The Old Dark Navy's
- Moderator
- #1
Folks, we have done this previously and we feel it is time to do it again.
There is a increasing amount of smug and dismissive posting happening on the boards. People are being ridiculed for reasonable opinions and this serves to quell debate and a sense of community, which is what we are here for.
There is room for positive and negative opinion on this board, if articulated in a constructive fashion. You can give reasons why a player should, or should not, be in the side ... if articulated constructively. You can give reasons why a coach should, or should not, be on our staff ... if articulated constructively.
If a poster only appears to post negatively after a loss, and you have doubts over the legitimacy of their intentions or support, that's a mod issue. Report it and we will discuss it together. We have not deputised other posters to take them to task and quell discussion that they don't agree with.
We also don't want posters brow beating each other endlessly with circular arguments that neither are going to agree with. Swallow your pride, agree to disagree and walk away if you can't maintain decorum and can't offer anything new to the argument.
We don't want posters calling out others because they articulated an opinion against a player and that player has a good game. The reverse applies also. This petty pointscoring does nothing to foster positivity in our community.
If we see posts that contain language so as to minimise or dismiss the other person's opinion, instead of just addressing it at face value, we can and will act on it until we get some sort of balance back on the board. This balance usually occurs when more people start complaining about how tough we are, instead of how soft we are. When this happens, we will call off our extra vigilant approach and trust you to maintain the standard we have set.
It's never been our agenda to lose Carlton posters. We want this to be a vibrant place for comraderie and debate, with the hope that we can support, inform and educate each other. If that's not your agenda, you may find this crackdown to your disliking.
We will use warnings, infractions and thread bans as the weapons in our arsenal. We do so with good intentions, even though many won't feel this way.
There may be examples other than what I have listed and if we pull someone up, we will explain it at the time.
This post will be copied to our rules thread. Mod. Notice - Carlton Board Rules & Posting Quality Policy
I have bumped the snark moratorium so if any posters guilty of some of the above want to mend some fences, please use the levity and all encompassing kumbaya love of this thread to do so. It's there for forgiveness. It's there for posters to be the bigger person and put their hand up for transgressions. It is not there for 'told you so' retorts or airing further dirty laundry to the detriment of others.
Play nice please friends.
There is a increasing amount of smug and dismissive posting happening on the boards. People are being ridiculed for reasonable opinions and this serves to quell debate and a sense of community, which is what we are here for.
There is room for positive and negative opinion on this board, if articulated in a constructive fashion. You can give reasons why a player should, or should not, be in the side ... if articulated constructively. You can give reasons why a coach should, or should not, be on our staff ... if articulated constructively.
If a poster only appears to post negatively after a loss, and you have doubts over the legitimacy of their intentions or support, that's a mod issue. Report it and we will discuss it together. We have not deputised other posters to take them to task and quell discussion that they don't agree with.
We also don't want posters brow beating each other endlessly with circular arguments that neither are going to agree with. Swallow your pride, agree to disagree and walk away if you can't maintain decorum and can't offer anything new to the argument.
We don't want posters calling out others because they articulated an opinion against a player and that player has a good game. The reverse applies also. This petty pointscoring does nothing to foster positivity in our community.
If we see posts that contain language so as to minimise or dismiss the other person's opinion, instead of just addressing it at face value, we can and will act on it until we get some sort of balance back on the board. This balance usually occurs when more people start complaining about how tough we are, instead of how soft we are. When this happens, we will call off our extra vigilant approach and trust you to maintain the standard we have set.
It's never been our agenda to lose Carlton posters. We want this to be a vibrant place for comraderie and debate, with the hope that we can support, inform and educate each other. If that's not your agenda, you may find this crackdown to your disliking.
We will use warnings, infractions and thread bans as the weapons in our arsenal. We do so with good intentions, even though many won't feel this way.
There may be examples other than what I have listed and if we pull someone up, we will explain it at the time.
This post will be copied to our rules thread. Mod. Notice - Carlton Board Rules & Posting Quality Policy
I have bumped the snark moratorium so if any posters guilty of some of the above want to mend some fences, please use the levity and all encompassing kumbaya love of this thread to do so. It's there for forgiveness. It's there for posters to be the bigger person and put their hand up for transgressions. It is not there for 'told you so' retorts or airing further dirty laundry to the detriment of others.
Universal Love - Snark Moratorium
Okay folks, it's healing time. We have done this sort of thread before when we have had a build up of frustrations and tensions and we lash out at the ones we love and we come in here and confess we went too far, didn't mean something, that it was not personal, that it escalated and we could...

Play nice please friends.