Silver Tongue
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  • Hey Silver,
    I thought Ringo was Dave Williams but is it Hendo?? Yeah heard Williams is a bit of a legend in the GV. That's good Rochy have set themselves up.
    Tom Sheldon from KY used to work under me for a while about 2 years ago before moving back to Echuca to live. Gun player yeAH!

    Cheers mate.
    G'day Silver,
    Deal not officially done yet mate but tribunal was called off so maybe the newspaper put 2 and 2 together and came up with 5. Your right though it will be sorted by some payment to get the clearance through. Hopefully it comes out of Shermo's package. Then let's see how many games he plays for KY.
    Cheers mate..
    Silver Tongue
    Silver Tongue
    Hey Turbs,
    Yeah I am aware of Ringos coaching credentials mate and reckon he was stooged by Echuca. Rochy have their own long term plans in place with new coach James Flaherty. Ex-Bendigo Bomber and Perth Peel skipper. Thy are a well governed club. Shermos predecessor at Kyabram Dave Williams coached Rochy for 15 years before moving to Ky for 5 years. Legendary bloke!
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