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A bit of a wordy title I know but I am curious to see what people are most looking forward to or are most worried about in regards to their team for the 2024 season?

For me, in regards to the Swans

Most looking forward to

  • Seeing the progression of our younger players like Gulden, Warner and McDonald. I really want to see a match where all three really fire.
  • Seeing how the Swans go with Grundy as he is the first top of the line ruckman we have traded for in a long time. I want to see how he will affect the Swans midfield, if he can improve our pretty terrible clearance numbers.

Most worried about

  • If McCartin goes down. We don't have much in the way of KPD's to replace him if he gets injured. Any hope of a being in premiership contention goes out the window if McCartin gets injured.
  • Worried that Warner won't improve. His 2023 season was not as good as his 2022 season and while I am hoping that was a blip of course there is a tiny part of me that is worried it wasn't.

So what are you looking forward to and worried about with your team in the 2024 season?
