Twitter and Facebook Sharing - Sept 2014

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You can now share your posts and threads directly to Twitter and/or Facebook.

To get started, just associate your social account(s) with your BigFooty account:

This also means you can log in to BigFooty with your social media account: one less password!

* This won't be made public within BigFooty. We will not publicly identify your Facebook, Twitter or Google+ identity with your BF account.

* We will not post or make changes to your social media account unless you request/approve it yourself.

* When you share, the system will auto-tick the share options on your subsequent posts unless you un-tick them. You can see these options near the Post Reply and Create Thread buttons.

*** Users who already had twitter authentication will need to reauthenticate, go to the external-accounts page listed above, disassociate your account and reassociate.
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I like the idea and all, but


Authorize BigFooty to use your account?

This application will be able to:

  • Read Tweets from your timeline.
  • See who you follow, and follow new people.
  • Update your profile.
  • Post Tweets for you.


I feel a little iffy about that. What's the likelihood of any of that happening?

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  • Thread starter
  • Admin
  • #4
I like the idea and all, but


Authorize BigFooty to use your account?

This application will be able to:

  • Read Tweets from your timeline.
  • See who you follow, and follow new people.
  • Update your profile.
  • Post Tweets for you.


I feel a little iffy about that. What's the likelihood of any of that happening?
None of that will happen unless you specify it.

"Post Tweets for you" just means that you can post via the app rather than manually.
I like the idea and all, but

I feel a little iffy about that. What's the likelihood of any of that happening?
With twitter there is no fine-grained control over permissions, it's either "read" or "read and write"

With statuses, you do have the option of updating your twitter status with the same status that on BigFooty - and you are given the option of doing that when you change your status. Remembering that on Twitter, status and tweet are the same thing.
With twitter there is no fine-grained control over permissions, it's either "read" or "read and write"

With statuses, you do have the option of updating your twitter status with the same status that on BigFooty - and you are given the option of doing that when you change your status. Remembering that on Twitter, status and tweet are the same thing.

Well, it just posted to my account about some trophy stuff and I never ticked a box for that!
If you reply to this post, are either of the boxes ticked?


I just was checking my twitter profile and all of a sudden there was a tweet there from earlier today saying

'i just got the 1k likes trophy on bigfooty' with a link (wording mightn't be exact as I deleted it, hardly want the fact that i frequent forums broadcast to anyone who wishes to stalk me via social media)

Only thing I knew about that was I got a notification about some trophy earlier today. never clicked anything about posting to twitter or anything so I'm as stumped as you it seems.

I just was checking my twitter profile and all of a sudden there was a tweet there from earlier today saying

'i just got the 1k likes trophy on bigfooty' with a link (wording mightn't be exact as I deleted it, hardly want the fact that i frequent forums broadcast to anyone who wishes to stalk me via social media)

Only thing I knew about that was I got a notification about some trophy earlier today. never clicked anything about posting to twitter or anything so I'm as stumped as you it seems.
I will check this out for you.

I just was checking my twitter profile and all of a sudden there was a tweet there from earlier today saying

'i just got the 1k likes trophy on bigfooty' with a link (wording mightn't be exact as I deleted it, hardly want the fact that i frequent forums broadcast to anyone who wishes to stalk me via social media)

Only thing I knew about that was I got a notification about some trophy earlier today. never clicked anything about posting to twitter or anything so I'm as stumped as you it seems. - Down the bottom of this page make sure the share options are set the way you want them. It was set to "opt-out" for trophies when it should be opt-in.

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Hey Chief/Jim Boy is it possible to do this in the reverse with Facebook? We can embed twitter but can we embed Facebook posts to here?
I am sure we can find something.
I am sure we can find something.
hey, can't seem to get embed anything from facebook here, and this was the closest relevant thread i could find. i would have thought it'd be a similar process to most of the other sites like twitter & youtube where you just paste the URL into the media box?

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Twitter and Facebook Sharing - Sept 2014

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