Social Holidays

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Dec 10, 2003
AFL Club
I thought id start a thread cause im interested in a Holiday around Oct this year. Yeah I may miss out on all the interesting trade stuff but I think I'll risk it. Im probably a Holidayphob... have been overseas once but generally am the sort that is happy enough to plod around in ones own universe.But as certain life style changes are coming , I feel a Holiday some where around Oct may be the best thing.

Should I go over to LA and hassel dazbroncos , should I go over to europe and say hello to David the Cat ?... probably not .. but i would not mind checking out Italy or the US , Canada is supposed to be nice and head good thing about Spain. The French are suppose to be less nice but again lots to see. Check the old countries in Ireland and Scotland..... Is Vietnam the place to go. Some love Turkey , some hate it.

So some ideas , some past experiences ....
Good for you Turbo...there's a lot see out there. I travel extensively....last year to Spain, France, Italy, US, Thailand, really depends on what you are looking for.

The US is much to see...friendly need time...easy language wise..similar culture...I'm sure Daz can tell you more as I don't live there of course. ...really enjoyed Canada when I went there a couple of years back....

Europe is a buzz...history, diversity, so different from Australia...English is widely spoken but language can be a problem but not a major one..easy to get around....I did the WW1 trek through France...the Somme, Ypres, Paschendale...the French people in these areas were friendly, particularly once they realized you were Australian...not so chirpy in Paris though. Italians are great, and its a beautiful country..Tuscany...Florence...breathtaking. Then you have Eastern europe...a different experience altogether. I love totally different...friendly people..yes they want your money, but its a game..particularly in much to see in the ...laugh ..and they will laugh and all will be fine.. ...I'd suggest Cambodia as, good people...plenty to need to "rough it" a bit...

I could rave on...but read and investigate...see what you would like to explore... always happy to fill you in if I can be of help. :thumbsu:

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Awesome that you're thinking about holidaying Turbocat. I'm a bit of a homebody as well, but every time I've bitten the bullet and travelled somewhere it's been a great experience, and definitely broadened my perspective on life.

Asia is where I tend to go-I've travelled pretty extensively through India, Cambodia, Vietnam and Bali (I've included Bali because although it's seen as a bit of an "Aussie hangout" I've had some fantastic times there in areas tourists don't tend to venture to). I've done a fair bit of volunteer work in each of these countries which has of course resulted in a different experience.

The only cons I can think of with Asian travel are that there can be an initial culture shock (depending on where you go), and the scams (as DTC has said, are fine, and can be a bit of a fun game). So many pros though-really cheap travel, friendly people, you'll get a whole new appreciation for your life, etc.....

I'm more than happy to help you if you decide on any of the places I've mentioned, and don't worry, I've travelled in October and have managed to keep up with our trade period. It's easy nowdays. :)
Thanks David the Cat , cats23 .... great feedback from you both... of course Mrs Turbo will have solid input as well. My only OS holiday (not Tas.;)) was Thailand , and although that was enjoyable , I can see what you're referencing about "games". Might check out a travel expo in Geelong next WEnd for some ideas.. but at the moment my guess is it would be somewhere other than Asia...although I have heard some great feedback on Vietnam. Truth is there are so many places.. that id not preclude any till I do some more study. Canada is another I heard great stuff about
Just thought Id throw it out there , as there are some well travelled scribes on this board.
I see JUBJUB likes taking holidays ;)
A pre-season holiday. :(
What's he done?

Hey Bots, to help Turbocat and his holiday ides, who's the Cats poster who lives in/spends lots of time in Canada?
Can you tag him in here to talk about places in Canada to visit? I'd love to hear about it too. :thumbsu:
A pre-season holiday. :(
What's he done?

Hey Bots, to help Turbocat and his holiday ides, who's the Cats poster who lives in/spends lots of time in Canada?
Can you tag him in here to talk about places in Canada to visit? I'd love to hear about it too. :thumbsu:
That would be Catfish Alley.

I hear Fargo is a good place to visit.
Well, my favorite spot is around the Okanagan valley in British Columbia. The Rockies, Whistler and Vancouver Island are great. A cruise from Vancouver to Alaska through the inside passage is a good way to see rugged west coast (bears, orcas, eagles etc.). It's fairly cheap too.

I know the west well but I haven't been any further east than Toronto. Quebec City and the Maritime Provinces/Newfoundland are on my list to visit. Flights within Canada can be expensive though.

The prairies have their appeal but I'd recommend either doing Quebec and the east coast or British Columbia and the Rockies.
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