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Peninsula Boy

Norm Smith Medallist
Nov 19, 2006
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
Is anyone into this band?

A few days ago I saw one of their music videos and it was pretty amazing. It was a kinda electro, experimental beyond progrock Pink Floyd kinda sound. Definitely had a new edge to it.

So, anyone got any info, apart fromt he basics and any similar bands. I was happy to see the drummer was from Adelaide too, originally from the Mark of Cain. What CDs of theirs should I buy? I'm looking at Mirrored.

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I don't know that John Stanier (the drummer) is actually from Adelaide in fact I'm sure he's not. I think he was in Helmet before The Mark of Cain and then in Tomahawk with Mike Patton (Faith No More) before he joined Battles.

From the music I have heard Battles sound great and could prove to be one of the highlights at next years BDO.
I guess I assume he was from Adelaide like I am. Wrong to do so and probably trying to find an extra cool thing about them.

JuddyisGod. Which album are you talking about? Mirrored or one of the other ones.

I've always wanted to be at a Dead or Pink Floyd gig when Syd was fronting and really feel that freeforming coming directly from their souls could happen, you know, where it's almost like a jam session inside a garage where something new is being metamorphosised rather than just playing the tunes. So yeah, I'm hoping for something special.

Will they be on the main stages, late or early, or at a smaller stage? I hope I can catch Bjork as well.
Yep, Stanier is from the states, only joins up with the Mark of Cain when he gets time off from Battles and Tomahawk.
Battles are a good band. Willl be checking them out at the BDO. One of maybe two or three bands that actually interest me in the entire lineup, but that's a different story.

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