Essendon Players choose their Judge

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The method. The slowest most annoying method. Why not appeal at the tribunal.
I'm of the opinion they by-passed the Tribunal Appeal step due to gross dissatisfaction with the AFL. The AFL's conduct from day 1 has been deplorable and WADA are displaying that dissatisfaction by fast tracking the Appeal directly to the CAS.

On a positive note for the players, with the by-passing it will reduce the time frame involved by eliminating one process. Let's be honest, the Tribunal took a month of Sundays, how long do you think an Appeal would take the critters? Not including handing down the rulings.
I'm of the opinion they by-passed the Tribunal Appeal step due to gross dissatisfaction with the AFL. The AFL's conduct from day 1 has been deplorable and WADA are displaying that dissatisfaction by fast tracking the Appeal directly to the CAS.

On a positive note for the players, with the by-passing it will reduce the time frame involved by eliminating one process. Let's be honest, the Tribunal took a month of Sundays, how long do you think an Appeal would take the critters? Not including handing down the rulings.
It was independent judges at a tribunal, just as ASADA/WADA agreed. Massive sook. Equivalent to Hird with his appeal. Though a man defending his honor is understandable .... I get the feeling McDingleberry is doing the same here though.

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It was independent judges at a tribunal, just as ASADA/WADA agreed. Massive sook. Equivalent to Hird with his appeal. Though a man defending his honor is understandable .... I get the feeling McDingleberry is doing the same here though.
I've posted elsewhere that I tender to think it's the AFL WADA and ASADA want to burn, not the players and McD has publicly expressed his sympathy for them being the bunny's in the affair
As it's been mentioned some many times, the AFL's use of the interim report and attempts to engineer the final solution has marred the whole affair beyond what would have been.
I've posted elsewhere that I tender to think it's the AFL WADA and ASADA want to burn, not the players and McD has publicly expressed his sympathy for them being the bunny's in the affair
Yeah well, why would he put them through it then. The evidence remains the same so we should expect the same outcome. If they were guilty they would have served their penalty and be back by now. Hell, Crowley will be back playing before their at their hearing, if WADA don't pull the pin in July.

McDingleberry embarrassed himself with his public tour trying to get the players to take a plea. Very unbecoming for a "model litigant". He wants it taken away.

No doubt AFL is very dodgy, however, this hearing was out of their control.
Yeah well, why would he put them through it then. The evidence remains the same so we should expect the same outcome. If they were guilty they would have served their penalty and be back by now. Hell, Crowley will be back playing before their at their hearing, if WADA don't pull the pin in July.

McDingleberry embarrassed himself with his public tour trying to get the players to take a plea. Very unbecoming for a "model litigant". He wants it taken away.

No doubt AFL is very dodgy, however, this hearing was out of their control.
Too many egos' involved here.
Essendon made sure it was heard after season. What's ASADA's reason?

Punishment by process.
So you held up ADADA (who probably had other matters to investigate as well) and that's ok? But god forbid they don't work to Essendon's schedule?

If the right outcome is reached in the end (whichever way it goes) then the time taken is justified.
My money is on Danks appeal being withdrawn when he gets a life ban

My money is on Dank getting gangland execution by an underworld contact for bringing his bikie mates into disrepute/ Essendon supporting bikies possibly. Will be done after Dank is thrown under the bus at CAS then before he can respond to "clear" his name (and dump everyone else in the poo) that's when it will happen I suspect.
In essence the Appeal may even lead to 'worlds best practices' when managing PED's in the AFL with more clarity, less "ad hoc" announcements, inappropriate gatherings and allegations of secret dealings. The AFL will be under greater scrutiny without the support of the 'old-boys network' to garner any hidden agenda.

I believe this process will be of huge benefit to the sport, players and us the public who are the unsecured investors in the business. We invest and get little return on that investment at this point in time.

This. Yes
Someone seems upset :oops:

A Little more so than when the AFL tribunal judgement was handed down.

