Historical Figures you can't stand and why?

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Bigfooty Legend
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Sep 29, 2008
AFL Club
For me, it's Marilyn Monroe. I will never understand why girls quote or look up to her.
She's just a glorified sex symbol that had failed marriages and a drug addiction.

Anyone else?
For me, it's Marilyn Monroe. I will never understand why girls quote or look up to her.
She's just a glorified sex symbol that had failed marriages and a drug addiction.

Anyone else?

Most people (all people?) are flawed. Admire the good in them, don't deny their faults, and accept them for who they were and what they achieved.

The best are those who leave a legacy better than they actually were.

Had to nerve to crtizise the Germans yet moved to the biggest war monger country of them all and helped them get nuclear weapons so they could terrorize even harder. There is no photos of him riding the black only buses or drinking in the black only bars, living in the black only suburbs. There is little about him questioning segregation. He was quite happy earning his money and living off the back of white supremacy.

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There is no photos of him riding the black only buses or drinking in the black only bars, living in the black only suburbs. There is little about him questioning segregation. He was quite happy earning his money and living off the back of white supremacy.
For someone who already posts at the bizarre end of bizarro-world, I think you've just hit a whole new level of bizarre.
Albert Einstein had two public passions. One was his work: he was a dedicated and ground-breaking scientist. The other was peace, to which he was committed all his life.



So why did he go to America? Biggest war mongers of them all.

After moving to the U.S., he described the book burnings as a "spontaneous emotional outburst" by those who "shun popular enlightenment," and "more than anything else in the world, fear the influence of men of intellectual independence


So he moved to a country even worse? come off it? I'm not a fool. Plenty of people who believe his shit must be. I notice there's few on this forum fear men with intellectual independence, that's why they turn to abuse.


Running from NAZI's was Albert? That's why NASA hired heaps of NAZI'S after the war?


Of particular interest were scientists specialising in aerodynamics and rocketry (such as those involved in the V-1 and V-2 projects), chemical weapons, chemical reaction technology and medicine. These scientists and their families were secretly brought to the United States, without State Department review and approval; their service for Hitler's Third Reich, NSDAP and SS memberships as well as the classification of many as war criminals or security threats also disqualified them from officially obtaining visas. An aim of the operation was capturing equipment before the Soviets came in.


So why did he go to America? Biggest war mongers of them all.

For this to be true, whoever compiled it must have had a very selective version of what constitutes war and peace...

WW1 ended in 1918, WW2 started (for the US) in 1941...That's 23 years there, where they had a rather isolationist foreign policy...I wonder who they were supposed to be at war with.
For this to be true, whoever compiled it must have had a very selective version of what constitutes war and peace...

WW1 ended in 1918, WW2 started (for the US) in 1941...That's 23 years there, where they had a rather isolationist foreign policy...I wonder who they were supposed to be at war with.
Following the end of WWI the USA and Great Britain became involved in the Russian revolution supporting the Tsar.

USA forcibly occupied Nicaragua, Haiti and Dominican Republic during the period of 1916-33.
USA entered WWII earlier than 1941, although that was the official declaration of war a number of steps were taken to relieve British military resources so they could be sent to fight in Europe in 1940.
Since 1950 they have been at a permanent state of war.

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On people I can't stand:

John F. Kennedy - war mongering, womanising fool. If it wasn't for tv then Nixon would of won the 1960 election and the world would be a very different place, for the better.

Oof, I don't disagree with JFK being overrated. But Nixon would've made the world better?? How so? He didn't do that well when he got it eight years later?
Had to nerve to crtizise the Germans yet moved to the biggest war monger country of them all and helped them get nuclear weapons so they could terrorize even harder. There is no photos of him riding the black only buses or drinking in the black only bars, living in the black only suburbs. There is little about him questioning segregation. He was quite happy earning his money and living off the back of white supremacy.
So your telling us that the United States acts more aggressively than Nazi Germany
Oof, I don't disagree with JFK being overrated. But Nixon would've made the world better?? How so? He didn't do that well when he got it eight years later?
Nixon when he got into power ended the Vietnam War and was able to build stronger ties with USSR, some that Kennedy never even contemplated. Nixon despite being a republican wasn't a war monger, he wouldn't of antagonised the communists in the manner which Kennedy did almost causing a nuclear war. If Nixon had achieved the forward momentum he got in the 1970s in the early 60s who knows what might of happened around the globe. But one thing can be sure, there would've been a hell of a lot less wars than there have been.
Oh dear.

Take out Britain, Australia and all the other nations who fought the Axis and the Soviets and the US would have lost.
If just Britain suddenly went neutral after the fall of France there is nothing that would stop Germany from winning the war quickly against the Soviets
If just Britain suddenly went neutral after the fall of France there is nothing that would stop Germany from winning the war quickly against the Soviets

Yes, I think he forgot that small detail.
Winston Churchill

Take out World War II (won by America and the Soviet Union) and he was just an arseh*le.
I think he was absolutely the right man in the right place for the time, and deservedly holds a huge place in history.

