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    Nightmare of drinking beer

    I hope that doesn't happen to me when i drink
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    Nightmare of drinking beer

    Very funny:)
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    Lame Jokes about the AFL

    Neil craig and his finals campaigns with the cows choke choke choke
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    Lame Jokes about the AFL

    Everyone loves a good joke, everyone also loves the AFL. Dump all of your best jokes. Mine is Q. What's the difference between a firefighter and the Richmond Football Club? A. A firefighter climbs a ladder.
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    Lame jokes

    Why was their a dead dog in the yard? Santa did it
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    Lame jokes

    What's similar between a Collingwood fan and a old man? They have no teeth. hahahahahahahahaahahaha:)
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    Lame jokes

    Who shot JF Kennedy? Collingwood fans were the only suspects.
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    Lame jokes

    Why wasn't the pirate aloud to see the movie? Because it was rated M
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    FTA-TV Who finds Karl Stefanovic funny

    Karl Stefanovic keeps trying to be funny on TV
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    Religion Why is Scientology known as a religion?

    Scientology should not be a religion To my fellow big footy views i am asking Scientology should not be a religion'. Well through investigation into the religion its that Scientology is using children as workers of the church. They work around 40 hours a week and not providing basic education...
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    Roast Which team should replace Port in the AFL?

    Given we lost to the Tigers there is no way we deserve to be in the AFL so I thought I would ask fans of the team which embarrassed us which side they would like to see in the AFL as a replacement for Port
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    Religion Why is Scientology known as a religion?

    wWhy is scientology a religion? Don't understand why its a religion
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    Best shampoo and conditioner?

    head and shoulders
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    Best shampoo and conditioner?

    the best shampoo and conditioner is head and shoulders
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    Vic Best and worst train stations in Melbourne

    Flinders or Southern cross
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    Weight training questions

    Eat lots of Mcdonalds and watch a lot of TV You will be puffed up in no time
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    Sport Jokes

    Why did the referee have such a high phone bill? Because he made to many calls! hahahahahahahahahahaha
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    Sport Jokes

    How do sport players stay cool in a game? They stay in front of some Fans!!!!! hahahahahahahahahaha
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    Your favourite comedian.

    karl stefanovic shorely
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    Is South Africa really as dangerous as it's made out to be.

    If you think South Africa bad, wait to you see Australia:(
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    Dogs suitable for apartment

    Why shouldn't they, they are dogs
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    collingwood fans are intelligent

    Eddie i not sore :confused:
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    FTA-TV Gary Coleman dead

    Coleman RIP
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    Best Areas to live in Sydney

    Kings Cross hahahahahaahahahahaahahaha
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    What are you smoking!

    Kit Kat
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    Making a Big Career Change

    Working at Mcdonalds to KFC
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    Watching Desperate House Wives of Channel 7
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    In light of Aker's comments and the Gay AFL

    Eddie says hi
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    Fav BigM's

    My favourite Big M is Raspberry and coca cola:)
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    Movie Movies that deserve sequels

    Chicken Little It would be interesting to see Chicken save the day