Mallee Football League

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Club Legend
Oct 24, 2005
I realise there is next to no activity on the BF boards regarding the Mallee FL but there has been one great piece of news to happen in the league this Christmas. Earlier this year Beulah footballer John McCredden was knocked unconscious and lapsed into a coma lasting almost seven weeks. He has regained his health and returned home recently.

Article from the Wimmera Mail-Times:

John's Christmas miracle
Megan Hustwaite
Friday, 23 December 2005

THE tiny southern Mallee community of Beulah and its McCredden family will celebrate its own miracle this Christmas.
If they ever needed confirmation about the miracle of life they have it in the home-coming of a favourite son, John McCredden, 30, who has recovered enough from a serious head injury to be home for Christmas.

"I believe in miracles and this is ours," his mother Brenda McCredden told the Mail-Times this week.

"It's the best gift of all that you could have for Christmas. To have him home here with us is just the most beautiful feeling."

An air ambulance flew McCredden to Melbourne in August after he was knocked out in a Mallee Football League match at Woomelang.

Doctors feared at the time he might never recover. He spent 47 days in a coma.

He started his road to recovery in Melbourne's Royal Talbot Hospital before transferring to Peter Heinz Centre in Ballarat where he underwent extensive therapy.

"My goal from the start was to be home for Christmas. So I'm absolutely rapt for it to have worked out," McCredden said with a trademark smile.

His mother added: "We're a very close-knit family and this situation has certainly brought us even closer, if we could have been any closer," she said.

John McCredden said he was amazed by the support he received from the tiny Mallee township.

"I'd like to thank the Beulah community, the football club and everyone who passed on good wishes," he said.

"Former president Russell Turnbull, his wife Suzie and his family have been wonderful.

"Shane Snibson who coached this year has gone above and beyond the call of duty. He's based in Ballarat so he's been popping into rehab to see me which has been really good.

"My work, North West Ag Services, have been fantastic. They deserve the greatest thanks.

"I'm just absolutely awed by the support, it's been amazing. I'd like to pass on my thanks to everyone."

Mrs McCredden said she was grateful to the Beulah community, family members and friends.

"I'd like to sincerely thank everybody for their support, the phone calls, visits, letters, flowers and well wishes," she said.

"We're so indebted to them. We're so happy for them, that they've got the `answer' as well as us.

"It makes you realise there is nothing like a little old country town."

Mrs McCredden stayed with her son for the four months he was in hospital, sitting with him for about eight hours each day.

"We were in it together," she said.

John McCredden said he was thankful for the wonderful support he'd received from his family.

"It's been amazing," he said.

"My mum was with me the whole time and other family members came to visit me in hospital and they've also come around now that I'm home."

McCredden said his memory leading up to the accident was hazy. He had no recollection of the accident or being in Royal Melbourne Hospital. His first memories were the initial stages of rehabilitation at Royal Talbot Hospital.

"I was in a room which had padded walls. The nurses would get you up for meals and put you back to bed," he said.

"I didn't like that much at all but I understood the reasons for it.

"Funnily enough, I went to the football on August 20 and it took me four months to get home."

McCredden said his strength at handling the situation exceeded his expectations.

"I've probably amazed myself at how accepting I've been," he said.

"It took a bit to adjust to. I never showed frustration but I did warn the nurses at times that I might not be completely obliging," he added, tongue in cheek.

He said he was positive about his recovery from the outset.

"I realised I had a job to do and there was work to be done," he said.

"It was pleasing to be involved in the therapy, to see the rapid improvements."

McCredden said seeing and meeting other patients in hospital helped strengthen his attitude.

"As far as I'm concerned, I consider myself lucky because it could have been a whole lot worse," he said.

"I realised while I was in rehab that so many people were worse off than me which was good for me to see.

"There's no point licking your wounds or feeling sorry for yourself because there's always someone worse off."

McCredden is off medication and he will return to Ballarat in the new year for two weeks for more intensive rehabilitation.

He said his doctors told him they had never seen such a quick recovery from serious head injuries. They were adamant his high level of fitness played a crucial role in his recovery.

An item of silverware has also played a significant role in McCredden's recovery.

