Amateur Hour of an Idiot Sorceror

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Hi everyone, I figured I'd keep a campaign diary of my character in Pathfinder. I'm a first timer and I think this is the first time our GM has GM'd so rules may be made up along the well.

I'm playing as a Human Sorceror.

Ilius Redwood

Male Human Sorcerer 1
Chaotic Good
Representing Equus

Strength 6 (-2)
Dexterity 10 (+0)
Constitution 15 (+2)
Intelligence 20 (+5)
Wisdom 10 (+0)
Charisma 12 (+1)
Size: Medium
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 155 lb
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black Wavy; Beardless
Skin: Light

Total Hit Points: 9

Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 10

  • Touch AC: 10
    Flat-footed: 10
Initiative modifier: + 0 = + 0 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: + 2 = 0 [base] + 2 [constitution]
Reflex save: + 0 = 0 [base]
Will save: + 2 = 2 [base]
Attack (handheld): -2 = 0 [base] -2 [strength]
Attack (missile): + 0 = 0 [base]
Combat Maneuver Bonus: -2 = 0 [base] -2 [strength]
Combat Maneuver Defense: + 8 = 10 + 0 [base] -2 [strength]

Light load:
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag:
20 lb. or less
21-40 lb.
41-60 lb.
60 lb.
120 lb.
300 lb.
Languages: Common Goblin (? 5 more)
Quarterstaff [1d6/1d6, crit x2, 4 lb., two-handed, bludgeoning]

Sling [1d4, crit x2, range inc. 50 ft., 0 lb, bludgeoning]


  • Augment Summoning +4 strength and +4 constitution for summoned creatures
    Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Skill Name Key
Ranks Misc.

Acrobatics Dex* 0 = +0
Appraise Int 9 = +5 + 1 + 3 [class skill]
Bluff Cha 5 = +1 + 1 + 3 [class skill]
Climb Str* -2 = -2
Craft_1 Int 5 = +5
Craft_2 Int 5 = +5
Craft_3 Int 5 = +5
Diplomacy Cha 1 = +1
Disguise Cha 5 = +1 + 1 + 3 [class skill]
Escape Artist Dex* 0 = +0
Fly Dex* 4 = +0 + 1 + 3 [class skill]
Heal Wis 0 = +0
Intimidate Cha 1 = +1
Knowledge (arcana) Int 9 = +5 + 1 + 3 [class skill]
Linguistics Int 9 = +5 + 1 + 3 [class skill]
Perception Wis 0 = +0
Perform_1 Cha 1 = +1
Perform_2 Cha 1 = +1
Perform_3 Cha 1 = +1
Perform_4 Cha 1 = +1
Perform_5 Cha 1 = +1
Profession Wis 4 = +0 + 1 + 3 [class skill]
Ride Dex* 0 = +0
Sense Motive Wis 0 = +0
Spellcraft Int 9 = +5 + 1 + 3 [class skill]
Stealth Dex* 0 = +0
Survival Wis 0 = +0
Swim Str** -2 = -2
* = check penalty for armor/shield
** = some groups double armor/shield penalties for swimmers

This character also has 1 ranks in Linguistics.

Zero-level Sorcerer spells: Cantrips can be used at will
First-level Sorcerer spells: 4 (3 + 1) per day

Favored class points: Hit points +1; Skill points +0

Adjust weapon attack rolls and armor penalties as required for masterwork / magic equipment.

  • This human chose +2 to intelligence (already included)
  • Extra feat at first level (already included)
  • Four extra skill points at first level (already included)
  • One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)
  • Can know only limited numbers of spells
  • Sorcerer spells no longer require cheap material components.
  • High charisma gains bonus spells daily
  • Concentration check: d20 + sorcerer level + charisma modifier vs. DC
  • Pathfinder sorcerers each choose a bloodline, which provides a class skill, extra spells, powers, and feats. Please write these in. Thanks for understanding.

    • Arcane bloodline sorcerers can have a familiar or bonded object like a wizards, increase DC on saves when metamagic spells are used, and as they gain level add spells known, increase DC for spells of one schol, and use spell slots to power magic items.

    Class HP rolled
    Level 1: Sorcerer 6

    Ilius Redwood's Equipment:

    • 4 lb
      5 lb
      2 lb
      5 lb
      2 lb
      4 lb
      3 lb
      25 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
      Sling bullets (group of 10) x1
      Rations (1 day) x2
      Waterskins x1
      Spellbook x1

    More about Ilius Redwood:

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So tonight session didn't happen. We were an unorganised bunch and we had trouble manoeuvring and editing the horrendous character sheet that is in Roll 20. Gm seems a bit flustered. And 2 people didn't make an appearance on our Skype chat.

That character sheet, manually punching in all that shit is seriously unfun.

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