Alex Jones - CIA Disinfo plant, Nutjob or Info Warrior?

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Feb 21, 2006
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I've seen a few people on here refer to Jones as a "disinfo" specialist but from everything I've seen of him (first saw some of his vids over 10 years ago) he clearly believes what he is saying but often just goes way over the top with his rants etc.

Every so often I'll jump on or listen to his podcast and if you skip through his repetitive ranting and his flogging off snake oil (which is a by product of having to fill 40 hours of radio every week) some of the info on his show is actually quite good. Some of the guests he has are quite informative and there is some good discussion that goes on and it doesn't hurt that he is one of the few media outlets I've heard who even bother covering things like the recent Bilderberg conference.

So my query is if you think he is disinfo or a government plant, why? Do you have evidence that this is the case or is it merely because of his presentation which can border on the insane at times especially when he gets time on mainstream media (like his appearances on Piers Morgan and The View).

I should add I don't agree with everything he says and think some of his beliefs are downright wrong but I still think he is genuine.

He also has great taste in music if the intro's/outro's to his ad breaks are anything to go by.

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Its interesting, mainstream media very rarely quotes an expert or offers any informative speakers. They go on about the kardashians and prince harry during news segments that are suppose to inform and educate adults.

Carry on about meaningless squabbles on tele or between football clubs.They make us believe p platers are the scum of the earth and pedophilia is lower class issue or in the churches, when most are upper class members of society.

Insanity is often the logic of an accurate mind overtasked. Good mental machinery ought to break its own wheels and levers, if anything is thrust among them suddenly which tends to stop them or reverse their motion. A weak mind does not accumulate force enough to hurt itself; stupidity often saves a man from going mad.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
Just google it brah. 'Alex Jones Stratfor'.

Yeah OK, I googled it - don't really know about the supposed connection there. From what I can gather the allegation is that he is a Zionist working for Israel to;

1) Place blame for 9/11 on the US government (inside job) to deflect attention from Mossad who were responsible
2) agitate for a second US Revolution in the States so that Israel can take over - except the Zionist already control the US apparently so not really sure what the purpose of that would be

Jones is silent on Israel from what I've heard (other than when he is describing them as the only nuclear power in the region when talking about Iranian nuclear ambitions?) however he also tends to focus on things which directly relate to the US/the "globalists" that he talks about. Israel should be on the radar there so there may be something to his having Israeli links but there's no clear evidence that he is not genuine.

Most of the stuff he discusses/reports is interesting and usually leads me to look into some stuff that isn't generally reported in mainstream news so I find it can be pretty informative - not necessarily for the opinions experessed but for the topics they are actually discussing. I disagree with a lot of what he says (I am anti-religion for instance), I also think he contradicts himself often (China is apparently the model blueprint for the global government however then he/the people on his program talk about the US formenting agitation within China for separtist groups to create a "Chinese Spring" to destabilise the government) and often does himself and his followers no favours when he appears on mainstream TV and acts like a lunatic. However I think he is probably genuine and I find some of the stuff he talks about opens the doors for me to look into some of the topics further. I also like his doco's although again I don't just accept everything within at face value.

Another question I was going to pose as a topic is, where do people generally get their news from? For me the majority comes from The Age and then I also get bits and pieces from other websites, like Info Wars or Crikey or Green Left on occasions for instance. I'll then google the topic and see what comes up on other news sources. On TV I'll watch ABC/SBS for news and occasionally BBC. So where do you guys get your news from?
im a jones fan, been listening to him for about 13 years and is on the money.
might seem to be a lunatic and out there but the more you study the more he makes sense.
he helped me make a lot of coin first with gold then with bitcoin.
he has some interesting guests and some of them can be disinfo but he is searchn for the truth just like us.
to understand him you need too understand US culture and history.
Jones is clearly a disinfo agent. Controlled opposition if ever you'll see it.