Personally I detest the slow pace since the AFL have been taken out of the equation and we aren't getting daily/weekly "updates" the was fun.

Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this awful mess.

Tick Tock...

Yes, but the AFL have already said that "we will probably never know what the players were given" and "time to move on". Funny, but the more this drags on the angrier I am at the AFL for attempting to manipulate outcomes. It seems to me that the AFL were the idiots...who signed up to WADA/ASADA, and yet it seems they didn't actually understand what signing up to this code actually meant...then they tried to warn Essendon...then manipulated the media (as did Essendon and Hird) and then punished Essendon...then wanted it all to end...then got involved by making statements that they felt the players would be found innocent...then they felt WADA should not appeal...then MOVE ON. I really hope this is a huge wake up call for the AFL and the whole old-boys network.

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My money is on Dank getting gangland execution by an underworld contact for bringing his bikie mates into disrepute/ Essendon supporting bikies possibly. Will be done after Dank is thrown under the bus at CAS then before he can respond to "clear" his name (and dump everyone else in the poo) that's when it will happen I suspect.
"Bombersbelly" ... "UnderBombers" ... "Underbelly: The Dank" .... "Underbelly: On Golden One" ...

Not that I've ever watched the show, but that there looks like a great synopsis for the final, cliff-hanger, episode finale.
But who pulls the trigger? (Hint - I like the last name; final fade-away shot framed against a bus, on a dirt acces backroad, somewhere around Tulla ...).
Yes, but the AFL have already said that "we will probably never know what the players were given" and "time to move on". Funny, but the more this drags on the angrier I am at the AFL for attempting to manipulate outcomes. It seems to me that the AFL were the idiots...who signed up to WADA/ASADA, and yet it seems they didn't actually understand what signing up to this code actually meant...then they tried to warn Essendon...then manipulated the media (as did Essendon and Hird) and then punished Essendon...then wanted it all to end...then got involved by making statements that they felt the players would be found innocent...then they felt WADA should not appeal...then MOVE ON. I really hope this is a huge wake up call for the AFL and the whole old-boys network.
And still leaking and manipulating with what ever they have left to use?
They must really find the CAS environment stifling.
Can someone find out if any identities associated with this mess (Evans, Fitzpatrick, Wylie, Little, Demetriou, McGuire etc) sit on any Boards with this bloke?

James Spigelman AC QC
ABC ChairmanBA (Hons) LLB, Hon. LLD1 April 2012 – 31 March 2017

James Spigelman was the Chief Justice and Lieutenant-Governor of New South Wales from 1998 to 2011. Between 1980 and 1998 he practised as a barrister in Sydney and was appointed QC in 1986. Between 1972 and 1976 he served as Senior Adviser and Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister of Australia and as Permanent Secretary of the Commonwealth Government’s Department of the Media. From 1976 to 1979 he was a member of Australian Law Reform Commission.

Mr Spigelman has served on the Boards and as Chair of a number of cultural and educational institutions including: Chair of the National Library of Australia between 2010 and 2012, Member of the Board of the Australian Film Finance Corporation between 1988 and 1992 (Chairman between 1990 and 1992), Member of the Board of the Art Gallery of New South Wales between 1980 and 1988 (Deputy Chairman between 1983 and 1988), and as President of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences between 1995 and 1998. In November 2012 he was appointed a Director of the Board of the Lowy Institute for International Policy. In 2013 he was appointed a Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong.
This Spigelman sounds like another pinko ****tah ratbag dingo communist. Will definately side with the most left wing organisation in the country - the AFL.

I call BS
Whether you agree with it or not, it is clearly a form of double jeopardy in its broadest sense.

I see a need for it in the context of international doping in order to deal with clear 'home town' decisions. I don't believe the tribunal decision was a home town decision.

The irony is that it is you rather than fishardan that is wearing the tin foil hat, given you are clearly in the 'tribunal was corrupt' camp.
No mate its not double jeopardy, its THE LAW

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