Tutorial How to create a football kit template in Illustrator

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Why should I make my own template in Illustrator?
  • Gives uniqueness to your own work
  • Great skill to have, you can make a template for just about any sport
1. Find an image on google to base your template off. I've found this nice one of Jobe Watson. You're looking for a clear front on image of the jumper and shorts. This one is perfect for this purpose.


2. Open up Illustrator and paste the image into the middle of the page. Increase the size of it if you need to. Lock the layer of the image, create two new layers and call them "Front Jumper" and "Front Shorts".


3. Place a new layer in the "Front Jumper" group and name it "Guides". Using the pen tool, make a guide straight down the middle of the jumper, at the bottom of the jumper and at the bottom of the shorts. To make a guide, draw a singular straight line with the pen tool, then with the line selected go View > Guides > Make Guides.


4. With this done, lock the "Guides" group. It should look somewhat like this.


5. Now we're going to start tracing half of the outline of the jumper. Create a new layer and name it "Base", ensure it is below the locked "Guides" group in the layers. It doesn't have to be accurate for areas where the collar/cuffs are, because they will be hidden by these features later on. It is important you only trace one half of the image! Later on we will duplicate the layers, flip them and join them to generate symmetry - but we don't have to worry about that yet!


6. Now we're going to trace the cuff. Ensure it is as even as possible. Create a new layer and name it "Cuffs". It is important the area in which the cuffs will be place, covers the rough tracing of the base layer.


7. We now have to do that same for the collar. Create a new layer and name it "Collar". As it is the Adidas collar, trace straight to the middle guide. Add a white fill to see how the shapes look. Make adjustments if you feel the need to. It should look something like this.


8. It is now time to start adding minor details such as stitching. Create a new layer and name it "Stitching". To make stitching, draw a path with no fill and apply the following stroke.


Do this for the collar, cuffs, hem, and sides of the jumper. It should look something like this.


9. Now to move onto the shorts! Using the same procedure, trace the basic shape of the shorts! Create a new layer named "Base" and place it in the "Front Shorts" group. This is what I've got.



  • upload_2015-5-1_23-41-36.png
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11. This is what we've got so far, it's looking pretty good!


12. Now the fun begins! We've now got to select the entire front jumper group (except the guides layer which should be locked), and reflect it. To do this click to the right of the layer and it will select everything.


Copy it (CTRL + C) and now paste it (CTRL V). Don't panic, it will look like this.


Now with this copy selected, right click > transform > reflect.


Use these settings and hit ok.


13. Zoom in and line up the copy perfectly. Here looks very good! Don't worry that it doesn't line up perfectly with the other side of Jobe Watson, we barely need him anymore!


14. It's now time to join paths in doubles. We need to join the following items:

  • Base of jumper
  • Collar stitching
  • Hem Stitching
To do this, select one half > hold shift > select the other half. Now hit CTRL + J, which will turn the two paths into one! Click on it once you've joined them to make sure it has worked!


15. Now it's time to do the same for the shorts! Select all of the layers > Copy (CTRL + C) > paste (CTRL + V) > right click > transform > reflect > line up with opposing half > join relevant parts (only the base for the shorts).


16. Let's add one final guide! This one will be for the chest logos on the front of the jumper. Unlock the "Guides" Layer and draw a path which roughly intersects both the AFL and KIA logos > view > guides > make guide. This is what I've got.


17. Now let's add a sash! Create a new layer "Designs" and place it in the "Front Jumper" group. Create a new layer "Essendon Sash" and place it in the "Designs" group. Draw a red rectangle and make it red, arrange it so that it somewhat lines up with the Essendon sash on Jobe Watson. This is perfectly fine as it is:


18. Now create a clipping mask for the sash! If you don't know how to do that, check out my guide on making clipping masks! This is what it should now look like:


19. Now add an AFL logo if you've got one saved somewhere! Create a layer called "Logos", with this layer selected go FILE > PLACE. and resize it to fit with regards to the guide.


20. Now recolour everything on the template to match the design. I'd suggest a grey stroke of (RGB - 109, 109, 109) at a light opacity. Stroke is optional of course, I'll make a guide for a template soon if you're not wanting to have a stroke, and use some awesome shadows instead (stay tuned haha).

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21. Now add appropriate logos to the shorts.


22. It's now time to create the back of the jumper, select everything in the "Front Jumper" and "Front Shorts" layers, copy (CTRL + C) paste (CTRL + F). Now move it to the right where you want the back of the kit to go. I'm going to place socks on the far right because I like this layout option more.


Yes, it's screwed the layers around a little bit. Stay patient, and delete anything you won't need on the back of the jumper (collar, collar stitching, logos etc.) and get each layer back to it's orgininal group as shown below.


23. We should reverse the sash as it's the back of the jumper. So select the sash > right click > transform > reflect > ok. Now ensure it is centred.


24. I've realised i've screwed the base layer, so what am I going to do? Good quesion. I'll have to alter the base layer. Turn the designs layer off and select the base layer. Find the delete anchor tool.


