No Oppo Supporters The TAN 83 - arse: keep it clean just in case

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Unbelievable! * the world’s crooked. 5 times while married he got a women that wasn’t his wife pregnant. What the *!

Honestly, I found the real face of Boris (before someone pointed out to him that it's not helpful to his future ambitions to look like a professional fascist) the most disturbing part...

Screen Shot 2024-02-14 at 7.38.13 pm.png

Should have been institutionalised way back then, not graduated from one of the country's top schools and allowed to fail upwards all the way to the top job.
Honestly, I found the real face of Boris (before someone pointed out to him that it's not helpful to his future ambitions to look like a professional fascist) the most disturbing part...

View attachment 1905318

Should have been institutionalised way back then, not graduated from one of the country's top schools and allowed to fail upwards all the way to the top job.
looks like martin bryant

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Remember when every campaigner was hoarding toilet paper?
Used my job at the time to get a hold of toilet paper, every time I was working in a new area I'd check the shop and get a pack, we cut it fine a few times but never had to use the newspaper
Used my job at the time to get a hold of toilet paper, every time I was working in a new area I'd check the shop and get a pack, we cut it fine a few times but never had to use the newspaper
Nothing wrong with using the Herald Sun

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