Roast I’m a footballer so people shouldn’t criticise me

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I’m going to start moving posts to SRP threads, I know its a blurry line but this board in an AFL one so keep your posts (somehow) related to footy and players. Sorry if the threads get messed up a bit but it is what it is.

Cheers and thanks

Ok I’ve done my best with one eye closed, please use the report button on anything that should be moved to SRP or crosses lines, it helps alot.
There ARE threads over there for Jordan Peterson, transgender, toxic masculinity…whatever your black heart desires.
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To actually throw some referenced material into this mix, let's highlight some of Peterson's greatest faux pars:

Peterson believes that order is masculine and chaos is feminine, and that these are inherent to human existence.[15] To Peterson, culture is "symbolically, archetypally, mythically male," while "chaos—the unknown—is symbolically associated with the feminine." He has expressed that while it may be considered "unfortunate" that this is the case, any attempt to change or subvert these traits would result in a loss of humanity, saying,

"You know you can say, 'Well isn't it unfortunate that chaos is represented by the feminine'—well, it might be unfortunate, but it doesn't matter because that is how it's represented. ... And there are reasons for it. You can't change it. It's not possible. This is underneath everything. If you change those basic categories, people wouldn't be human anymore. ... We wouldn't be able to talk to these new creatures."[15][150]


Peterson doubts the scientific consensus on climate change,[13][105] saying he is "very skeptical of the models that are used to predict climate change",[182] and that "you can't trust the data because too much ideology is involved".[83][105] Appearing on The Joe Rogan Experience in 2022, Peterson claimed that "there is no such thing as climate" and questioned the accuracy of climate modeling. Climate scientists accused Peterson of being "stunningly ignorant" and of confusing weather forecasting with climate modeling.[92][183][184][185] In response to various criticisms, Peterson cited climate change denier Fred Singer as a source.[186] Peterson also defended "automotive freedom" and claimed that excess carbon dioxide is beneficial to the world.[187]


This one particularly pisses me off, as it was my thesis major, and Sociologists are some of the most important people when it comes to breakdown of structures within our society and understanding why things are the way they are - and more importantly how to fix them:

Peterson has argued that "disciplines like women's studies should be defunded", advising freshman students to avoid subjects such as sociology, anthropology, English literature, ethnic studies, and racial studies, as well as other fields of study that he believes are corrupted by "post-modern neo-Marxists".[128][129][130] He believes these fields propagate cult-like behaviour and safe-spaces, under the pretense of academic inquiry.[129][128]


On 29 June 2022, Peterson's Twitter account was suspended under the site's "hateful conduct policy" after posting a tweet misgendering and deadnaming transgender actor Elliot Page.[93][94] Peterson said he was notified that he would be required to delete the tweet in order to restore access to his account, which he said he "would rather die than do".[95][93] YouTube has demonetized two of Peterson's videos, one about his Twitter suspension and another video where he said gender-affirming care was "Nazi medical experiment-level wrong."[96] Peterson's Twitter account was restored in November 2022 after Elon Musk acquired the company.[97]


Yeah Reilly, such a great long as you're white, male and masculine, don't believe in climate change or gender identity or don't respect social sciences. Yeah god forbid people call you out for not just sharing a photo, but pissing and moaning about not being able to share your views about how 'great' this man supposedly is...when he's offended/alienated anyone who doesn't align with his 20th century beliefs.

Cry me a river bud. :rolleyes:
Mysogonist or simply old school? Im tipping he believes the woman should cook dinner evert night, do his washing as well. Dive deeper into what is said and he makes some relative points from yesteryear that people into todays equality society don't want you to believe.

As for what he has done, or does. IF I said I do hard drugs but make very valid points re financials, does that simply discredit what I suggest? of course not. That is up to you to decipher the bullshit from the relatives.
Old school attitudes towards women are misogynistic. This is really basic stuff.
I have listened to them both extensively and have now lost time that I will never get back.
For a while in my teens I believed what these people said, then I stopped, watched a couple right-wing grift videos and remembered why I have not looked back at all.
I consider myself left leaning.
I was even the stay at home Dad so my wife could go back to work after our kids were born (progressive, I know!).

Despite this, and his book being overrated garbage, I actually enjoy Peterson for the most part. I don't consider any of his viewpoints to be dangerous, which can't be said for figures like Trump or Alex Jones. He's actually pretty misunderstood and opponents of him generally haven't done enough research into his 'controversial' takes. They see a grab or a headline and instantly use that as the basis for their outrage.

Good on ROB for sharing a photo of his experience meeting somebody he respects. As a species we should be far more open to respectfully discussing differences of opinion than simply demanding people remove things because we don't like it.
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I'm pretty strongly left leaning but I've watched a fair bit of Peterson's stuff, just like I have watched a lot of Trump, Ben Shapiro, Fox News, even Alex Jones... It is important to see a spectrum of views.

