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"The windstorm was the most destructive weather event to affect the Perth Metropolitan area in the last 30 years, the total damage bill was greater than 25 million dollars. Several houses were completely unroofed but the majority of property damage was minor, the average insurance claim being $700 and more than 60% of claims were for fence damage. Thousands of trees were either blown down or had large limbs snapped off. Many of these fell across powerlines contributing to widespread blackouts. The number of households affected was so large that power was not fully restored for several days. "

"Strong cold fronts can not only bring a lot of rain to Perth, but can cause a lot of damage.

On the 23rd May, 1994 one of the strongest cold fronts ever to hit the south-west of Western Australia moved through Perth. Heavy showers, thunderstorms and gale force winds lashed Perth for most of the day and night with severe wind squalls, much of the city had power blackouts. Many homes received damage, while tree damage was widespread.

This storm was rare as it occurred very early in the season, the strongest cold fronts usually occur between mid June and early August."
