The SEN Thread 2

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Nov 26, 2007
AFL Club
St Kilda
Continued from here

Coach Noodles aren't you Luke Mather? 2 SEN personalities now.

Correct mate. I am coachnoodles on pretty much every forum i use so you may well see me about the place.

Steve no need to be bitter about the BITUSA fantasy league. I beat you twice during the season including that playoff win so the better team definately won! :D
Re: The SEN Thread

Just listening to SEN overnights, and Franka just caved in to an Indian caller. Franka that was soft as butter.

One thing I'm slightly disappointed in with the SEN hosts, is that not one of them have I heard criticise the Indian behaviour. Plenty of examples in the cricket forum.

I think Mark Fine is good, but not great, but he would have gone to town on the Indians for throwing stones.
Yeah that was piss weak. Earlier he had spoken to a caller about how Australia hasn't done anything wrong which is a bit one-eyed. It's been discussed to death so I wont mention it again but the Indians themselves aren't angels of the game.

I was lost as to why they were discussing the ICC not having Australia. I understand what he said about the Test series being a lot more even, but why would you discuss removing Australia?

The Australian had some great images of offensive tshirts made in India after the Test. If they wouldn't accept being called racists, then I don't know what those tshirts are.

Franko did raise a good point though. Since the Indians have defended the term "monkey" not being racist or insulting, then there shouldn't be any issues calling Harbhajan a monkey.
Re: The SEN Thread

Just listening to SEN overnights, and Franka just caved in to an Indian caller. Franka that was soft as butter.

One thing I'm slightly disappointed in with the SEN hosts, is that not one of them have I heard criticise the Indian behaviour. Plenty of examples in the cricket forum.

I think Mark Fine is good, but not great, but he would have gone to town on the Indians for throwing stones.

Agree wholeheartedly, though didn't hear the caller you mentioned.

Andrew Symonds wrote an article in the HS during the ODI tournament in India a few months ago. He mentioned how their players usually didn't shake hands after they lost.

I'm also staggered that the Indian cricket chairman has come out and said that the racism allegations are baseless. There would be outrage in this country if James Sutherland defended one of our players if the shoe was on the other foot.

Not saying Australia is squeaky clean, but they're certainly not the outlaws people are making them out to be.

The Ox was fantastic last night on his own soapbox on the issue. I also agree that it would be great to hear Finey talk about this topic. One of the only guys to aggressively speak his mind. Probably because he's not from either an athlete or journo background. He's more Mr Everyman.

I really enjoy MG speaking to Greg Blewett on the topic yesterday. Gave a bit more of an insight into the situation than a lot of journos couldn't.

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Re: The SEN Thread


FERRIS - I changed my mind. Shoot him.

Good to see democracy is working well, if someone has a different opinion from you. I have been listening to SEN since they started in early 2004 and I am a regular caller to the majority of the programs. I enjoy reading about SEN on this thread not the matey garbage that you guys write about. If you want a social chat jump on MSN.
Re: The SEN Thread

I think Mark Fine is good, but not great, but he would have gone to town on the Indians for throwing stones.

exactly...I can't wait for Finey to be back on Monday night, I hope he devotes the whole night to getting stuck into the Indians, the way they have carried on and their double standards :thumbsu:
Re: The SEN Thread

Good to see democracy is working well, if someone has a different opinion from you. I have been listening to SEN since they started in early 2004 and I am a regular caller to the majority of the programs. I enjoy reading about SEN on this thread not the matey garbage that you guys write about. If you want a social chat jump on MSN.

Spur of the moment decision to say hello to someone I hadn't seen in 6 months. If that gets your panties all twisted I'd hate to see your mood when there's no milk for your cereal in the morning.
Re: The SEN Thread

Andrew Symonds wrote an article in the HS during the ODI tournament in India a few months ago. He mentioned how their players usually didn't shake hands after they lost.

Jesus mate, I've never been to India and I'm not that aware of their own particular national customs, but to be honest who gives a feck whether or not they shake hands after a loss, or win? It's irrelevant to what we do.

Why are you allowing the rituals and customs of another country to determine the barometer of your own nation's behaviour?

There are kids in my town that gravitate to the local war memorial and get ripped six days out of seven, but I'll be damned if I'll let their behaviour set the bar for what I expect of my own kids. I expect my family to act better than others - I expect my country Australia to act better than others.

I grew up in Australia and played sport there all my life. I've captained my local cricket club and if I thought a bloke wasn't out or a catch wasn't taken I didn't appeal. I couldn't control the actions of the opposition but when you're in charge of your own operation you can set personal and team standards to be followed. Might have cost us a cheap wicket here or there but I like to think we retained our integrity. Anyway, we won a First XI Premiership a few years back, and everyone knew we deserved it.

