South Am Javier Milei. Here we go again.

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I thought he needed his own thread. The dude is certifiable.

Who is Javier Milei, Argentina’s far-right populist politician?

A former small-time rock musician and athlete, Milei opposes abortion and supports gun rights. He has criticised worker-friendly labour laws as a “cancer,” said the state is the “basis of all problems,” and praised US gangster Al Capone as a hero.



Probably the first time Dog Time has been referenced as a news source.

Argentina President Javier Milei Has Cloned Dogs

Javier Milei seeks counsel from cloned dogs​


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Cleaned up investing in Argentine stock market waiting his arrival

Check the chart out

Anyone who was watching this properly knew what was going to happen.
If Trump is re-elected next year (and reduced Western support for Ukraine, particularly from US, hands ascendency back to Russia in that conflict), and nutters like this are in control elsewhere - time to roll out the old doomsday clock again, dust it off, set it to a few minutes past midnight, and pack it all in.

And let's face it - for all the technological advances in recent decades, the human race hasn't progressed beyond killing each other, or at the least oppressing minorities, for no real reason. And there was a glimmer of hope there at times too... 😟

Edit: meant to say 'reduced' western support...
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How important is that. If I improved your net wealth by 40% in a global market overnight do you honestly care what my opinion on transexuals is at that point?
Do you think that is what this is about? Really?

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He looks like a villain in a 1970s French thriller.

Even before I get into how abhorrent I find him politically, why does he present himself so badly? Has paid off for himself I suppose but such a strange looking man.

Anyway, he's melding the ministries of education, health, and labor into a single Ministry of Human Capital, the minister of which has a degree from an Opus Dei university in "emotional education" and is an "expert in couples and mindfulness".

I don't think this is populism, or if it is then we've gone way too far broad a definition here (likely already did when discussion of it came through 2016 and Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, two pretty different politicians). Punishing the poor, pleasing the markets - seems a typical right wing government to me, albeit on steroids.
What makes him insane then if it isnt his words?

You cant say its his policies. They have proven correct in literally 3 days of effort
So vultures have descended on the market realising they will have almost no regulations and almost no responsibility to the people they employ or the communities in which they operate.

Sounds like a banana republic.
So vultures have descended on the market realising they will have almost no regulations and almost no responsibility to the people they employ or the communities in which they operate.

Sounds like a banana republic.
Do you know what a banana republic is :D

Its literally the exact cause of the current economic problems. The shutdown of the one core export path by a right wing nutjob which has led to overcorrection at the banking level thats created hyperinflation at the end of it

If you have this mindset I guess my question to you is

What is the cause of Argentinas current economic issue and what do you think the Milei change policy wise that led to 40% upturn in the market was?

You think its underhanded when in reality its a very basic principle. Milei promised to stop killing the industries the right wing nut jobs have been wanting to kill off for their obtuse climate goals.

Might also be worth investigating Argentinas economic decline and pairing that up with Chinese land and business ownership in the country too...
The only saving grace is that his party doesn't have enough seats to force a lot of his agenda through.
And as all of the previous Argentinian presidents when everything goes to hell in a handbasket he will use the Wookie defense with bringing up the Malvinas (Falklands).
One of the most objectionable things about him is trying to excuse the horrors that the Juntas dished out by extrajudicial killings , kidnapping of children to adopt out to party faithfull and torture of political prisoners. One of the most shameful periods in Argentinian history.
The only saving grace is that his party doesn't have enough seats to force a lot of his agenda through.
And as all of the previous Argentinian presidents when everything goes to hell in a handbasket he will use the Wookie defense with bringing up the Malvinas (Falklands).
One of the most objectionable things about him is trying to excuse the horrors that the Juntas dished out by extrajudicial killings , kidnapping of children to adopt out to party faithfull and torture of political prisoners. One of the most shameful periods in Argentinian history.

