Society & Culture Australian drug culture and the 'war on drugs'

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Well all supermarkets, yes. A plethora of other options for those who want though.
sure but you don't really know what has been used unless you do a soil analysis and grow yourself

everything else is just hoping they are telling you the truth about what they are using and where it was grown

now I'm not saying that back yard illegal weed farms aren't likely to be much worse than your average lettuce, just that you don't really know either way

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I think you can have positive experiences on most drugs, if used in moderation. I went through a period where I would smoke multiple times a week, now i do very very rarely. Made me lazy and eat like shit. I was pretty lonely and directionless during that period too. But it's fun to get high before a gig or going on a bushwalk or something.

Have had some awesome times on psychs, which I also very rarely take. But I do believe those experiences have made me view the world very differently and made me a much more positive and open minded person.

The problem lies in overuse. Don't really use pills and have never touched coke, but I see so many people around my age who abuse it like crazy.

One of my best mates smokes like everyday too. In pretty much the space of a year he's gone from smoking occasionally and being at uni to dropping out, getting high almost everyday and even stealing money from his parents to pay for it. He spends so much of his income on weed. I do think he is quite reliant on it and think he uses it as almost an escape. It's frustrating because he so often talks about these new paths of self improvement he is taking which always fizzle out. He genuinely doesn't see any issue with smoking as much as he does. He's a great guy but he can be a bit socially awkward and think he is a little bit lonely, and I don't think he can go without it, despite the fact he'd probably deny it. But he is on of those guys is like "natural plant brooo", "no harm at all".

I also think a lot of young people feel very despondent and confused at the state of the world and so many of them feel the urge to "chase the high" I guess. So many of them are studying for a degree that there's no guarantee will land them a job, or working and trying to save just so they can afford some shit 'modern" 2 car garage house in the middle of nowhere with no backyard and 45 minute commutes. It's pretty ****ing bleak. So they spend $25 on pills and go and get ****ed every weekend. Or get high on the couch watching Seinfeld trying to take their minds off things.
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Cannabis is a genus so it's not like every plant is the same. Asking for 'one cannabis pls' is like going into the Bunnings nursery and asking for a succulent.

Two identical seedlings could be cultivated differently with or without fertilisers, pesticides etc. and two different plants could be cultivated identically and the results would be different. Regulating it won't be easy and I'm sure the gubment will go the way of overkill rather than letting people grow what they want. Tobacco is legal to buy in Australia but illegal to grow. Weed could end up on a similar path.
If they follow what has happened in North America then you can just pick a variety that best suits you. They get people who know what they are talking about. Not too sure about growth but I’ve heard a lot of the Aussie stuff isn’t great quality. For regulation sake I imagine it would be home grown though.
Good thread, I've enjoyed reading the replies so far. Important issue today, nice to get a range of perspectives.

I had some kickass experiences on acid and mushrooms, but only ever used them a handful of times.

I've also had some good experiences with weed but also a lot shit experiences as well. Glad I never got dependent on it.

Still maintain that the drug I've done the most damage to myself with, by far, is alcohol.

And alcohol is so normalised in our society. It is everywhere. Sports. Films. TV shows. Social events. Restaurants.

Now I see weed becoming normalised and it is blindingly obvious that the fallout will be huge.
Don't have the disposition for acid, shrooms, whatever. People tell me I'd love it but I see trams running toward me and golliwogs when I smoke weed. I remember being 17 and we'd have buckets while watching the Euros, walk what ended up being two hours to town and grab a Kit Kat to use a spoon for ice cream.

It's kind of interesting the way people still view weed. There's nothing lamer than someone who wants to go home from the pub after a pint because there are doobs at home. I guess there's a 90s romanticism to sitting there playing Shane Warne '99, but in most cases you end up sleeping on a couch while being introduced to a housemate and thinking their ear looks weird.

MDMA is massive right now. Guess the 90s are back in tho. Chokers, 501s, cord and... mdma. Makes sense?
Can't wait until my medicine is no longer illegal to me.

I have had Crohns for years - it has caused irreparable damage to certain parts of my life. Thankfully I mostly cured myself with intermittent fasting and dietary regimes BUT when I get bad pain or am incapacitated from the Crohns - Cannabis is the only thing that legitimately gets me up and good to go in a couple minutes...

