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And here in lies the biggest issue with umpiring critique. You obviously don't know or understand the laws.  The laws are are always outlined with "spirit and intent" . In your example 18.6.2 is as you say you want it to be:

18.6.2 Free Kicks - Holding the Ball: Prior Opportunity

Where a Player in Possession of the Football has had Prior Opportunity, a field Umpire shall award a Free Kick if that Player does not Correctly Dispose of the football immediately when they are Legally Tackled.

Attempting to dispose of the ball is clearly written in to 18.6.3 and 18.6.4 which deals with no prior opportunity. 

18.6.3 Free Kicks - Holding the Ball: Incorrect Disposal

Where a Player in Possession of the Football has not had Prior Opportunity, a field Umpire shall award a Free Kick if that Player elects to Incorrectly Dispose of the football when Legally Tackled. 

For the avoidance of doubt, a Player does not elect to Incorrectly Dispose of the football when:

(a) the Player genuinely attempts to Correctly Dispose of the football;

(b) the Legal Tackle causes the football to be dislodged from the Player’s possession.

18.6.4 Free Kicks - Holding the Ball: No Genuine Attempt

Where a Player in Possession of the Football has not had Prior Opportunity, a field Umpire shall award a Free Kick if the Player is able to, but does not make a genuine attempt to Correctly Dispose of the football within a reasonable time when Legally Tackled.

You're just get upset because you don't know, like or understand the law.  That's not on the umpires, it's on you.

If you didn't have attempt to dispose without prior no one would want to pick the ball up in a contested situation.  There would be more benefit in letting your opponent pick the ball up and then you tackle them so they cant make an attempt to dispose of it.  Football should always be about rewarding the player that goes for the ball.  It would completely ruin the game if it was done away with.

What most people get upset with is he interpretation of prior, and this is where inconsistency comes in with 4 umps.  

And just on my point earlier, the game is called Australian RULES Football.  This change to The Laws of the game highlights the change in ideology of umpires becoming policemen/women. One of my biggest bugbears is we are the only game in the world that blows the whistle and then calls advantage.  Every other game calls advantage and then blows the whistle if there is no advantage.  In my day and ump would call out "play you've got the ball" if there was a free behind the play (eg in a shepherd).  Now days the umps insist on blowing the whistle, everyone stops except one player and then the ump calls advantage.  Just let the game go.  If I was coaching kids now, I'd tell them not to play to the whistle.
