Domestic violence

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That's part of the problem.

It's always the messenger/message that is turned into an 'us vs them'.
Yes but you did lay it out as bait, knowing people would respond before reading the sentence properly.

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More than 550 charged after four-day domestic violence blitz | Operation Amarok ran from Wednesday to Saturday last week and saw a total of 1,070 charges laid and more than 550 people charged, with police from every district across the state involved. Police said 226 of those arrested were wanted for serious domestic violence offences.

Let’s hope the various organizations were also primed to avoid reprisals agains the original victims
Let’s hope they had the resources to keep up
Australian society needs to reduce violence against women.
Agree, but how? It would be helpful to have practical advice on what parts we can all play while also expecting our politicians to address societal factors that are linked to domestic violence.
Domestic violence is not just black and white in the sense that it can't be "cured" overnight or in one budget as some think.

If someone I was living with came at me with a knife or bat or whatever, then I would defend myself, however, if that person came at me because of persistent mental abuse and bullying, then what happens to my "self defence", defence?

The only way to greatly curtail DV, we can never completely stop it because f***wits will always exist, but the best way to greatly curtail it is to, of course, make unprovoked DV perpetrators spend years in jail and secondly, there must be a change of attitude where males and females show respect towards one another.

How do we do the second bit considering the enormity of so called "popular" culture, the internet, social media, American style dress and behaviours where young girls dress and behave like escorts and young boys dress and behave like gangsters?

It is unfortunate that some will see education as left wing thought police stuff and others, they'll say that even looking at a woman/girl or a man or a boy in the "wrong way", whatever that is, then that is the pre curser to domestic violence and then, instead of level headed sensible measures, we become sidetracked and nothing meaningful happens.
Domestic violence is not just black and white in the sense that it can't be "cured" overnight or in one budget as some think.

If someone I was living with came at me with a knife or bat or whatever, then I would defend myself, however, if that person came at me because of persistent mental abuse and bullying, then what happens to my "self defence", defence?

The only way to greatly curtail DV, we can never completely stop it because f***wits will always exist, but the best way to greatly curtail it is to, of course, make unprovoked DV perpetrators spend years in jail and secondly, there must be a change of attitude where males and females show respect towards one another.

How do we do the second bit considering the enormity of so called "popular" culture, the internet, social media, American style dress and behaviours where young girls dress and behave like escorts and young boys dress and behave like gangsters?

It is unfortunate that some will see education as left wing thought police stuff and others, they'll say that even looking at a woman/girl or a man or a boy in the "wrong way", whatever that is, then that is the pre curser to domestic violence and then, instead of level headed sensible measures, we become sidetracked and nothing meaningful happens.
How does girls clothing or promiscuity contribute in any way to DV?
How does girls clothing or promiscuity contribute in any way to DV?
It is the objectification of females by "fashion" and popular culture and the response to this perceived salaciousness by boys, males as portrayed by popular culture, the internet, rap songs etc that engenders complete lack of respect and the acceptance of violence as "normal" that is having a devastating effect on peoples lives -it is violent.

Please do not misinterpret what I am saying. I am not saying that "women bring it on themselves", that's grotesque. What I am saying is that boys and girls, men and women, don't know what is acceptable and what is not. It is wall to wall violence and we are being exposed to that constantly. That results in "cave man" thinking and behaviour; in my opinion.
The great shame is that there isn't more support. She would have been able to get out and get on with her life instead of facing murder charges. The husband might even have been able to get his own help and survived. Whatever the type of person he was, these things cost the public millions and millions of dollars.

The support isn't there, and the narrative that ALL men are responsible is not helping, it's making it worse.
No. It's the radial leftists in government and"educational institutions' who act on their and every other fringe dwellers behalf. You see it everywhere. You know... The social justice warriors. Whether it be climate, Hamas, net zero, trans rights, the voice etc They are not personally involved, but they need to be in control. So they impose their will on everyone else. But none of it actually helps... In fact it has the opposite effect. Thank God the voice failed for example... Had it succeeded it would have further marginalized and divided indigenous people from the rest of society.
Anyway that's my view. You can have your opinion. I left Australia 35 years ago to live on am island... With Bitcoin. I am beholden to no government.

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That's what you read into it.
Not your particular contributions Chief, as in what the law states and the horrid examples.

I'm talking about the whole campaign, it paints men, just men as if ALL men are the problem.

That is counterproductive and will only exacerbate, you could imagine all the aholes now beating up their missus coz those aholes are reading this whole thing as an attack on them. No doubt some poor women and children are copping it through this exacerbation.

Like I said, we as a society need to discuss all angles, and yes as hard as that is, it definitely includes provocations, intended or not in intimate relationships.
Generalise much??
Oh come on Chief, stop living in some parallel universe. If you reckon that the youth of today are free from influence, just think back to your youth. I don't know what your age is but for me and those in and around my vintage, we did not have the world wide web but we had music, telli, magazines, fashion and we were all influenced by those things.

The difference today, I would suggest, is that even though we, in my day, were rebelling against the conservative, "old fashioned" stuff of our parents, we still had instilled in us a sense of what was right and wrong, what was courteous and what wasn't.

During the peace marches, the land rights marches and the marches to decriminalise homosexuality, most of us retained that moral compass so to speak and it was that moral compass that made us take to the streets. Now, the reality is that morality, as "old fashioned" as that may sound, is "uncool", some rappers tell us so, the telli and American style anything goes crap tells us so. Are you suggesting that the younger people of today are not being influenced by the popular culture of today?

Are you suggesting that domestic violence just happens for no reason at all or that it is not a societal problem as another poster said earlier on? Domestic violence is a symptom of the society we live in and it is not just males who commit domestic violence, females do also.

What certainly doesn't help are people that think that there are no pressures on young people, teenagers and the prepubescent to behave in certain ways and what is actually acceptable and what is not. We are, as a society, now fed on a daily diet of violence; even some of those protesting about worthy causes do so in a violent and aggressive manner. It seems that aggression and violence is the default setting.

Oh, and please don't think that I reckon every young person is aggressive and or violent or doesn't know right from wrong. That would be just plain stupid.
Is it possible to make a concerted effort to reduce and stop all violence, not just what has be termed gendered violence?
Yeah sooooo weird.
It would, because it conflates different problems together. It equates the problem with domestic violence and gendered violence with all violence, from assault right up to war; the arguments for and against are changed, because they have to be in order to argue about a different thing.

You cease arguing about oranges -as it ceases to be an orange to orange comparison - and begin arguing about consumption.

This line of thought would have us dissolve all threads on the SRP and open a single one, called 'Issues'. It's not conducive to conversation or problem solving. It is by nature reductive.
It would, because it conflates different problems together. It equates the problem with domestic violence and gendered violence with all violence, from assault right up to war; the arguments for and against are changed, because they have to be in order to argue about a different thing.

You cease arguing about oranges -as it ceases to be an orange to orange comparison - and begin arguing about consumption.

This line of thought would have us dissolve all threads on the SRP and open a single one, called 'Issues'. It's not conducive to conversation or problem solving. It is by nature reductive.

Agreed. I mean all domestic violence is bad but male on female violence is more common and probably requires a specific approach as to female on male violence.

Not a perfect equivalence but it would be like starting a business and wanting to sell everything to everyone. It's not how it works, you need some sort of targeted approach to specific market segments, customers etc.

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