Doesn't mean he wasn't an arseh*le.
On people I can't stand:

John F. Kennedy - war mongering, womanising fool. If it wasn't for tv then Nixon would of won the 1960 election and the world would be a very different place, for the better.

What particular act are you using to suggest that JFK was war mongering? Bay of Pigs? I think I've read about 23 books on Kennedy and I don't remember coming across that phrase or that idea in any of them.

I don't disagree that he was womanising, nor that TV as a medium swayed his influence. On the other hand, you could also argue that he would have won more, if not for the whole religion issue. However his presidency has been overrated for sure with the intelligent positioning of 'Camelot' and whatnot.

Also on the topic of Nixon - he would have been a quarter of the president RFK would have been just based off ideals alone if he wasn't shot after winning the Californian primary. Nixon did what had to be done, I don't think he's anything that special.
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Nixon when he got into power ended the Vietnam War and was able to build stronger ties with USSR, some that Kennedy never even contemplated. Nixon despite being a republican wasn't a war monger, he wouldn't of antagonised the communists in the manner which Kennedy did almost causing a nuclear war. If Nixon had achieved the forward momentum he got in the 1970s in the early 60s who knows what might of happened around the globe. But one thing can be sure, there would've been a hell of a lot less wars than there have been.
Nixon actually sabotaged the 1968 peace conference for political; re his election to the presidency in 68.

This resulted in the South Vietnamese withdrawal from the 68 peace conference, Nixons winning of the election and an escalation of the war which saw more than 20,000 US killed, 100,000 wounded.

They also shed light on a scandal that, if it had been known at the time, would have sunk the candidacy of Republican presidential nominee, Richard Nixon.

By the time of the election in November 1968, LBJ had evidence Nixon had sabotaged the Vietnam war peace talks - or, as he put it, that Nixon was guilty of treason and had "blood on his hands".

The BBC's former Washington correspondent Charles Wheeler learned of this in 1994 and conducted a series of interviews with key Johnson staff, such as defence secretary Clark Clifford, and national security adviser Walt Rostow.

But by the time the tapes were declassified in 2008 all the main protagonists had died, including Wheeler.

Now, for the first time, the whole story can be told.

It begins in the summer of 1968. Nixon feared a breakthrough at the Paris Peace talks designed to find a negotiated settlement to the Vietnam war, and he knew this would derail his campaign.

He therefore set up a clandestine back-channel involving Anna Chennault, a senior campaign adviser.

At a July meeting in Nixon's New York apartment, the South Vietnamese ambassador was told Chennault represented Nixon and spoke for the campaign. If any message needed to be passed to the South Vietnamese president, Nguyen Van Thieu, it would come via Chennault.

In late October 1968 there were major concessions from Hanoi which promised to allow meaningful talks to get underway in Paris - concessions that would justify Johnson calling for a complete bombing halt of North Vietnam. This was exactly what Nixon feared.
Winston Churchill

Take out World War II (won by America and the Soviet Union) and he was just an arseh*le.
You're a w***er for the 'Sack Hird' sig, but I absolutely agree. His "le fight them on the beaches" speeches are so overrated and probably wasn't even written by him. Everyone credits him as the 'savior of Britain' but that's really disrespectful to all the brave men and women of Britain who fought. That's like saying Hitler came up with blitzkrieg tactics or Roosevelt invented the nuclear bomb. Politicians winning wars? Give me a spell.

He was also a tyrant who thought Australian's should basically do what they told them (gets me really triggered when another Aussie talks about how much he likes Churchill. I'm glad Curtin basically told him to get ****ed. At least one good thing to come out of it was it prompted Australia to get off their arse and get political independence from Britain. And it wasn't just Australian's he cucked, decided that it was far better to have thousands of his own people killed in bombing raids rather than give the impression the Nazis had been hacked. Of course winning wars is more important than saving your own people...

He was a failure as a military leader in WW1 and the reason we 'celebrate' Gallipoli. And as if that failure wasn't enough, 'the chosen ones' decided to make him secretary of war, first assignment, . Maybe wiping out annoying leprachauns will be easier than bloodthirsty turks, nope. Ireland retakes nearly 3/4 of its land after 400 years of getting dominated.

Later on after WW2 Churchill talks about how he showed great 'moral restraint' in not taking back Ireland during the WW2, but in reality he knows it would have been a disaster. There is no way the US would have joined if he had done so.

In short he was a batshit insane, born to rule rich toff who loved playing warhammer as a kid and thought playing with human lives was the same shit.

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