His Beulah Blues won Mallee League premiership in his honour and team-mates delivered the cup to his hospital room in Melbourne after grand final celebrations.

Nurses referred to McCredden as the `Cup Man'.

"It was a nice gesture from the boys and having the cup there gave me an incentive to recover. It's a good-looking cup I must admit, but I guess I'm a bit biased," he said.

"It was the last thing I'd look at when I went to sleep and the first thing I saw when I woke up."

McCredden said he was proud of what his beloved Blues achieved.

"I thought it would be a shame to let what happened to me upset things, but I hope it did help them."

Mrs McCredden recalled her son's happiness when informed of the premiership win.

"At the time he had post-traumatic amnesia so apparently he didn't know what was going on," she said.

"But when they brought the cup and his premiership medal to the hospital he reacted to it. He kissed the medal.

"He wasn't allowed to have any drinks so the nurse said he could have a Time-Out chocolate to celebrate the premiership."

Twenty family members including John's siblings Martin, Brendan, Carol, Mary and Geraldine and 10 nieces and nephews will gather at the family's Beulah property for Christmas.

Family members will open presents, eat, drink and participate in a traditional family cricket match.

McCredden said his family would make sure it had the best Christmas it could possibly have.

"All my Christmases have come at once," he said.

Mrs McCredden said her son's return for Christmas was perfect timing.

"To have an accident and get home for Christmas, you just wouldn't believe it. It's a fairytale ending," she said

"We don't care if all the countryside's here to celebrate. We'll be beside ourselves.

"This will be the most important Christmas of all time."
i remember him playing when We use to play against Beulah he's a very good player, i hope he get back to playing footy before too long i Think With Beulah Winning the Premiership also played the part glad he's home for Christmas will he wear a Helmet if he dose return to Play Footy like other players has when they had heavy Knocks? at least until his Injurys heal properly? to protect his head from further Knocks?

That's great new for the lad and his family.

I always keep an eye on the Mallee League as my Mum's family are from Hopetoun.

Iv'e even got a pennant from the 40's when my Grandfather was a captain/coach of the Hopetoun premirship team.

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I'm from Brim, and we had some good years, especally when beat beulah or close to beating them in 2000 like Beulah lead at qt and we;d lead at half tome and 3qt, and they beart us by 14 pts, in wet and Windy conditions at Sea Lake beulah did their best to loose it by inaccuate kicking, and brim kicked Very straight we finished 2nd that year, beulah fininished undefeated ,
Good ending to a tragic day at the footy, thanks grimmett for posting that article. I live in Warracknabeal (not far from Beaulah) and while I don't know him myself I do know people who do.

Hopefully his recovery continues and he can get back to full health.
yeah i use to goto high school In Warracknaeal and we had Beulah Kids on my Bus and we had Lehmans' we Had Brendan , got on well with him when i played Junior footy in under13, under 16 lever well back in the old Southern Mallee when i played oftern the opposition would be short happen when We Played Beulah at Brim, considing differnt in town size we were very competetive with the Bigger town, the hopetouns, beulah, Woomelang LAscelles, Berriwillock, Ouyen, Manangatang, sealake Nadaly, Jeparit,Rainbow both when they were ojn their own and when they amalgamated similar to Nullawil, who are smaller still how they kept on going other small towns arer merging or folding, i'd rather see teams merge rather then go out of existance at least then they can always go back on their own as if ya fold then its very difficult to come back. like Yaapeet they will never get a side again been too long, gerang-Kiata defently won't as their not much left at their old ground, scoreboards gone goal post r gone only the rooms left
Yaapeet gound gets used once a year when Hopetoun plays Jeparit-Rainbow,
if it wasn;t for them there be noting left , and considering Yaapeet rooms arn;t that old either .

i loved going to Yaapeet we'd use to play them 3 times in one year
Yes I've been to footy at Yapeet, only once though. It was for a practice match between Kiamal and Yapeet at about 1979 or 80, I was about 8 and dad was time keeper so I sat in the time keepers box with him.

Kiamal was one of the teams that merged (along with Tiega) to form Ouyen Rovers then of course they merged with TGP to become Ouyen United.
Little bit more info on Beulah and John McCredden.


