Alex Jones - CIA Disinfo plant, Nutjob or Info Warrior?

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Pizzagate has been unequivocally debunked, and if it it hadn't, Jones has bigger fish to fry. He's one of the few trying to connect all the dots. What's the end game?

Not the thread for it, but No, it hasn't....Wikileaks doesn't make shit up....Unlike other disreputable high-circulation rags like the N.Y Times, WaPo, CNN & MSNBC....Which have become little more than pure corporate propaganda.
Not the thread for it, but No, it hasn't....Wikileaks doesn't make shit up....Unlike other disreputable high-circulation rags like the N.Y Times, WaPo, CNN & MSNBC....Which have become little more than pure corporate propaganda.
Going through the cheesy pizza thread I noticed a certain poster with the number 35 at the end of their nickname was initially a little skeptical of the whole Italiano fiasco. "Trust your senses", isn't that what you say? Any time they throw a little satanic ritual/sacrifice into the pot you know they're just trying to muddy the waters.

Pizzagate has been unequivocally debunked, and if it hadn't, Jones has bigger fish to fry. He's one of the few trying to connect all the dots. What's the end game?
lol did I cook that sentence or what, must have had a few too many tokes when i typed this one :drunk::drunk::drunk:

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Going through the cheesy pizza thread I noticed a certain poster with the number 35 at the end of their nickname was initially a little skeptical of the whole Italiano fiasco. "Trust your senses", isn't that what you say?

Alot more evidence has come to light since then....All the codes used by Podesta in those e-mails are well-known & proven paedo ones by the F.B.I.

Then there's the CBS lad who was summarily stood-down from his job upon disclosure of that info to the general public....And of course, the curious re-opening of the Madeline McCann case & story after story in the press, once it was revealed that the Podesta's were dead-ringers to the descriptions the European Feds had on the prime suspects.....Then there's all the sick paedo art-work that adorns the Podesta's homes.

Alot of the signs & symbols adorning comet pizza & the bands who played there, all match-up perfectly with the well-known paedo codes, verified & identified by the F.B.I.

But no, it must all be co-incidental I'm sure.....Once again....Wikileaks merely publishes evidence, it doesn't make this shit up.
Cenk & Ana lost it

More so as Roger Stone was with Jones
Yes I believe Ana referred to him as a "Fat F*ck."

Re Jones, I don't understand the complete, what appears to be, well orchestrated black banning of him by major social media platforms. If he's that deranged his rhetoric will be easy to undo. Debunking him each time will make his talk look like junk.
Yes I believe Ana referred to him as a "Fat F*ck."

Re Jones, I don't understand the complete, what appears to be, well orchestrated black banning of him by major social media platforms. If he's that deranged his rhetoric will be easy to undo. Debunking him each time will make his talk look like junk.
Jones was big tech seeing how they could erase someone they wanted gone
Notice how the same thing happened to GAB
Big tech is not finished
More wrong thinkers and their online presence will be erased before the 2020 presidential election
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Yes I believe Ana referred to him as a "Fat F*ck."

Re Jones, I don't understand the complete, what appears to be, well orchestrated black banning of him by major social media platforms. If he's that deranged his rhetoric will be easy to undo. Debunking him each time will make his talk look like junk.
That hasn't worked for Trump though has it.
That hasn't worked for Trump though has it.

Trump may play fast and loose with information at times, but his rhetoric is bang on, there are powerful entities who have been leeching from the American (and global) populations that's why many don't care so much about an exaggeration here or hyperbole there, the over-arching message is bang on.

Jones is a battering ram he throws out wild theories and statements to see what bites. Ironically as wild as some of his statements are many of them either are true or are proven true eventually (see gay/hermaphrodite frogs)
Trump may play fast and loose with information at times, but his rhetoric is bang on, there are powerful entities who have been leeching from the American (and global) populations that's why many don't care so much about an exaggeration here or hyperbole there, the over-arching message is bang on.

Jones is a battering ram he throws out wild theories and statements to see what bites. Ironically as wild as some of his statements are many of them either are true or are proven true eventually (see gay/hermaphrodite frogs)
The thing with Jones is though is that he never offers solutions to anything besides buying his products, which he used his two hour long show to be a big advert for. Fear pr0n coupled with snake oil. Hes a great huckster. Alan Watt is far more enlightening to listen to, and only plugs his books (that he physically makes himself) very briefly at the beginning of a show. He also doesnt sensationalise everything, or try to induce some paranoid and scared mental state. I lump AJ right in with other frauds/disinfo agents like David Icke.

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The thing with Jones is though is that he never offers solutions to anything besides buying his products, which he used his two hour long show to be a big advert for. Fear pr0n coupled with snake oil. Hes a great huckster. Alan Watt is far more enlightening to listen to, and only plugs his books (that he physically makes himself) very briefly at the beginning of a show. He also doesn't sensationalize everything, or try to induce some paranoid and scared mental state. I lump AJ right in with other frauds/disinfo agents like David Icke.

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Icke is no where near as bad as Jones nowadays, but his Lizard people/ Saturnalia shite, does him no favors....Which is not to say that those concepts don't have some relevance & work at a metaphorical level alone....But most people take such concepts literally & use them to obscure, misrepresent & diminish all his other theories.

Sure he's kooky, but that doesn't make all his theories wrong of necessity....His take on BREXIT for example, is bang on the noggen.
Icke got everything from maxwell

Then just added his reppie stuff
Maxwell is a weirdo spook. "Former" member of the Mormon church, which if you know anything about is very much a Freemasonic/Scientology style cult with its compartmentalization of information. Not to mention Jordan Maxwell is obviously a fake name, and the dude himself just looks weird as hell. His face looks like a cheap latex mask. All these shills like to network and appear on each others shows too.

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Judge about to determine the level of damages Jones is liable for over his Sandyhook diatribe.
Who'd have thought making sh*t up for entertainment and calling people liars would see you get into trouble :rolleyes:
Couldn't be happening to a nicer lunatic.
You need really watertight evidence when you level those sort of accusations against people. I think Jones was (one of?) the first to talk about Epstein and his dodgy island, well before it made the news. Maybe that was the broken clock effect, but he's come unstuck here.
You need really watertight evidence when you level those sort of accusations against people. I think Jones was (one of?) the first to talk about Epstein and his dodgy island, well before it made the news. Maybe that was the broken clock effect, but he's come unstuck here.
I think you need a shred of humanity in you as well.
He has us all dead within 10 years atm.

Hopefully we prove him wrong haha

He'll be right, just having a little vent. Fair to say Trump's recent vaccine support has unnerved him somewhat :tearsofjoy:

Oh, and the fact that J Jonah Jameson in the new Spiderman movie is based on him, apparently :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:

Still unsure at times if he's genuinely mentally unwell or just playing a character for the grift. Possibly both, although I'm leaning towards the latter lol.

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