The Law Australian Police brutality thread.

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Do everything they did except the parts where the undercover agent encouraged his terrorist plans and conducted the illegal search. It's not entrapment.

Are you another who believes the AFP shouldn't investigate such cases?

Give the strawmen a rest.

The AFP didn't just investigate the case, they aided and abetted a would be terrorist. If it was anyone else aiding and abetting a would be terrorist they would have been thrown in jail for aiding and abetting a would be terrorist.
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The AFP didn't just investigate the case, they aided and abetted a would be terrorist. If it was anyone else aiding and abetting a would be terrorist they would have been thrown in jail for aiding and abetting a would be terrorist.
You are too busy talking sh!t to understand very simple things.
The investigated the case, but in the course of investigating it, the under cover officer said things like "good plan" when TC was talking about committing terrorism. And he said something along the lines of that he would make a good sniper or a suicide bomber. These overstep the mark, in his investigation he needed to not encourage him. The officer knew there was a line between being a credible undercover persona and encouraging the teenager. He crossed the line and that's obviously bad.

A good investigation would have been to do all the exact same things, but not cross the line. Also make sure any searches of property were legal, which the judge found they werent.
The high profile alleged murder of a gay couple in Sydney by a jilted ex who's a serving police officer using his service gun has rekindled a lot of ill feeling between police and the Sydney LGBT community. It's also coincided with the NSW Police badly mishandling (from a PR point of view) the response to the released report of the Special Commission of Inquiry into LGBTIQ Hate Crimes in NSW. The pair of events coincide with it being a week from Mardi Gras, and the Sydney Morning Herald going so far as to publish an editorial saying the police shouldn't march this year.

There's some questions to be asked as to how a policeman, whose mother was a senior officer, was able to be in a position to murder two men with a police-issued gun despite a history of celebrity stalking and attacking an unarmed man.

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The high profile alleged murder of a gay couple in Sydney by a jilted ex who's a serving police officer using his service gun has rekindled a lot of ill feeling between police and the Sydney LGBT community. It's also coincided with the NSW Police badly mishandling (from a PR point of view) the response to the released report of the Special Commission of Inquiry into LGBTIQ Hate Crimes in NSW. The pair of events coincide with it being a week from Mardi Gras, and the Sydney Morning Herald going so far as to publish an editorial saying the police shouldn't march this year.

There's some questions to be asked as to how a policeman, whose mother was a senior officer, was able to be in a position to murder two men with a police-issued gun despite a history of celebrity stalking and attacking an unarmed man.
no cops at pride is not a new concept

they were at Midsumma in Melboure despite the local community not wanting them there, this of course led to violence where the queer people were condemned for fighting back against the cops that they didn't want there

apparently a sign saying cops not welcome is justification for cops to start up on after all
no cops at pride is not a new concept

they were at Midsumma in Melboure despite the local community not wanting them there, this of course led to violence where the queer people were condemned for fighting back against the cops that they didn't want there

apparently a sign saying cops not welcome is justification for cops to start up on after all

It definitely isn't and their attendance has been contentious from the start, but it's unusual for the Fairfax press to come down on this side.
Apologising for past misdeeds and assuring everyone it's all apples now doesn't really cut it for me.
especially when the past misdeeds tend to be last thursday

at some point people might realise that if you're a gay cop you are a cop first and gay second

you don't make your own community safer by joining the force, you just give the cops a diversity shield to hide behind

hey we're not homophobic look at our gay cops marching at pride etc

cops make such a stink about it because they get to play victim and use it for reputation rehab

Unfortunately I'm not surprised.

And I think it is a systemic cultural thing. Had on occasion been around off-duty cops on the piss and yeah the racist shit comes out, from folks you'd otherwise think are pretty decent.
The high profile alleged murder of a gay couple in Sydney by a jilted ex who's a serving police officer using his service gun has rekindled a lot of ill feeling between police and the Sydney LGBT community. It's also coincided with the NSW Police badly mishandling (from a PR point of view) the response to the released report of the Special Commission of Inquiry into LGBTIQ Hate Crimes in NSW. The pair of events coincide with it being a week from Mardi Gras, and the Sydney Morning Herald going so far as to publish an editorial saying the police shouldn't march this year.

There's some questions to be asked as to how a policeman, whose mother was a senior officer, was able to be in a position to murder two men with a police-issued gun despite a history of celebrity stalking and attacking an unarmed man.
That was shocking. Its been well established that cops have higher rates of DV than the general public, will support colleagues rather than bust them and as result have a culture of relative impunity. Its just tragic for their families.

Unfortunately I'm not surprised.

And I think it is a systemic cultural thing. Had on occasion been around off-duty cops on the piss and yeah the racist s**t comes out, from folks you'd otherwise think are pretty decent.
I used to coach a kid in u14s whose family I'm good friends with, even made him captain. he was great too, a fantastic muso who was incredibly talented. he went to Qld became a cop and joined their equivalent of the TRG. I genuinely thought he'd be the good sort of cop (I'm sure they exist) but he's becoming racist and his first reaction to some ethnic groups is profiling them.

I really hope he leaves now before he becomes a complete campaigner.
News kid is usually on the ball - looks like they've been UNINVITED

Honestly surprised Mardi Gras had it in them.

Earlier today I wondered about how the far right media were treating this case, and noticed the 2GB Facebook page hadn't even mentioned the murders. But they did have a post today about Chris Minns rejecting calls to exclude the police from Mardi Gras, without saying why the calls existed. So I wondered how this would work with the outrage machine - turns out they were outraged that Minns would have the NSW Police be a part of such depravity.

I should never underestimate Facebook commenters on right wing news pages.

(Also, Sky News hasn't posted about the case since a policeman was implicated.)

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Honestly surprised Mardi Gras had it in them.

Earlier today I wondered about how the far right media were treating this case, and noticed the 2GB Facebook page hadn't even mentioned the murders. But they did have a post today about Chris Minns rejecting calls to exclude the police from Mardi Gras, without saying why the calls existed. So I wondered how this would work with the outrage machine - turns out they were outraged that Minns would have the NSW Police be a part of such depravity.

I should never underestimate Facebook commenters on right wing news pages.

(Also, Sky News hasn't posted about the case since a policeman was implicated.)

They will whinge, moan and sook about it. But they can/will still attend, just not in uniform and not under the force banner.
Homphobia in the police force is like clerical abuse, every time a new case comes up we're assured that houses have been cleaned and that it won't happen again, until it does. The real problem with policing is anyone who actually wants to be a cop should be excluded from consideration on character grounds.
Given the alleged murderer used a police weapon and was never brought to account for past brutality, I think it does.
I'm not aware of past allegations.

Does it not seem more like a situation where someone has a personal grudge and used their access to a firearm to commit a murder? Maybe I haven't kept up with the news but it seems that the fact he was a cop is pretty irrelevant to the motivation. Or even that the two victims were gay. Or have I missed something and it was specifically about their sexuality?

Also, quote me asshat!!
He was caught on video tasering a guy in the face, multiple times.
To me weird psychos are gonna murder people, that seems to be more an issue for NSWPol recruiting. I take issue with their response to the historical deaths inquiry where they were still hostile to even accepting responsibility for how they might have behaved toward homophobic crime in the past.
The real problem with policing is anyone who actually wants to be a cop should be excluded from consideration on character grounds.
I am living proof that you are correct.

I wanted to be a police officer.

My policing career, all of it served on the front line, has left me with quite the case of complex PTSD.

I can't really blame it all on my career ... I was sexually assaulted by a colleague, so there's that.

I am clearly not made of the right stuff and should have been excluded on character grounds.

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