Politics in Argentina isn’t like US in any way

This is a part of the difference but other aspects too

He can keep issuing decrees and also starve ministries of financing and move money around to get what he wants. Ministry of Education for example isn’t going to go far if the President refuses to give them money to pay staff as a overall example.

Even 3 days in his enemies have rolled over to him. It’s a odd system really
I don't think this is populism, or if it is then we've gone way too far broad a definition here (likely already did when discussion of it came through 2016 and Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, two pretty different politicians).
The definition of populism, as I understand it, is presenting a narrative of a diametric opposition between the people and the elites, then siding with the people and stoking resentment against the elites. That's what Milei, Sanders and Trump all have in common, so by that definition they are all populists.

Of course they are very different politicians, because Sanders disagrees with the other two on who the elites are and how they should be counteracted.

The left presents the elites as being the very wealthy. The right presents the elites as being anyone with a university degree who isn't a hardcore conservative. The left says the elites should be counteracted with higher taxes and restrictions on the ability of money to influence institutions such as governments. The right says the elites should be counteracted through a culture war to stamp out "wokeness", a term they're rarely able to credibly define.

My view is, populism is necessarily a broad term. And left-wing populism is mostly accurate and right-wing populism is severely inaccurate.
The only saving grace is that his party doesn't have enough seats to force a lot of his agenda through.
I don't trust the centre-right to not enable him. As we saw with the eventual support of Trump, the centre-right are willing to latch on to whatever will keep the other side of politics out of government, even if it isn't in the traditional package they had been accustomed to. You could argue that Jeremy Corbyn or Bernie Sanders could have done that for the left, but they were either sabotaged or not given the chance by the centre-left, who are not as willing.

Of course, there's a difference in that this time the insurgent is not in the same party, but I think the centre-right's respect for power, no matter what rightist form it comes in, will hold.
Do you know what a banana republic is :D

Its literally the exact cause of the current economic problems. The shutdown of the one core export path by a right wing nutjob which has led to overcorrection at the banking level thats created hyperinflation at the end of it

If you have this mindset I guess my question to you is

What is the cause of Argentinas current economic issue and what do you think the Milei change policy wise that led to 40% upturn in the market was?

You think its underhanded when in reality its a very basic principle. Milei promised to stop killing the industries the right wing nut jobs have been wanting to kill off for their obtuse climate goals.

Might also be worth investigating Argentinas economic decline and pairing that up with Chinese land and business ownership in the country too...

Banana Republic was coined with thinly veiled racist undertones to disparage the victims of US Imperialism against smaller countries in the Americas and deflect from the atrocities committed by the Yanks against these countries. Easier to deflect and wave off Yankee government crimes if you focus on mocking the victims and insinuate they’re ‘lesser’ countries that woefully and ineptfully attempt to be democratic ‘Republics’. teee heeee heee

Funny that Westerners wanna promote Democracy to as many countries as possible but when some do adopt this political system they still find a way to deride them.

Initially the term was a reference to how some, not all, Central American countries were politically coerced by Yank Fruit companies that had the backing of the US and their army and these governments of these nations had no alternative but to abide by their terms for that reason.

None of that deserves denigration but should elicit sympathy from being a victim of a bigger country bullying smaller ones that don't have the adequate resources to fight back, specially against the might of the biggest military in the world. But since the US, the leaders of the free world apparently lol, is the aggressor I guess they get a pass from the Western sphere.

Over time, in effort to legitimise a loaded prejudiced racist term, some Westerners had added other criteria. But the reality is the vast majority of the countries in the world fall under those descriptions.

You could argue that Australia (currently being strong armed by China economically), even India prior to their independence from England are/were Banana Republics and as well as most tiny European countries that rely on the protection of the bigger European powers along with the US.

In truth it’s a useless meaningless term that cowardly racists casually use freely to denigrate a region, without suffering any consequences like making denigrating remarks of other parts of the world would, that has suffered because of US criminal intervention and I cringe every time I hear and see it.

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South Am Javier Milei. Here we go again.

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