I honestly don't give feck about Indian cricket or how they react to a win or loss. That's their domain, and they can enjoy it or wallow in it however they please. But when a bunch of blokes go out sporting the colors of my own country, representing me in the sport I grew up loving but am currently having trouble reconciling despite their inarguable skill, and allow their behaviour to be dictated by self-righteous, supercilious bullshit on and off the field, I'm prone to get a bit twitchy about it.

And like many others it seems, it's turning me right away from the sport I once ate, drank and slept.
Re: The SEN Thread

Jesus mate, I've never been to India and I'm not that aware of their own particular national customs, but to be honest who gives a feck whether or not they shake hands after a loss, or win? It's irrelevant to what we do.

Why are you allowing the rituals and customs of another country to determine the barometer of your own nation's behaviour?

There are kids in my town that gravitate to the local war memorial and get ripped six days out of seven, but I'll be damned if I'll let their behaviour set the bar for what I expect of my own kids. I expect my family to act better than others - I expect my country Australia to act better than others.

I grew up in Australia and played sport there all my life. I've captained my local cricket club and if I thought a bloke wasn't out or a catch wasn't taken I didn't appeal. I couldn't control the actions of the opposition but when you're in charge of your own operation you can set personal and team standards to be followed. Might have cost us a cheap wicket here or there but I like to think we retained our integrity. Anyway, we won a First XI Premiership a few years back, and everyone knew we deserved it.

I honestly don't give feck about Indian cricket or how they react to a win or loss. That's their domain, and they can enjoy it or wallow in it however they please. But when a bunch of blokes go out sporting the colors of my own country, representing me in the sport I grew up loving but am currently having trouble reconciling despite their inarguable skill, and allow their behaviour to be dictated by self-righteous, supercilious bullshit on and off the field, I'm prone to get a bit twitchy about it.

And like many others it seems, it's turning me right away from the sport I once ate, drank and slept.

Think you miss the point.

Anul Kumble said we weren't playing within the spirit of the game.

I don't think their recent behaviour falls within this description either. There have been 3 reports taken to the referee this series, 2 against India for disent and racial abuse, and one against Brad Hogg's bastard comment.

In cricket if you think you have someone out, you appeal. I doubt that your local cricket has hot spot and snicko to determine in retrospect which were good and bad appeals.
Re: The SEN Thread

Heard some of the cricket on SEN driving home from work then watched the rest on the tv.
I think the tests are better for radio the 20 20 games better off on tv too quick to be listening on radio for me.
Good to hear Graham Smokey Dawson back on the radio havent heard him in years !!

You might have been glad to hear him but I can tell you there are some very pissed off people at SEN who are asking why he was given the role.
1.He is technically part of the opposition calls footy for the 3AW group even though you dont hear him in Melbourne still the same company
2.Plenty of experienced and not so experienced at SEN that would have done the job next to Huddo .
3.Loyalty - you have plenty of potential commentators that could have done the same job-deserve the chance that have been working at SEN for years and yet they ask Smokey Dawson to come on board .
Re: The SEN Thread

You might have been glad to hear him but I can tell you there are some very pissed off people at SEN who are asking why he was given the role.
1.He is technically part of the opposition calls footy for the 3AW group even though you dont hear him in Melbourne still the same company
2.Plenty of experienced and not so experienced at SEN that would have done the job next to Huddo .
3.Loyalty - you have plenty of potential commentators that could have done the same job-deserve the chance that have been working at SEN for years and yet they ask Smokey Dawson to come on board .

Smokey's been doing commentary of the Pura Cup games on the Bushrangers website with Huddo.

I guess Huddo got him involved... means Smokey obviously knows the players and the form at least.
Re: The SEN Thread

great interview then by bp...the young james kid on. super refreshing to hear sum1 so driven make it in the industry, was a very interesing chat about him and bein the youngest at sen - i thought he was lyk 20 or 25...

inside sen has been a great feature of evenings and brett phillips has done a great job hosting....:thumbsu:

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Re: The SEN Thread

Bubba Ray, for the record I worked at SEN for 3 1/2 years from its beginning in 2004 until July last year when I left to move to the States. I've followed this thread for a long time because I like to know people's opinions and when Steve popped up in here I thought I'd say hello. Forgive me for wasting 30 seconds of your reading time with my own desire to say hi to a mate I haven't seen in months. I know you don't give a crap about my life and rightly so, but your comment was directed to a bloke who still works at SEN and whose opinion a lot of people in this thread respect highly, and with good reason.
The internet is open slather unfortunately, you're gonna get the occasional tool that you can't prevent having their say (unlike on air). Just ignore the trolls - just like Bubba should ignore what he considers Msn-style chit chat.