I disagree with most of what he says, but I also think he does get misrepresented a lot. But to an extent that is his own fault because he 100% says some deliberately whacky things to sell books/get clicks and he knows it (Shadow89 has some examples above).

He also will say the odd thing I agree with, like how we have fallen too far into identity politics (although unlike Peterson I'd say this isn't a uniquely left/liberal thing).

O'Brien is more than welcome to attend his talk. It's a free country. He should also be able to post it and not face professional repercussions. However in terms of how people react on social media, well, it's also a free country in that sense...
Genuine question. How exactly is someone “cancelled” anyway?

I see the term bandied about as if we all agree on what it means.

Has this footballer been “cancelled”? If so, what form has it taken?

If not, have there at the very least been calls for him to be “cancelled”, and if so, what form of “cancellation” do these people envisage?

Confused, of Sydney.
This is all stupid.
Anyone can carry any belief or passion everyday of your life.
I have no social media and have built a life with the people I want around me.
Public forums are public just get off them.
If I wank in my shower it’s all cool.
If I wank in public showers at the pool I would get knocked out or charged.
If I did it I’m not going to turn around and whinge saying where’s my freedom I should be allowed to wank anywhere.
That’s how stupid these people sound
It is most unfortunate it is another Adelaide player.

In Jack Dyer’s words ROB is “a good ordinary footballer”. It also seems he may be rather gullible and a bit of a tool, if not the sharpest one in the Adelaide shed? It might be best if he shut down his accounts and concentrated on his footy career.

There would be few more decent people in the AFL than Matty Nicks. He will not be happy. He and others at the Crows have invested a lot of effort in fixing things and restoring the Club’s credibility from the Hewitt/Edwards, camp and Tex episodes.

I expect he will have words with the player as will other folk at the Crows. Who knows maybe with some engagement ROB may learn a few things and disavow the Kool Aid world view.

But then again, I am an optimistic old bloke.

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This is all stupid.
Anyone can carry any belief or passion everyday of your life.
I have no social media and have built a life with the people I want around me.
Public forums are public just get off them.
If I wank in my shower it’s all cool.
If I wank in public showers at the pool I would get knocked out or charged.
If I did it I’m not going to turn around and whinge saying where’s my freedom I should be allowed to wank anywhere.
That’s how stupid these people sound

Lol, this is a great post.

Cancelled for public wanking.
Bit like Andrew Tate when you actually listen to what they say it makes sense. I don't necessarily agree with everything guys like Tate and Peterson say but they do make good points.

As has been mentioned, just because one does not agree with a point of view does not mean it should be canned for it. Even if a p.o.v is illegal, doesn't mean it needs to be cancelled.
Andrew Tate was literally just arrested for sex trafficking.
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AnEmptyChair Im no coward, just not bothering getting into a pissing contest which this already seems to be.

Ive made my point, it differs from you and then the name calling has started. That is society 2023.

As I mentioned, im not getting into any debate because it obviously differs from your point of view and that I am fine with. Me differing from your point of view is obviously not fine and you will go on and on to try to change my mind but won't

Lets do a favour to each other and leave it here :thumbsu:
"I posted my support for a sex trafficker and now I'm sad that people are calling me out on it. Let's just agree to disagree"
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For a while in my teens I believed what these people said, then I stopped, watched a couple right-wing grift videos and remembered why I have not looked back at all.
Its actually concerning how these guys get into the minds of younger people. I know a couple of people who were in the same situation as you were. If you are an active user of social media especially YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, it is almost impossible to avoid these right wing grifters. These platforms shove this kind of content right in the face of impressionable teenagers and young men. It’s disgusting.
To actually throw some referenced material into this mix, let's highlight some of Peterson's greatest faux pars:

Peterson believes that order is masculine and chaos is feminine, and that these are inherent to human existence.[15] To Peterson, culture is "symbolically, archetypally, mythically male," while "chaos—the unknown—is symbolically associated with the feminine." He has expressed that while it may be considered "unfortunate" that this is the case, any attempt to change or subvert these traits would result in a loss of humanity, saying,


Peterson doubts the scientific consensus on climate change,[13][105] saying he is "very skeptical of the models that are used to predict climate change",[182] and that "you can't trust the data because too much ideology is involved".[83][105] Appearing on The Joe Rogan Experience in 2022, Peterson claimed that "there is no such thing as climate" and questioned the accuracy of climate modeling. Climate scientists accused Peterson of being "stunningly ignorant" and of confusing weather forecasting with climate modeling.[92][183][184][185] In response to various criticisms, Peterson cited climate change denier Fred Singer as a source.[186] Peterson also defended "automotive freedom" and claimed that excess carbon dioxide is beneficial to the world.[187]


This one particularly pisses me off, as it was my thesis major, and Sociologists are some of the most important people when it comes to breakdown of structures within our society and understanding why things are the way they are - and more importantly how to fix them:

