Alien/UFO Aliens

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Brownlow Medallist
May 31, 2011
AFL Club
North Melbourne
Other Teams
Arsenal, Melbourne City
Well pretty simple topic really, Aliens do you believe in them?
Do you believe they have communicated with us & visited our planet?

I think there is definitely life out there somewhere
There are hundreds of thousands of planets in our galaxy alone.
SETI Radio Signal February 2003​

In 2003, astronomers with the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) used a massive telescope to examine sections of the sky where they had previously found unexplained radio signals. They found another radio signal that was even stronger than what they had previously found.
The signal came from an area in space where there are no planets or stars and strangely was at a frequency that hydrogen absorbs, ensuring that the signal would be strong and could travel great distances. The signal was detected on three separate occasions.
“The signal is moving rapidly in frequency and you would expect that to happen if you are looking at a transmitter on a planet that’s rotating very rapidly and where the civilization is not correcting the transmission for the motion of the planet,” Says USB researcher Eric Korpela. Considering the signal operates as if it is intelligently operated and the fact that it was detected multiple times one has to consider this SETI signal the best candidate for proof of intelligent life on other planets.
Do I think there is life on other planets? Yes, I'm almost certain. If Earth was able to cultivate life forms then I'm near certain that this has also occurred on one of the many other inhabitable planets

Do I think there is other intelligent life somewhere in the universe? Yes, although I'm not as certain, as intelligent life takes millenia to develop, I'm not completely certain that other planets were able to provide the perfect arrangement to support intelligent life.

Do I think that alien intelligent life has come into contact? No. UFOs and the like are all a convenient way to explain unknown lights, sounds, mysteries. If aliens had come into contact with us, I believe we would have undeniable proof by now.

As for the radio signal, it is possible that intelligent life did exist, but was wiped out. A radio signal travels at the speed of light in a vacuum and would take centuries to reach us. Suppose human's did this, a whole manner of things could wipe us out; nuclear war, pandemic etc.

The fact that we have not detected more radio signals indicates to me that aliens have not come into contact with Earth as any spacecraft would make use of radio waves, which we would pick up, in very quick time.

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Well pretty simple topic really, Aliens do you believe in them?
Do you believe they have communicated with us & visited our planet?

I think there is definitely life out there somewhere
There are hundreds of thousands of planets in our galaxy alone.

Yes and yes!
There's a whole universe out there undiscovered. Who knows how many planets there are with Alien life on them. I believe aliens have actually cooperated with humans in the past. That's why the Germans had technology so advance for that time. Also there's also Aliens in the Dulce base, Area 51 etc.. but I'll post that info in it's relevant thread! If you actually just sit outside at night and just look up at the sky I can assure you that you would notice at least one strange object.
I believe the universe is full of life. We just haven't found it yet. Or don't even know what to look for.

Will say that in the last 20 twenty years I've noticed a huge shift in people's belief, and even expressed scientific voice, going from, "nah, it's just us out here, to people expressing the absurdity, given the size of the universe, that we are alone."

I note that there's a new Drake equation out there now too, reflecting this new age.
I'm of the opinion that aliens are out there, but we are the most advanced. Why is it always depicted that extraterrestrial life is always more advanced than we are?
I'm of the opinion that aliens are out there, but we are the most advanced. Why is it always depicted that extraterrestrial life is always more advanced than we are?

Because if aliens have mastered space travel then they are more advanced than us (The most common depiction is that aliens fly saucers around Earth aimlessly).

If aliens have not come into contact, then it is quite possible that we are the most advanced race there is.
I'm of the opinion that aliens are out there, but we are the most advanced. Why is it always depicted that extraterrestrial life is always more advanced than we are?

Why do you think we're the most advanced?

Given our sun is only a middle-aged star (at best), there's plenty of billions of other stars, with even more billions of planets circling them with a huge headstart on us.
Because if aliens have mastered space travel then they are more advanced than us (The most common depiction is that aliens fly saucers around Earth aimlessly).

If aliens have not come into contact, then it is quite possible that we are the most advanced race there is.

But why do aliens have to have mastered space travel? It's entirely possible that they haven't even figured out how to leave their planet, or planets. You'd think that they would be curious, and would have come into contact with us to learn more about another species.
Why do you think we're the most advanced?

Given our sun is only a middle-aged star (at best), there's plenty of billions of other stars, with even more billions of planets circling them with a huge headstart on us.

It's more a hunch, not based on much :p How many of those planets would be inhabitable though? And they may be more advanced, but not have figured out space travel at all. I just think that, as I mentioned before, they would be innately curious as well, we see it with most signs of life on Earth. They are innately curious, and I think they would have made contact. But it's all really speculation isn't it?
I'm of the opinion that aliens are out there, but we are the most advanced. Why is it always depicted that extraterrestrial life is always more advanced than we are?

