Following the Mighty Flagpies superb rope-a-dope and comeback on Sunday there has been a lot of chat about the biggest comebacks this century (graphic courtesy of the First Crack)
But this is the Bay and we don't care about winners just pissing on losers, so let's talk about who the biggest chokers are
We've all seen lolnorf doing lolnorf things so often it barely riases an eyebrow but to be fair, Essendong were the minor premiers in 2001, and this year they capitulated against the reigning premiers on gtheir way to B2B, so two tough assignments with lolnorf missing finals by a mile both seasons
Likewise the Aints missed finals while the Welfare made them in 2015
However if you look at geelol's efforts, while they were up against aother minor (and major) premier in 2006, the choke was at their misshapen cheat ground and in 2013 they choked against the lolions who finished 12th while the pussycats finished the H&A season in 2nd
So, I think on balance you have to give the 21st century chokers award to the Handbaggers

But this is the Bay and we don't care about winners just pissing on losers, so let's talk about who the biggest chokers are
We've all seen lolnorf doing lolnorf things so often it barely riases an eyebrow but to be fair, Essendong were the minor premiers in 2001, and this year they capitulated against the reigning premiers on gtheir way to B2B, so two tough assignments with lolnorf missing finals by a mile both seasons
Likewise the Aints missed finals while the Welfare made them in 2015
However if you look at geelol's efforts, while they were up against aother minor (and major) premier in 2006, the choke was at their misshapen cheat ground and in 2013 they choked against the lolions who finished 12th while the pussycats finished the H&A season in 2nd
So, I think on balance you have to give the 21st century chokers award to the Handbaggers