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The podiums are pretty obvious if you've followed my comments in the SC thread over the last year.

Two songs are on my 30 song "Hall of Fame" playlist that are my absolute favourite tracks from my non-top 5 artists. The winner is a discovered song that I have added to said playlist.

3. The Waifs - “London Still” [USER=66951]SM[/USER]


3rd place goes to the winner of round 832's Billy and is the second Billy-winner on this list with Shania Twain. This is a sentimental folk ballad that always manages to send me into both a state of deep content and longing. Especially now that I'm living away from family and friends. Like all songs in my HoF playlist I can listen to this anytime, in any situation.

2. Robyn – “Dancing on my Own” [USER=73945]TubbsFarquhar[/USER]


I was introduced to this song via the funniest and most touching moment of the tv show "Girls". Here the main character finds out her boyfriend is gay, vainly tries to write a tweet about it to her 26 followers before dancing her troubles away with her housemate. The show and song are both hopelessly melodramatic but I always feel something listening to it. It stands as a personal reminder that without feelings, no matter how vain and silly they might be, my outlook loses plenty of colour.

And last but definitely not the least -

1. The Rattling Kind – “All Around the Town” [USER=55348]ArdentEagle[/USER] 


I was floored by this. So much so I looked it up on Tidal (the 6 min album version is even better) and played it on loop for like an hour as I used to play favourite songs as a kid. Oh my gosh the voice, which sounds like breaking from seeing too much, is an captivating appeal to help his community. The folky/celtic instrumentation ties it together so well (shout out to the banjo). With just 1.7 million plays on Spotify and coming out in 2013 I was likely never going to find this gem without it being nommed. And that's why I love the song contest so much.

There's been 100's of other examples of this, many of which have featured on this list as well.

Hopefully this doesn't become a whine-fest about my short-sightedness/bad taste and rather a celebration of the Song Contest and its remarkable, eclectic contestants.

The worst thing about doing this list, other than the fear of negative feedback, was seeing so many past contestants that feature who have left. On the bright-side it makes me appreciate those that have stuck around even more. It's also exciting to see new faces such as [USER=24105]Lunchlady Doris[/USER] and [USER=195346]Callums_Guns[/USER] who I'm sure will feature on any future, hypothetical list.

Alright that's way too much rambling from me. Peace out.