First published by:

Wimmera Mail-Times
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Beulah ruckman Justin Clarke will be a playing assistant coach for the Blues in the Mallee Football League next year.
Club president Wayne George said the Blues were delighted Clarke would assume an official leadership role in his third year at the club.
“We’re very happy and Justin’s going up to Darwin to do a pre-season and play a few games up there, so he’s going to be super fit,” he said. “He’s only been around the club a few years and he’ll take on the number one ruck role in the absence of Stephen Saunders, so he’s got a good opportunity next season.”
Mr George said he hoped John McCredden, who suffered serious head injuries in a match at Woomelang in August, would be involved in some capacity at the club.
“We’d love to have John involved in some role at the club but we won’t be pushing him into anything,” he said. “Whether that be as a runner or specialist coach, to have him around the club to share his leadership qualities and experience will be invaluable.”
The Blues have lost three players from its 2005 premiership side. Joel Whybird has moved to Queensland, Stephen Saunders is playing for the Vietnam Swans and John McCredden.
The club hopes to sign several more players in the new year including former Great Western and North Ballarat footballer Danny Grellet.
He's a top footballer Justin "clicker" clarke. League best and fairest last year he's a very good Ruckman.
You have to admire Beaulah for such a small town that it is, it still manage's to continue to maintain a very strong football team year after year.
ilovetogetblind said:
Is Nullawil in this league? How have they been going the past couple of years ... are they looking good this year?

Nah Nullawill gave this league the flick a few years ago. They play in the Golden Rivers leauge. (Formerly the Kerang & District leauge).
How is footy in this area travelling? Since the merge of the two leagues, the loss and amalgamation of clubs has continued.What do others see the future of football in the area and do people see further amalgamation of leagues and clubs?

It seems to make a bit of logic that the North Central and Wimmera Football leagues may look at possibly merging and will this have any spin off effects on the Mallee league?

Also, how have Ouyen Rovers been travelling and how are they looking for 2006?
i'd say something will have to happen to keep kids from going away to work and school or clubs will dissapear fast , at least Mallee havn;t lost any clubs for a while.

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localfootyguru said:
How is footy in this area travelling? Since the merge of the two leagues, the loss and amalgamation of clubs has continued.What do others see the future of football in the area and do people see further amalgamation of leagues and clubs?

It seems to make a bit of logic that the North Central and Wimmera Football leagues may look at possibly merging and will this have any spin off effects on the Mallee league?

Also, how have Ouyen Rovers been travelling and how are they looking for 2006?

Mallee leauge still strugling, just holding onto 7 clubs with the main trouble in the area with the youngsters moving on after they finish School. (As Andyt says).
Ouyen Rovers are actualy Ouyen United now, after they merged with TGP. I did hear they were trying to get a few of their ex-juniors who are living in Mildura down to play, not sure how they're going there, as training has'nt started yet, will get back to you there.

Why the interest in Ouyen, if you don't mind me asking. Are you from there? As I am.:thumbsu:
Grimmett said:
Little bit more info on Beulah and John McCredden.


First published by:

Wimmera Mail-Times
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Beulah ruckman Justin Clarke will be a playing assistant coach for the Blues in the Mallee Football League next year.
Club president Wayne George said the Blues were delighted Clarke would assume an official leadership role in his third year at the club.
“We’re very happy and Justin’s going up to Darwin to do a pre-season and play a few games up there, so he’s going to be super fit,” he said. “He’s only been around the club a few years and he’ll take on the number one ruck role in the absence of Stephen Saunders, so he’s got a good opportunity next season.”
Mr George said he hoped John McCredden, who suffered serious head injuries in a match at Woomelang in August, would be involved in some capacity at the club.
“We’d love to have John involved in some role at the club but we won’t be pushing him into anything,” he said. “Whether that be as a runner or specialist coach, to have him around the club to share his leadership qualities and experience will be invaluable.”
The Blues have lost three players from its 2005 premiership side. Joel Whybird has moved to Queensland, Stephen Saunders is playing for the Vietnam Swans and John McCredden.
The club hopes to sign several more players in the new year including former Great Western and North Ballarat footballer Danny Grellet.
Who's he playing for up in Darwin...
BIGANT said:
Who's he playing for up in Darwin...

