Mystery Flight MH370 missing

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I said this in the GD thread on the issue...

This whole scenario is mind boggling.

How can a plane supposedly go down yet NOTHING found at all after a whole 10hrs of day light available??? All day i heard reports of " Wreckage found" to "Oil slicks " etc etc yet nothing has been confirmed. Planes do not just drop out of the sky and this is very alarming that they cannot find a Boeing 777 after it has lost contact with air traffic control 12hrs ago with 239 people on board. These planes have everything form depth sounders that activate when submerged and a multitude of in built safety devices installed to locate the plane even when the pilots do not make contact yet we still do not know where it is......

Every 30mins a new fact comes to light only to be played down and not confirmed by all involved at the highest level which leads me to believe we are no where closer to finding the plane than what we were at first light this morning when it was reported it was missing and strangely disappeared from all radar and communication.

If it was shot down or exploded you would see wreckage of the fuselage every where and this does not sink in water , if it hit land it would of been reported as the smoke trail would carry from a crash like this for miles and never has this happened before in history of a plane going down that it is unable to be located after a full day of daylight to search. Even the Air France crash from 5 years ago was able to be pin pointed and that plane sent vital info back to the airline as it was dropping in altitude via the in built AKAR systems and Air France knew the plane was doomed even when the pilots never sent a distress signal out as it was going down.

This flight has sent NOTHING AT ALL back and it is very strange with all of todays technology that a a commercial airliner can just vanish at 35k feet. Honestly i do not what to think and when i started this thread today which was close to first light in the area when it went missing there was no way i would think 24 hrs later that it is still missing and nothing has been conclusively answered as to its fate.
It's in the ocean, I'd say.

It well could be but where is the wrecked fuselage then?? A Boeing 777 is literally massive and would leave a trail of destruction everywhere no matter where it broke up?? 80% of it would be floating on the waters surface if it was even over water and on land there would be a trail for miles for all to see.

4 Nations searched for the past 24hrs over land and sea in the flight path but nothing has been found. Not even a life jacket and these don't sink! This Boeing would have had 400 of them on board to as it can carry this many passengers and all are bright Yellow and reflective.

Could you imagine if this plane is NEVER found or recovered at all!! o_O :eek:

Surely today they will find something.
2 sets of stolen passports....Names of the people on board released before the aircraft was found???? then it just so happens that 2 atleast 2 stolen passports were on the aircraft.... One of the owners of the passport was in Thailand and some how read the manifest and was able to ring his family in Italy before the police arrived to tell them he was dead????? This is moving way too quick IMO..... false flag? .
I said this in the GD thread on the issue...

This whole scenario is mind boggling.

How can a plane supposedly go down yet NOTHING found at all after a whole 10hrs of day light available??? All day i heard reports of " Wreckage found" to "Oil slicks " etc etc yet nothing has been confirmed. Planes do not just drop out of the sky and this is very alarming that they cannot find a Boeing 777 after it has lost contact with air traffic control 12hrs ago with 239 people on board. These planes have everything form depth sounders that activate when submerged and a multitude of in built safety devices installed to locate the plane even when the pilots do not make contact yet we still do not know where it is......

Every 30mins a new fact comes to light only to be played down and not confirmed by all involved at the highest level which leads me to believe we are no where closer to finding the plane than what we were at first light this morning when it was reported it was missing and strangely disappeared from all radar and communication.

If it was shot down or exploded you would see wreckage of the fuselage every where and this does not sink in water , if it hit land it would of been reported as the smoke trail would carry from a crash like this for miles and never has this happened before in history of a plane going down that it is unable to be located after a full day of daylight to search. Even the Air France crash from 5 years ago was able to be pin pointed and that plane sent vital info back to the airline as it was dropping in altitude via the in built AKAR systems and Air France knew the plane was doomed even when the pilots never sent a distress signal out as it was going down.

This flight has sent NOTHING AT ALL back and it is very strange with all of todays technology that a a commercial airliner can just vanish at 35k feet. Honestly i do not what to think and when i started this thread today which was close to first light in the area when it went missing there was no way i would think 24 hrs later that it is still missing and nothing has been conclusively answered as to its fate.

Not found also = Havent got to it yet ....
Can't remember what caused it but I've seen an episode of air crash investigation where this actually happened, plane pretty much just plummeted straight into the ocean.

That was the Air France crash but the difference with this plane is that they knew where and when it went down. The only thing that hampered them was the depth of the ocean making salvage attempts hard which added to the time frame.

Air France knew this plane was going down as the planes sent signals back to their own maintanence department via the inbuilt AKAR system like it is designed to do, also it's flight track recorded it losing altitude all the way to impact. This plane was silent and virtually just disappeared for some reason with no contact at all.

CNN also reporting now conditions were excellent when the plane took off with little wind and a 10k visibility range which is good.

IF and it is a BIG IF this plane is never found or recovered ( which i highly doubt ) it will be the biggest story ever!! WTF happened and Boeing 777's do not just vanish into thin air!!!! ( Insert twilight zone music!)
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That was the Air France crash but the difference with this plane is that they knew where and when it went down. The only thing that hampered them was the depth of the ocean making salvage attempts hard which added to the time frame.

Air France knew this plane was going down as the planes sent signals back to their own maintanence department via the inbuilt AKAR system like it is designed to do, also it's flight track recorded it losing altitude all the way to impact. This plane was silent and virtually just disappeared for some reason with no contact at all.

CNN also reporting now conditions were excellent when the plane took off with little wind and a 10k visibility range which is good.

IF and it is a BIG IF this plane is never found or recovered ( which i highly doubt ) it will be the biggest story ever!! WTF happened and Boeing 777's do not just vanish into thin air!!!! ( Insert twilight zone music!)

Was saying to a mate that if the plane is never found, in this day and age with all the technology and sophisticated salvage equipment, would have to go down as one of THE biggest mysteries of all time.

The whole thing is astonishingly weird....
It could simply be a case of a statistically safe-as-**** plane blowing up and leaving no apparent evidence as to what happened.

I will reserve my judgement until I see the official story and more importantly the official response to the official story.

I foresee increased 'security' measures at airports around the world, think eye-scanning and fingerprinting. Maybe even biochips in passports. It will make it ****en hard to get into/out of the US when the civil war there finally begins.

If this is indeed a false flag, the above is the good scenario. The bad one is that certain nationality(s) are framed as terrorists. If these nationality(s) include peeps from countries not aligned with the US (think Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezuela) then gear up for WWIII because that is what happens next.

I posted a link in the GD thread to news of a family member calling - and getting through - to the mobile of a person who was on the plane, before the call suddenly cut off. Could be bogus but boy oh boy is it a little creepy.

Then again, if passports of terrorists could survive a plane collision with the WTC (trololololol) then why couldn't a phone survive a regulation plane-falling-from-the-sky-for-no-apparent-reason situation?
Black box anyone?
You would think they would have figured out some sort of fail safe for planes that crash in the ocean by now, like big air bags or legs like the little sea planes have so they can float.
i bet my ass that we get fingerprinted and eye scanning out of this.
dont know whats happened to this plane, but i would think they should find something floating around soon.
but in true big brother fashion we will all pay the consequences. eg our civil liberties will be eroded further.
problem, terrorists killed 230 with stolen passports..
reaction, oh shite poor people, better not let happen again.
solution, finger printing, facial and eye recognition technology to be installed at all airports and everywhere else.
condolences to the dead.

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