; Lady Randolph Churchill, Daisy Greville, Countess of Warwick; actress Sarah Bernhardt; noblewoman Lady Susan Vane-Tempest; singer Hortense Schneider; prostitute Giulia Beneni (known as "La Barucci"); wealthy humanitarian Agnes Keyser; and Alice Keppel.

So? As king he was lauded as "Peacemaker"

wife died partly because of media focus,

Yes and...?

forced his kids to walk behind dead mother's body for the media,

Harry has said that he didn’t know whether the decision to ask them to follow Diana’s cortege was right or wrong but that, in hindsight, he was "very glad' he had taken part. Harry also praised his father, the Prince of Wales, for the way he had cared for him and his brother at that time. Both Harry and William confirmed that the decision for them to take part in the procession was one made as a family.

alienated his son enough for him to quit Britain and move continents, possibly pissed off his daughter-in-law because she was black and had a life before meeting the son,

Please. :rollyes: All of that is speculation.

sends stupid letters to government ministers who are obliged to respond,

Stupid letters about farming, genetic modification, global warming, social deprivation, planning and architecture? Why shouldn't he take an interest in British life especially those of public concern?

tries to arseh*le people who live on his properties through government influence,

Tenants certainly cannot buy their homes on Duchy of Cornwall estates, which are personally owned by the Duke.


is a very old man who won't change.

Change to what?

As Prince of Wales, Charles can act with far more freedom than he can as monarch.

He said as much in November 2018 when interviewed on the occasion of his 70th birthday.

“You can’t be the same as the sovereign if you’re the Prince of Wales or the heir. But the idea somehow that I’m going to go on in exactly the same way if I have to succeed, is complete nonsense because the two situations are completely different.

“You only have to look at Shakespeare plays, Henry V or Henry IV part I and 2, to see the change that can take place. Because if you become the sovereign then you play the role in the way that it is expected.

“So, clearly I won’t be able to do the same things I’ve done as heir. So, of course, you operate within the constitutional parameters. But it’s a different function. I think people have forgotten that the two are very different.

"I’m not that stupid. I do realise that it is a separate exercise being sovereign. So, of course, you know, I understand entirely how that should operate."

What people know about Queen Elizabeth: um.... she wears hats... sometimes they're blue... sometimes purple... got the throne before people were born

Oh please. We now plenty about her. Her main leisure interests include horse racing and photography. She loves dogs, drinks gin and champagne, is a talented mimic and has a sense of quirky humour. She speaks English and French fluently. She doesnt have a driver's licence. We even know what she likes for breakfast. We also know what her personal fortune is - about $410 million.

Do you see what I mean by "mystique"?

You don't know much about her.
You're off with 'world tour after the funeral will be awesome'. Everyone who lives above the poverty line goes overseas and sees their friends doing it (when there isn't a pandemic). It's not the perception-changing event you think it is. And drop the young William, young George act. You know they're going to be old men when they take over.
You're off with 'world tour after the funeral will be awesome'

Royal funerals, coronations, investitures. Maassive media events that will be watched by the world. If there's one thing the British do well its pomp and pageantry.

It's not the perception-changing event you think it is. And drop the young William, young George act. You know they're going to be old men when they take over.

They are a long lived and healthy family it is true. Must be all that inbreeding.
So was Edward VII. As Prince of Wales Edward had his reputation as a playboy prince with numerous affairs and he didn't get on with his mother the Queen. He had affairs with actress Lillie Langtry; Lady Randolph Churchill, Daisy Greville, Countess of Warwick; actress Sarah Bernhardt; noblewoman Lady Susan Vane-Tempest; singer Hortense Schneider; prostitute Giulia Beneni (known as "La Barucci"); wealthy humanitarian Agnes Keyser; and Alice Keppel.

UK and British Empire media didn't report this (probably because government threatened them). People didn't know it wasn't sunshine lollipops until it was announced he was quitting being king.
UK and British Empire media didn't report this (probably because government threatened them).

:rolleyes: Of course.

People didn't know it wasn't sunshine lollipops until it was announced he was quitting being king.

Quitting being king? I was referring to Edward VII (who famously and publicly did not get on with his mother the Queen, who blamed him for his father's death). Not Edward VIII.

Albert Edward the Prince of Wales was a well known philanderer with possibly up to fifty-five liaisons in his time as Prince of Wales, most of which occurred when he was married.
People might be underselling Will and Kate - they are quite a modern couple. They seem pretty normal. They work hard. They are intelligent. They will presumably steer a more reasonable course going forward-have no doubt they, along with Charles, will make it a bit less traditional, a bit less removed. Can’t see any reason it can’t continue in something of an altered fashion after the queen has gone.
That's the now picture. Not how it will look in 2050.

It'll be Prince George and his wife. In 2050 he'll be the about same age as William is now. 37-38. Most likely Duke of Cornwall and Prince of Wales, unless Charles is still alive at 102.

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