If not, then explain this:
classic! thats just AJ grandstanding, riding in on his big horse making an entrance and taking over the rally! look at the people there at the rally all wearing infowars tops lol like the one with the ak47 "come and take em". they are all info warriors! jones listeners.
i cant hear what he was saying but no one there had a problem with his message only that he took over the show. quiet funny if ya ask me!

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I have to say I am surprised by how little criticism Jones has copped in this thread.

It shows how naive I still am as to the effectiveness of establishment tactics such as controlled opposition.

If Jones were the real deal he would have exposed Sandy Hook and Boston as the blatant hoaxes they are.

If Jones were the real deal he would devote serious attention to Israel and Zionism.

If Jones were the real deal he would act like a sane man on mainstream television interviews.

If Jones were the real deal he would have been offed a long time ago.

It is a shame because his cameo in Waking Life is terrific, a sensational clip of agitprop in a mesmerizing film.

Whenever I go back and rewatch it I just pretend that Jones isn't a shill for a few minutes.

Suspension of disbelief.
Jones is clearly a disinfo agent. Controlled opposition if ever you'll see it.

If not, then explain this:

There's some interesting links in there and definitely something to think about - but again, I guess it depends how you take him, I take everything he says with a grain of salt. I find some of the topics he raises interesting as I don't hear about them from other news sources but it encourages to do my own digging on the subjectes. The people who are alleging he is COINTELPRO state he is a "gatekeeper" and it's not what he talks about but what he doesn't talk about that is the issue. OK so what is it he doens't talk about and who is talking about it? Point me in that direction and I'll do a little more digging.
Sorry, what?

You pretend he isn't a shill, while you watch a certain segment of him, that supports your views...
What nonsense are you talking this time? And what is with the different aliases you have going on?

Waking Life is a masterpiece and it is a shame that one of the segments features an obvious shill.
ive heard him countless times expose sandy hook.
ive heard him countless times bag out zionists.
I don't listen to him much at all, but he does mention the Rockefella's quite a bit.....I'm not convinced he's controlled opposition, but I'm prepared to consider it.
I have to say I am surprised by how little criticism Jones has copped in this thread.

It shows how naive I still am as to the effectiveness of establishment tactics such as controlled opposition.

If Jones were the real deal he would have exposed Sandy Hook and Boston as the blatant hoaxes they are. - He did

If Jones were the real deal he would devote serious attention to Israel and Zionism. - He does

If Jones were the real deal he would act like a sane man on mainstream television interviews. - Sometimes you need to act different to be remembered and get noticed

If Jones were the real deal he would have been offed a long time ago. - Why make a martyr out of him?

It is a shame because his cameo in Waking Life is terrific, a sensational clip of agitprop in a mesmerizing film.

Whenever I go back and rewatch it I just pretend that Jones isn't a shill for a few minutes.

Suspension of disbelief.

While he does seem to shill a lot of products, I personally believe him to be true and real at heart.
Until very recently, I was a huge fan of Alex Jones. Though I had some sneaking suspicions, I couldn't see what all the hate was about. And then Gaza happened!! And that blew the doors wide open for me. Not only did he himself claim that he was 'neutral' (LOL!!) on the current situation, he and his crew have remained SILENT! Geez, remaining neutral about innocent women and children being massacred, remaining silent, and therefore exercising self-censorship. And we all thought CNN/MSNBC were the bad guys. This, my friends, is the height of hypocrisy. Having questioned this, you question everything: especially, his 'real planes had to have hit the twin towers' propaganda and minimizing the Sandy Hook hoax.

Apologies to all the people who saw through this Zionist shill; it took a tragedy in Gaza to wake me out of my complacency.
yep his views on sandy hook = nutjob
views on 9/11 = nutjob
views on zionists = nutjob
views on russia/ukraine = nutjob
gun control = nutjob
boston bombings = nutjob
views on obama = nutjob
views on military industrial complex = nutjob
anyone that holds the same views is clearly a nutjob, disinfo agent, shill/troll.

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