And I loved Billy's dud remix :thumbsu:

BTW has anyone got an email for BP or the All night sport program? I've sent a few to the studio @ allnightsport address but I never receive any reply.
Re: The SEN Thread

Think you miss the point.

Anul Kumble said we weren't playing within the spirit of the game.

I don't think their recent behaviour falls within this description either. There have been 3 reports taken to the referee this series, 2 against India for disent and racial abuse, and one against Brad Hogg's bastard comment.

In cricket if you think you have someone out, you appeal. I doubt that your local cricket has hot spot and snicko to determine in retrospect which were good and bad appeals.

Well, you claiming that I've missed the point doesn't necessarily imply that I don't have a legitimate one of my own.

Anil Kumble says that we weren't playing within the spirit of the game? I agree with him, but then again, the Australian cricket team have not played within the spirit that I believe he's referring to for quite some time. In fact, I think the Aussies have evolved their own version of what constitutes "spirit of the game". This version undoubtedly contributes to the winning of cricket games, but unfortunately it's doesn't comprise too much humility or sportsmanship. Maybe it's a trade-off?

And then the next line you straight away fall back into "I don't think their (India's) recent behaviour falls within this description either". To which I once again respond - I don't care about their behaviour. It's irrelevant to how I view my nation's cricket team. The Indian cricketers do not represent my country, nor me. So maybe you might have missed my point.

Keeping this in the "spirit" of the SEN thread, I've enjoyed listening over the past few days - the overnight sports program is on in the afternoon here given the time zone difference. But when presenters begin a segment with "I don't want to sound biased" or "But when you look at this objectively", and then blatantly proceed to allow their own personal bias to push the various conversations with callers in a direction that is so defensive towards the Aussies, it kinda loses its credibility.
Re: The SEN Thread

I love the way you think :)

SEN should give Luke and Steve payrises for doing their bosses job of responding to listeners.

Also Steve is to suburbs what Mick Jagger is to women. When he sees/hears of one he wonders if he's been in there, if not, where it is and how to get in there.
Re: The SEN Thread

At 17, I was a notorious....well, this probably isn't the forum for that...
Jimmy, or J Dub, as Eddie and I call him, is very good for 17. I can't imagine many his age doing as well as he.

Me either. I was struggling to speak coherently for oral presentations at high school when i was 17.
Re: The SEN Thread

Well, you claiming that I've missed the point doesn't necessarily imply that I don't have a legitimate one of my own.

Anil Kumble says that we weren't playing within the spirit of the game? I agree with him, but then again, the Australian cricket team have not played within the spirit that I believe he's referring to for quite some time. In fact, I think the Aussies have evolved their own version of what constitutes "spirit of the game". This version undoubtedly contributes to the winning of cricket games, but unfortunately it's doesn't comprise too much humility or sportsmanship. Maybe it's a trade-off?

And then the next line you straight away fall back into "I don't think their (India's) recent behaviour falls within this description either". To which I once again respond - I don't care about their behaviour. It's irrelevant to how I view my nation's cricket team. The Indian cricketers do not represent my country, nor me. So maybe you might have missed my point.

Keeping this in the "spirit" of the SEN thread, I've enjoyed listening over the past few days - the overnight sports program is on in the afternoon here given the time zone difference. But when presenters begin a segment with "I don't want to sound biased" or "But when you look at this objectively", and then blatantly proceed to allow their own personal bias to push the various conversations with callers in a direction that is so defensive towards the Aussies, it kinda loses its credibility.

My point was about the Indians. Somehow you turned it into something about your local cricket and then into your thoughts on the Australian cricket team.

My only original point was, the Indian cricket team aren't angels themselves, so any criticism on the Aussie team, justified or not, is a tad hypocritical.

You have fine and valid points, but just not exactly what I was on about.
Re: The SEN Thread

Run Home last night were promoting Matt Hardy and his DVD. Kept playing it on air. Is there more to his act than just standing up giving "I'm so Australian" jokes? Stand up comedians do a lot more work than that! It's like having Eddie Murphy do "Yo Mama" jokes for an hour. Funny to read, but wouldn't pay to see it.
Re: The SEN Thread

My point was about the Indians. Somehow you turned it into something about your local cricket and then into your thoughts on the Australian cricket team.

My only original point was, the Indian cricket team aren't angels themselves, so any criticism on the Aussie team, justified or not, is a tad hypocritical.

You have fine and valid points, but just not exactly what I was on about.

im with ya pig :thumbsu:
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