Club History AFL greats Kevin Sheedy and Terry Daniher named in Krakouer brothers' racism class action

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It shouldn't be too hard to prove one way or the other. They had television back in those days, even had colour and sound, someone needs to go through those games and find out

You're not finding exculpatory evidence after 40 years.

I'd be interested to hear the views of Glenn James on the matter, if he had any to share. He umpired that 1982 Elimination final.
Far be it for me to defend the indefensible, but the ones who want to lynch Sheedy; are you the same ones bleating from the rafters about due process and burdens of proof for the Essendon 34?
Asking for a friend

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Umpires did not have mics back then.

If the broadcast shows evidence, case closed. If they don't, the mics just didn't pick it up. That's what I mean.
Sheedy as coach would be nowhere near the opposition players though. What was he doing, yelling racial epithets from the coaches box?
Not going to comment on the case but I don't doubt at all that they and every other Indigenous player would have copped a lot of abuse on field (i.e. from other players) until at least the time Longy took a stand against collingwood in the mid-90s. Pretty sure "ethnic" players like Dipper copped it too but I doubt to the same degree. Obviously isolated incidents of crowd abuse still occur, unfortunately, but there has been massive progress in the last 3 decades.
The bloke with the big choco name?

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Yes but I've already given you the context which should help.
It's comedy though, so a double-meaning is probably to be expected.
The explanation that Dipper isn't Aboriginal doesn't do the joke justice in my opinion. The point is that he is an ethnic 'other', but the commentator is so ignorant that he doesn't even bother to distinguish his slurs, which makes it a comment on the collective ignorance of commentators of the 80s. The irony is that the joke requires a slur to carry it.
It's amusing I guess.
It's comedy though, so a double-meaning is probably to be expected.
The explanation that Dipper isn't Aboriginal doesn't do the joke justice in my opinion. The point is that he is an ethnic 'other', but the commentator is so ignorant that he doesn't even bother to distinguish his slurs, which makes it a comment on the collective ignorance of commentators of the 80s. The irony is that the joke requires a slur to carry it.
It's amusing I guess.
Yeah I've never thought of it as a slur in that context apart from the fact that the old white guy can't pronounce an ethnic name but each to their own.
Well I did say I stand to be corrected. Must have been an east coast thing. Should I delete it? Nobody reported it.
This is the world we live in now.

I’m hoping people woke up to themselves and we can bring humour back eventually.

What a time to be alive.
I recall it being used to refer to those of Mediterranean background with darker skin tones.
And the reason why mark Williams got the name. Darker skin like the lollies of the same name.

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