Things more hypocritical than Australians on Drugs in sport

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30k Posts 10k Posts HBF's Milk Crate - 70k Posts TheBrownDog
Sep 13, 2000
Melbourne cricket ground. Australia
AFL Club
Other Teams
Russian team is banned, every last on, 'good blokes' or otherwise. Aussie media cheering on, every last Man, Women, Oaf


Yet poor Jobe, Good bloke and son of the year was a 'victim' of an evil doping regime

Its almost a given, but for SEN in particular to take the 'poor jobe' line the day after the olympics when they've been so harsh on drug cheats is breathtaking.

I'm betting your run of the mill Russian athlete didn't get much of a say in how it proceeds either, but the regime and its ill gotten gains has to be punished as a whole.

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Heard Kosi on SEN today saying Jobe should lose his Brownlow...Specifically mentions that he couldn't understand why recieving off site injections in the stomach, would not have raised alarm bells for the players.
He also spoke about the regular drug education all players receive and that it is drummed into them that whatever goes into their body is their sole responsibility.
Mentioned that even if it was a homeopathic pill or remedy it should firstly be taken to the club doctor for clearance and to double check the ingredients before taking it.
Also commented that the players who were charged with doping should not have any games credited to them during that season... perhaps impacting Fletcher more than the others.
All this predicated of course on the final outcome re the drug charges.
Heard Kosi on SEN today saying Jobe should lose his Brownlow...Specifically mentions that he couldn't understand why recieving off site injections in the stomach, would not have raised alarm bells for the players.
He also spoke about the regular drug education all players receive and that it is drummed into them that whatever goes into their body is their sole responsibility.
Mentioned that even if it was a homeopathic pill or remedy it should firstly be taken to the club doctor for clearance and to double check the ingredients before taking it.
Also commented that the players who were charged with doping should not have any games credited to them during that season... perhaps impacting Fletcher more than the others.
All this predicated of course on the final outcome re the drug charges.

For a guy who has had so many concussions, at least he still has his marbles! Was amnesia a serious side effect from taking these drugs?
For a guy who has had so many concussions, at least he still has his marbles! Was amnesia a serious side effect from taking these drugs?
less peripheral vision than the Large Hadron Collider and that channel seven journalist prolly got it right when he said he raped the steven milne episode in sandringham or highett.

less peripheral vision than the Large Hadron Collider and that channel seven journalist prolly got it right when he said he raped the steven milne episode in sandringham or highett.

degrees in being an ******** are given freely these days ...
Nope. Can't think of anything.

We all cheer when Jared Tallent receives the Gold Medal because of the Russian drug cheat but when it comes to Jobe losing the Brownlow.....

The AFL just keep sweeping it under the carpet, they simply will not accept we have a drugs culture in Aussie Rules. Until they do, nothing is going to change. Undergo an entire program of illicit drugs, that's fine, but throw a banana one time and watch the AFL jump. It's a lot easier to admonish one imbecile in the crowd than it is an entire football club.

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The AFL just keep sweeping it under the carpet, they simply will not accept we have a drugs culture in Aussie Rules. Until they do, nothing is going to change. Undergo an entire program of illicit drugs, that's fine, but throw a banana one time and watch the AFL jump. It's a lot easier to admonish one imbecile in the crowd than it is an entire football club.
i dont think they "sweep it under the carpet".

they manage it.

They manage the public radar for the performance enhancing drugs. and the recreation drugs.

occasionally it pops up. onto the public consciousness when the story gets too big to manage. see: Ben Cousins and Windy Hill.

AFL is now a billion dollar industry. This is not Justin Charles and a story like Dale Lewis gets more legs now. You cant completely shut it down. Media fora such as this.

PEDs and recreational gear find a happy equilibrium. Hopefully there are not too many, and I am not being flippant, hopefully there are not too many Cousins, Tuck, Chick, Mainwaring, Buddy. However, put any A-type personality individual in an AFL environment with an income, profile, and adulation, it is a perfect recipe for destruction of a material percent of the niche population. PEDs normalised. recreational drugs normalised. AFL's job is to manage it. It is not a problem, it is the complications of a regular life. To assume there is a solution, is to assume a problem with a solution. You seek the utopia that does not exist.
Another - the afl's attitude towards gambling when officials involved for trivial stakes vs the incessant plugging of sports betting at the ground and as part of tv coverage.
this was something inevitable also. but i will criticize demetriou mclachlan and fitzpatrick for ushering it in and welcoming a new revenue stream. blame colin carter and boston consulting too.

when all of those higher-ups love the flemington carnival, when mclachlan and demetriou go to warrny for the jumps in stupid dress and dressage[sic], silly hats and blazers... aint it a given that demetriou wants to invite the bookies in, when he knows they prolly wont be able to prevent its entry, and he wants the annual ceo bonus in his pocket, not gilligans.

We don't have doping in Australian sports, we have "supplement scandals" and it's not systematic doping either, it's "poor governance".
Liz Lukin and Ian Hanke... no roids brah

they defused it better than that film about Iraq bomb disposal unit and jeremy renner won an academy award for best actor. did i see it? for godsakes no, who do u take me for, an idkjit? the female director of point break directed pleonasm it. I would prefer to see patrick swazie's oeuvre. dirty dancing, point break, roadhouse. thats some quality innit

I was just looking at MLB scores, and the NFL starts on, you know...
olympics nba and swimming and tnF

then there are the brits, and the empire crew. for chrissakes it would be like sleeping next to meds for the rest of ur life and i dont mean ODing on xannies.

olympics nba and swimming and tnF

then there are the brits, and the empire crew. for chrissakes it would be like sleeping next to meds for the rest of ur life and i dont mean ODing on xannies.

Ah Xanax...slept/walked through a layover in Dubai one trip.

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