Peterson has argued that "disciplines like women's studies should be defunded", advising freshman students to avoid subjects such as sociology, anthropology, English literature, ethnic studies, and racial studies, as well as other fields of study that he believes are corrupted by "post-modern neo-Marxists".[128][129][130] He believes these fields propagate cult-like behaviour and safe-spaces, under the pretense of academic inquiry.[129][128]


On 29 June 2022, Peterson's Twitter account was suspended under the site's "hateful conduct policy" after posting a tweet misgendering and deadnaming transgender actor Elliot Page.[93][94] Peterson said he was notified that he would be required to delete the tweet in order to restore access to his account, which he said he "would rather die than do".[95][93] YouTube has demonetized two of Peterson's videos, one about his Twitter suspension and another video where he said gender-affirming care was "Nazi medical experiment-level wrong."[96] Peterson's Twitter account was restored in November 2022 after Elon Musk acquired the company.[97]


Yeah Reilly, such a great long as you're white, male and masculine, don't believe in climate change or gender identity or don't respect social sciences. Yeah god forbid people call you out for not just sharing a photo, but pissing and moaning about not being able to share your views about how 'great' this man supposedly is...when he's offended/alienated anyone who doesn't align with his 20th century beliefs.

Cry me a river bud. :rolleyes:
Peterson is a relic masquerading as a new age intellect.

I consider myself left leaning.
I was even the stay at home Dad so my wife could go back to work after our kids were born (progressive, I know!).

Despite this, and his book being overrated garbage, I actually enjoy Peterson for the most part. I don't consider any of his viewpoints to be dangerous, which can't be said for figures like Trump or Alex Jones. He's actually pretty misunderstood and opponents of him generally haven't done enough research into his 'controversial' takes. They see a grab or a headline and instantly use that as the basis for their outrage.

Good on ROB for sharing a photo of his experience meeting somebody he respects. As a species we should be far more open to respectfully discussing differences of opinion than simply demanding people remove things because we don't like it.

The way I see it, ROB is more than welcome to share his experiences or photos with those he respects, and see them as a 'great' person - that is the epitome of free speech in an open forum.

However, freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence. Just as he can share this in an open forum and espouse his views on his 'hero', so can I share my views about how I think he's a backwards ass 20th century moron, who only believes in the academia that confirms his own views of the world :)

I'm more than happy to have a debate with him (Peterson or O'Brien) or anyone else about why his views are ridiculous, but I don't want him not saying anything at all - as we can't learn anything that way.

Problem with Peterson is that he's more than happy to abolish social sciences, but there's absolute crickets when it comes to right leaning programming propagated through Youtube, Twitter, Facebook algorithms, and BS like Fox News and One America TV. Only one is considered cultlike...despite the evidence to the contrary where Trump put the country on the edge of civil war - just because of his insane propaganda. Yes he dislikes identity politics - which is the one thing he and I agree on -, but his disdain for cultural Marxism as he terms it, far outweighs his chagrin for those on the far right - hence why Conservatives use him as their mouthpiece time and time again.

Peterson is just another academic who has a God complex, and is generally heavily disliked and discredited by other more reputable academics. If Reilly chooses to shower praise on him, that's his prerogative...but honestly...he could probably shit out a more tolerant person if he really tried :)
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Its actually concerning how these guys get into the minds of younger people. I know a couple of people who were in the same situation as you were. If you are an active user of social media especially YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, it is almost impossible to avoid these right wing grifters. These platforms shove this kind of content right in the face of impressionable teenagers and young men. It’s disgusting.
It's also targeted towards those demographics as well, they know what they're doing.
Its actually concerning how these guys get into the minds of younger people. I know a couple of people who were in the same situation as you were. If you are an active user of social media especially YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, it is almost impossible to avoid these right wing grifters. These platforms shove this kind of content right in the face of impressionable teenagers and young men. It’s disgusting.

To play devils advocate, it is quite the same in reverse.

The biggest issue, as far as I'm concerned, is the 'echo chamber' nature of social media which has resulted in a new generation of 'my side is correct' without the basic decency to allow others an opposing view.
Love me some Jim Jefferies. Completely dismantles American culture with his Australian 'I don't give a s**t about all your cultural norms' mentality. His argumemt about guns was just fantastic.

The thing with Jim Jefferies is that the way he looks and the way he speaks definitely gives the impression he does not have a lot going on upstairs but he is actually a highly intelligent man, who just happens to speak like he is rather drunk most of the time.
Its actually concerning how these guys get into the minds of younger people. I know a couple of people who were in the same situation as you were. If you are an active user of social media especially YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, it is almost impossible to avoid these right wing grifters. These platforms shove this kind of content right in the face of impressionable teenagers and young men. It’s disgusting.

They present very simple arguments (often backed up bullshit, but nonetheless) that appeal to those who see the world as simple.

Unfortauntely, that's often the young.

I know how much more appealing a lot of conservative or RW shit was when you are younger. Then you learn a bit about the world beyond your own suburb and other people.

I don't mean to sound condescending, or that young people are no good - that's not the case. Quite the opposite.

Though ROB is 27yo, which is a bit concerning.

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