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  • There are many many other peer-reviewed studies available( (and these are 'first hand' studies based on their direct research, not merely studies that refer to other un-qualified studies) on line that provide the details behind the other statements I made about children under 12, etc etc.

    A delicate topic, which raises passionate responses, I know.
    Yep. That's why I'm keen to see some stats...too often it ends up just being 'vibe' stuff...
    Either way, there is not much doubt that the issues of DV for men and boys is shamefully neglected, and the widespread social 'belief' of DV being mostly Men on Women is not really very accurate - and therefore (logically) - at best unhelpful to finding real solutions and at worst, a very unjust demonization of brothers, fathers, sons, uncles, grandparents in our society.
    Perhaps it is down to their own biases and if I were cynical, its possible there is a DV industry that benefits from making it gender focused and not Generational and class focussed.
    these are just 2, but honestly, I was not putting any silly spin on it - there are genuinely 40 years of official, peer reviewed studies from US, UK and Australia that come to similar conclusions. I do not know why Government and DV groups choose to cherry pick the data to make it a gender issue;
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    Thanks for getting back to me...very keen to have a look.
    Great avatar.
    Ha! Thanks. David Firth is one weird unit and it's def my fave animation of his.
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