Nightcliff, currently sitting second on the ladder.
He's been up there for 4 weeks played the first 1 in the seconds and the next 3 in the seniors. It seems he's going alright up there.
Thanks for the info Deano on the Mallee Fl and Ouyen Rovers/ United. Who is coaching them in 2006 and have they signed any recruits as yet?

Have an interest in the club from afar due to a family member being involved in a couple of premierships many years ago.
localfootyguru said:
Thanks for the info Deano on the Mallee Fl and Ouyen Rovers/ United. Who is coaching them in 2006 and have they signed any recruits as yet?

Have an interest in the club from afar due to a family member being involved in a couple of premierships many years ago.

A guy by the name of Steven Bell is their new coach, I don't know much about him except he is from Irymple.

Still have'nt heard about any new recruits but I will keep my ear to the ground.

Did your relative play in premierships in the 80s, if so I will probaly know of him as I was playing for Rovers under 16s back then.
deano1 said:
A guy by the name of Steven Bell is their new coach, I don't know much about him except he is from Irymple.

Still have'nt heard about any new recruits but I will keep my ear to the ground.

Did your relative play in premierships in the 80s, if so I will probaly know of him as I was playing for Rovers under 16s back then.

Originally from Irymple but coached Nhill in the Wimmera FL for a couple of seasons. Good player but kept suffering soft tissue injuries while in Nhill. Has spent the past two season in the Kowree league I think. Possibly as coach of Kanive-Leeor. Just loves playing football. Has shown up to Ararat in the final round of the past two seasons to play a game on permit just because they were struggling and his own team was not playing that weekend. Should do well as he is accustomed to coaching teams that have struggled to get numbers and decent teams together.
Thanks Grimmett, hopefully he is over those soft tissue injuries and he can lead Ouyen United well and give Beaulah a decent run for their money.
A bit disapointed to read in yeasterdays wimmera mail time that Jeparit Rainbow are yet appoint a coach. They are struggling to attract any interest due to the lack of job prospects up there.

Any potential coaches out there I'm sure they would love to here from you.
deano1 said:
A bit disapointed to read in yeasterdays wimmera mail time that Jeparit Rainbow are yet appoint a coach. They are struggling to attract any interest due to the lack of job prospects up there.

Any potential coaches out there I'm sure they would love to here from you.

Snippet lifted from the Wednesday Wimmera Mail-Times as mentioned by Deano.

• Jeparit-Rainbow Football Club officials are yet to appoint a senior coach for the 2006 Mallee League season.
Committee member Brad Schumann said finding a playing coach prepared to relocate to the Wimmera-Mallee was proving difficult.
“Relocation and travelling appears to be an issue. We don’t have many jobs to offer around the area and we’re trying to find people various labouring jobs throughout the Wimmera but there is just nothing around,” he said.
Mr Schumann said assistant caches Ben Zanker and Heath Clugston were leading pre-season training until officials appointed a senior coach.
Rod Mackley signed on for another year as coach at the end of 2005 but has resigned due to personal reasons.
Club officials are confident he will remain at the club in a playing capacity.
Jeparit-Rainbow has lost two players from its playing list. Ash Cole and Scott Marriott have signed with Nhill in the Wimmera Football League.
Also of interest from the same paper on Wednesday.

AFL players support McCredden

Beulah Football Club will host a fundraising event on February 19 to raise money for favourite son John McCredden.
McCredden suffered serious head injuries in a Mallee Football League match last year.
St Kilda’s Fraser Gehrig, Sydney’s Jude Bolton, Brisbane’s Luke Power, Carlton’s Matthew Lappin and Richmond’s Troy Simmonds will attend the day at Beulah Football Ground.
Organiser Russell Turnbull said the day’s activities would include an under-16 clinic, spit lunch, a sporting memorabilia auction, local band, face painting, jumping castle and train rides for the kids.
Entertainment is free but donations are welcome.
Mr Turnbull said people wanting more information should phone 0417 359 516.
Today's Wimmera Mail-Times reports that Jeparit-Rainbow has now appointed Ben Zanker and Heath Clugston as joint playing coaches.
They were previously to be the assistant coaches but have stepped up since the resignation of Rodney Mackley.
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