BUT, I can't have that - because our government are a joke. Instead I have to be in pain quite often and none of their bullshit pharmaceuticals help me; the only one that did had worse side effects than Crohns itself.

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I would be very interested to hear more about this.

I do around 18/6. I leave 6 hours of the day open to calories. No calories outside of it. I probably do 1-2 meals per day - a bit of black coffee and water. This keeps me empty much of the time - and when I eat, it's clean. Veggies, fish, etc. Carbs ONLY on heavy exercise days as carbs are my biggest pain trigger.

I went from a fat 120kg to a slim 70kg. I probably go to the bathroom 1-2 times per day down from about 15-20 when I was first diagnosed. My insides aren't constantly working - which gives my bowels a rest for 90% of each day.

It's NIGHT/DAY difference I'll tell you that much - I'm not sure how others with bowel diseases have fared with the daily fasting but it changed my life completely.
Carbs ONLY on heavy exercise days as carbs are my biggest pain trigger...
It's NIGHT/DAY difference I'll tell you that much - I'm not sure how others with bowel diseases have fared with the daily fasting but it changed my life completely.
Awesome to read, thank you for sharing. I have long suspected that the vast majority of Crohns diagnoses and symptoms are the result of terrible diet rather than some inherent physiological problem. The modern diet of the average young Australian is truly abominable, it is amazing to me that we don't see more digestive problems tbh.
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Awesome to read, thank you for sharing. I have long suspected that the vast majority of Crohns diagnoses and symptoms are the result of terrible diet rather than some inherent physiological problem. The modern diet of the average young Australian is truly abominable, it is amazing to me that we don't see more digestive problems tbh.

Spot on, I agree completely. I genuinely believe Crohns/Colitis is most likely caused by our diet - we'll see a huge uptick in cases soon methinks. It shocked me to actually learn in depth about what I was eating 3x, 4x, 5x per day. The amount of shit I was putting in my body that doesn't belong in there. Copious amounts of sugar and sodium. High fructose corn syrup in everything that's remotely sweet. Our education system is diabolical in terms of educating children on diet.
I don't believe you. There was mass studies done in South australia in the nineties, after pot was decriminalised in the 80s. Then there's the the studies in colorado since legalisation. What you're saying is typical properganda from a pharmaceutical industry troll.
I have been to LA and Seattle recently where weed is legal. Really seems to have made SFA difference to anything. And you can get it delivered to your door anywhere in less than an hour. Maybe its because they have so many other issues over there. But legalising weed I feel aint going to make any difference to anything.
Just means I won't be getting ripped off by a dealer when he decides he wants a little more money than usual. Can't wait for the day I can just walk into the dispensary and go "yep, I'll have some of that, that, and that thanks" and it will all be the same standard price.
Just means I won't be getting ripped off by a dealer when he decides he wants a little more money than usual. Can't wait for the day I can just walk into the dispensary and go "yep, I'll have some of that, that, and that thanks" and it will all be the same standard price.
And the reassurance that it isn't grown in the house of some poor campaigner that's got into debt with the wrong people.
There seems to be this prevailing view amongst some, that somehow still persists despite proof to the contrary, that if weed is legal then everyone including children will be walking around baked all the time.

I can confidently say that if weed were legal in Melbourne, I would consume practically exactly the same amount of weeb as I do now. Which is none, because I don't enjoy it. But I don't believe for a second that that should have any effect whatsoever on you enjoying it.

Choof on my brothers!
Just means I won't be getting ripped off by a dealer when he decides he wants a little more money than usual. Can't wait for the day I can just walk into the dispensary and go "yep, I'll have some of that, that, and that thanks" and it will all be the same standard price.

And also I’m sure there’s some sort of quality assurance and consistency in the product, and they’ll probably never be “out” either.
There is no doubt that legalization will increase demand and consumption of weed and people are kidding themselves otherwise. The threat of illegality still acts as a tax on demand under the current set up.
People who want a smoke can already get one, I don't think legalisation would really push up use.
People who want a smoke can already get one, I don't think legalisation would really push up use.
Pretty sure it increased in SA (was it SA?) after decriminalisation.

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