Other How did your interest in Footy (or other sports) start?

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Mar 24, 2021
AFL Club
Other Teams
Southampton FC
This is just a general question for Sunday afternoon (and beyond). Did your interest in Footy (and/or other sports) begin by participating or watching/following? In my case - here in the U.K. - my interest in Rugby and Soccer began by participating at school and college, although we were a Rugby playing school and so my Soccer was mainly in the holidays. I was inspired to take an interest in Rugby by my English master at school when I was 11 (back in the 1970s) and it grew from there. Also there was a family friend who had played ‘Rugger’ for an Army team in his youth. I had a very good Soccer coach as well and he pushed me very hard.

Have others on this Forum been inspired to do sports in the same way?

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