Aliens with the ability to beam you up from your bed, travel great distances through the Universe and zap you with laser beams are more interesting than Neanderthals who entertain themselves by throwing rocks.
But why do aliens have to have mastered space travel? It's entirely possible that they haven't even figured out how to leave their planet, or planets. You'd think that they would be curious, and would have come into contact with us to learn more about another species.

Because from a story-telling perspective, aliens are a lot more interesting if they are advanced. A story of aliens, similar to early humans, doesn't strike as much of an interest as green men with lasers in spaceships that constantly visit Earth.

I don't believe that aliens have come into contact with Earth, nor do I believe they ever will (humanity specifically, whilst confined to Earth), my reasons outlined in the thread:

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It's more a hunch, not based on much :p How many of those planets would be inhabitable though? And they may be more advanced, but not have figured out space travel at all. I just think that, as I mentioned before, they would be innately curious as well, we see it with most signs of life on Earth. They are innately curious, and I think they would have made contact. But it's all really speculation isn't it?

Not really.

Can't remember who wrote this - maybe Flaubert - but it goes something liek this: the more powerful the telescopes we have, the more stars there will be.

And that's what's happening. We're seeing more and further than ever before. The universe is growing larger and more complex as we increase our power to see.

Exo planets are being discovered frequently now.

And with that greater ability to see, so does the belief that our earth, our solar system isn't unique.

Hence the Drake equation, and the recent revsion of that to model life-bearing worlds just like ours. And that doesn;t take into account, life as we don;t know it. Paul Davies has a great essay on that topic.

Here's an example: until Australia was discovered, there was no such thing as Black Swans. They simply didn;t exist. But just like that, when Australia was discovered, there they were.

Out ability to see further discovered something no one thought possible.

Back to your point: yes, until we actually discover another life-form, it is conjecture, but given the size of the universe and our ever-increasing ability to see, the unique position we once thought our world had to develop and sustain life is now being shown to be more commonplace. And with that people, and scientists, are more willing to venture the opinion that life could be relatively common.
if you come across a specie on this planet that was unable to evolve or adapt to its environment and maintain the equilibrium of this eco system. You would say it is in an 'alien environment"

White man has yet to adapt or evolve so he can survive in any part of this world

he can't handle the cold or the sun. In all probabilities it is because he's not from here.
Maybe like us they invented the Internet,became addicted to pr0n,decided to build interstellar spacecraft to travel great distances to anally probe the life forms they encountered!
Just a theory in evolution of a species!
I take it you guys have not see the Disclosure Project, and the assertion from an ex-US government official that they have logged over 60 species of 'Aliens'.

Of course there has to be alien life somewhere. With the size of the universe and all the Exo planets, I cannot fathom the though that we are the only dwellers in the universe.

With all these "UFO" sightings and strange extra-terrestrial activity, I think they're just a convenient solution to things that are unexplained. If aliens have come to Earth, why do they only go to America?
I take it you guys have not see the Disclosure Project, and the assertion from an ex-US government official that they have logged over 60 species of 'Aliens'.

Sounds interesting, i firmly believe the government know more than they are letting on.
I'll see if it's on youtube.
With all these "UFO" sightings and strange extra-terrestrial activity, I think they're just a convenient solution to things that are unexplained. If aliens have come to Earth, why do they only go to America?

Yep, there's plenty of explanations that have been made or haven't but could be for UFOs. They connotations of 'UFO' has hijacked the actual meaning of the acronym.

What I think about with aliens is like, this common depiction, why do they resemble humans so much? Sure enough their planet probably has Earth-like conditions, but why don't they have four legs? Why are they resemblant to our height (I'm talking about them potentially being huge, 15 foot, or tiny, like a foot). And could other species exist in other dimensions? Maybe they communicate with something humans can't even think of as existent (the Black Swan example before is relevant) – why must they speak and hear like we do? Why do they have to have eyes, can they see things somehow in another way?

Do you get what I mean?
Sounds interesting, i firmly believe the government know more than they are letting on.
I'll see if it's on youtube.

Of course they do.

The most interesting thing I have ever heard about aliens was this throwaway .jpg but it really got to me. It was basically detailing how the world and humans would deal with contact. And how we'd probably not refer to things as 'BC' and 'AD,' but pre and post-contact.

I remember waking up one day and my dad saying "we've got our first woman as a Prime Minister." Or hearing about Osama Bin Laden being killed when I was playing Tony Hawk. Imagine hearing "they've found Aliens" like that? It would be absolutely staggering. How would we cope? Would people go to work the next day? I mean it changes everything, it'd be the single most infatuating and engaging story ever. When would we come to terms with it and get on with life?

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