Thanks scomo, everyone knows 80% vaccinated is hard to achieve. More spin, we’ll never ‘open up’ with our current set of politicians (of all colours)

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30k Posts 10k Posts HBF's Milk Crate - 70k Posts TheBrownDog
Sep 13, 2000
Melbourne cricket ground. Australia
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And returning Aussies who are vaccinated and quote ‘ low risk to the population’ have to wait for 70% to be vaccinated? So are put in HQ with infected people.

we won’t get to move forward until the current leadership is replaced , but the scared population is clinging to them.


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Yep, done. Now what? Wait for this pie in the sky number to be met before it means anything at all changes
I don’t think it’s so unreasonable, Canada has just crossed 70% receiving their first dose (first doses of course an excellent leading indicator for fully vaccinated), and are thats still climbing steadily. It wasn’t so long ago they were languishing near the bottom with us. The important thing is these goals now give people a real reason to get vaccinated which will drive down hesitancy. And for those concerned about the Astra-Zeneca vaccine, we will be flooded with Pfizer doses at the end of the year.
I don’t think it’s so unreasonable, Canada has just crossed 70% receiving their first dose (first doses of course an excellent leading indicator for fully vaccinated), and are thats still climbing steadily. It wasn’t so long ago they were languishing near the bottom with us. The important thing is these goals now give people a real reason to get vaccinated which will drive down hesitancy. And for those concerned about the Astra-Zeneca vaccine, we will be flooded with Pfizer doses at the end of the year.

I really hope you're right, I have no real faith we'll get there though. And it's 70% to get to Phase B which is no real different to now lockdown wise. 80% for Phase C
There's no opening up. 80% is some arbitrary number. If we opened up no restrictions with 80% vaccinated we'd be looking at 20 deaths per day which no pearl clutcher would tolerate, so once it's at 80% they'll revise it to 90%.
And you think a Labor govenment is going to open up? Notice NSW didn't lock down until they go 20 cases a day, all Labor ran state locked down after 1?

Google covid vaccinations per capita by state in Australia.

Spoiler alert:

Labour states are in front.

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And you think a Labor govenment is going to open up? Notice NSW didn't lock down until they go 20 cases a day, all Labor ran state locked down after 1?

‘just to be clear, I meant all of them. (Of all colours?)They see a sure fire way to be re elected, and the ones who already have substantial majorities should no better. There’s a time to do what’s right not what’s popular.
And the oppositions are just me too. Albo wants manufacturing of vaccine in aus or something like that as a target
FFS even bullshit Boris worked that one out.
Get vaccinated, it’s pretty simple

people waiting to come to australia we’re probably vaccinated long ago. It the anti vaccine racists already here who are not.

there shouldn’t be a number on vaccinated arrivals. There’s no logic to that. Whatsoever
6 months after a massive massive effort vaccination effort started in Britain, 2 doses are just 56% and one dose 70%. This a country which had more motivation, and the effort is tailing off now, but September requirements for nightclubs, universities etc for both vaccines may keep the motivation up.

I very much doubt australia can achieve either in six months, so fully vaccinated arrivals (who we are told are low risk) have to wait for the rate to reach 80%

I hope this includes returning olympians etc, but I suspect rank hypocrisy will apply here. Oh but the poor dears won’t get victory parades so sad
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OK scomo? Which countries have made 70% never mind 80% and had to back track on lockdown lifting?

thered be less than 6 who’ve got anywhere near those figures UK is 59%

Starts by saying it’s ‘the science’ and ends up talking about putting your coat on. Ultimate buffoon, but not as much a one of those voters supporting him

The Prime Minister says 70 per cent of eligible Australians will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 for the country to begin reopening and returning to normal, and 80 per cent to end lockdowns.

It would not be until 80 per cent of the population is fully vaccinated that further restrictions would be eased – including travel restrictions for people who have had the shots.

The targets are based on modelling from The Doherty Institute.

"We didn't sort of pluck this figure out of the air," Mr Morrison told Nine Radio on Saturday.

"Of course we needed the target, but it needed to be one that actually was based on science and economics.

"So we knew if we could get to that mark, we could have a confidence that you wouldn't then have to go back, like we've seen so many other countries do."

Mr Morrison cited the so-called "Freedom Day" announcements made in places such as the United Kingdom. Originally scheduled for mid-June, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson delayed the easing of restrictions by a month.

"The day where we move forward is the day where we hit those targets — the calendar won't determine it, the vaccination rate will determine it," Mr Morrison said.

"If I were to walk out here in Canberra this morning wearing nothing but my board shorts, I would freeze.

"But if I go out there with a big coat on, I'll be fine — that's what getting to 70 per cent vaccination is."

Less than 20 per cent of the eligible population has received two doses so far.
Australia used to be a ‘board shorts’ kind of nation.
Now under current leadership it’s a shit scared person who wears a big coat everywhere

Maybe a protest crowd in board shorts could make the point
I don’t think it’s so unreasonable, Canada has just crossed 70% receiving their first dose (first doses of course an excellent leading indicator for fully vaccinated), and are thats still climbing steadily. It wasn’t so long ago they were languishing near the bottom with us. The important thing is these goals now give people a real reason to get vaccinated which will drive down hesitancy. And for those concerned about the Astra-Zeneca vaccine, we will be flooded with Pfizer doses at the end of the year.
Where we differ from Canada and other countries is that ordinary people are unable to travel and will not be able to do so until the 80% target is reached. For someone like me at 68 who usually spends 3-4 months a year in warmer climates with overseas friends, this is a huge loss of freedom. Beyond the age of 70, travel insurance is expensive and difficult to get and your possible health needs much greater. I think we are the only country intent on keeping its own population locked away from the world. If you are rich you can get an exemption now, but ordinary people will be waiting for the 80% target to be reached. I would happily leave the country now and return when the 80% is achieved but that is not an option. We nanny our people more than any developed country.
Ok but this is where Scomo isn’t using spin for once, 80% is the number generally accepted as needed to obtain herd immunity. Anything lower than that and you increase the risk substantially of more widespread transmission and cases/deaths.

Now if we get there is another question, and if we don’t due to anti vaxxers, then there will come a point when we just say screw it and open up regardless of the vaccination percentage at that point. But for the next 4-5 months they need to entice as many people as possible to get vaccinated and giving a percentage goal/incentives helps to do that.
There's no opening up. 80% is some arbitrary number. If we opened up no restrictions with 80% vaccinated we'd be looking at 20 deaths per day which no pearl clutcher would tolerate, so once it's at 80% they'll revise it to 90%.

There's currently no way to open up and avoid masses of deaths at the same time. The government has wisely taken things slowly to observe what has happened elsewhere, and the news isn't good.
There was nothing like the sight of refrigerated trailers full of bodies parked on street corners to get people literally running to get
vaccinated overseas. Fear works. Sometimes I wish the governments here would add a zero or two onto the case and death numbers
here to put the wind up people who are waiting for a good hair day or the vaccine to be the right colour. No chance of that of course
as governments all over the country pretending they have everything under control and everything is going just great and one day the
virus will just magically disappear.

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