Delete all of the relevant anchor points so that the base layer now looks like this.


25. Turn the designs back on, go into the sash clipping layer, select ONLY the clipping path and hit delete. Now create another clipping mask, but with the new base layer. It will now look like this.


26. Now create the back collar, make it the same thickness as the front collar and cuffs, through being careful and using judgement. Trace half of it > right click > transform > reflect > copy > line up on opposing half > join two paths.


27. Now lets hide that part of the base which shouldnt be showing. get the ellipse tool and draw an ellipse in the "Collar" layer, then lock the ellipse.


28. Let's add stitching to the collar and for the GPS. It's the same as how we did it earlier.


29. Now lets add numbers and logos.


30. Now it's sock time... We just need a basic outline of a football sock, find some off google images that look unique and accurate. This is what I've chosen.


Trace it in a new group.


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31. The sock is made up of 3 parts. The foot. The main calf. The fold. We now need to make these parts to fit within the base. How? Clipping masks.


32. Make some stripes for the socks and insert them into their own clipping mask.


33. Add the appropriate logos.


34. Now I'm going to create a new group called "Right Sock" and I'm going to copy (CTRL+C) and paste (CTRL+F) a new sock an put it behind the "Left Sock"


35. To make the front look better, copy the collar from the back of the jumper across and put it behind the main collar in the layers.


36. And we are done here!


I'm extremely happy with this template, it's come up awesome!

If you've got any questions fire away! I hope this helps a lot :)
Interesting to see another person's thought process with template production.
Yes, everyone's got their own method - this is what works for me :)

Also could you please fix this post? I can't find the error...

11. This is what we've got so far, it's looking pretty good!


12. Now the fun begins! We've now got to select the entire front jumper group (except the guides layer which should be locked), and reflect it. To do this click to the right of the layer and it will select everything.


Copy it (CTRL + C) and now paste it (CTRL V). Don't panic, it will look like this.

Now with this copy selected, right click > transform > reflect.


Use these settings and hit ok.


13. Zoom in and line up the copy perfectly. Here looks very good! Don't worry that it doesn't line up perfectly with the other side of Jobe Watson, we barely need him anymore!


14. It's now time to join paths in doubles. We need to join the following items:

  • Base of jumper
  • Collar stitching
  • Hem Stitching
To do this, select one half > hold shift > select the other half. Now hit CTRL + J, which will turn the two paths into one! Click on it once you've joined them to make sure it has worked!


15. Now it's time to do the same for the shorts! Select all of the layers > Copy (CTRL + C) > paste (CTRL + V) > right click > transform > reflect > line up with opposing half > join relevant parts (only the base for the shorts).


16. Let's add one final guide! This one will be for the chest logos on the front of the jumper. Unlock the "Guides" Layer and draw a path which roughly intersects both the AFL and KIA logos > view > guides > make guide. This is what I've got.


17. Now let's add a sash! Create a new layer "Designs" and place it in the "Front Jumper" group. Create a new layer "Essendon Sash" and place it in the "Designs" group. Draw a red rectangle and make it red, arrange it so that it somewhat lines up with the Essendon sash on Jobe Watson. This is perfectly fine as it is:


18. Now create a clipping mask for the sash! If you don't know how to do that, check out my guide on making clipping masks! This is what it should now look like:


19. Now add an AFL logo if you've got one saved somewhere! Create a layer called "Logos", with this layer selected go FILE > PLACE. and resize it to fit with regards to the guide.


20. Now recolour everything on the template to match the design. I'd suggest a grey stroke of (RGB - 109, 109, 109) at a light opacity. Stroke is optional of course, I'll make a guide for a template soon if you're not wanting to have a stroke, and use some awesome shadows instead (stay tuned haha).

Is that what you wanted? There was an unclosed spoiler tag.
Yeah that's the one! Thanks for that :)

Quite concerning my I've got to sit a software development exam in a few months, and I can't even find a simple error in the code of a bigfooty post...
This is totally awesome Greater Gattsby. You've come so far from Paint designs back in the day! Well done mate, this will inspire me to move from PS to AI.
Thanks gibbsy! Haha yeah, hard to believe 4 years ago I was using jethros paint templates, and I'm now on Ai. I'm still learning though, such a fantastic program, there's so much to know and use.
Also, I think I'll add tips on creating shading in illustrator, which eliminates the need to use stroke on everything. I'll just have to check with Bacon Warrior , if you want to do it, if not I'm happy to do it.

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Great tutorial mate, and top result with the template!
Thanks scorch, yeah I think I might use it a few times! I really love the socks, but everything kind of flows, which is nice.
Also, I think I'll add tips on creating shading in illustrator, which eliminates the need to use stroke on everything. I'll just have to check with Bacon Warrior , if you want to do it, if not I'm happy to do it.
You don't even need shadows to eliminate stroke, just stitching.
Your loss; seriously; you don't know what you're missing
I use illustrator, don't get me wrong. Just look at the Country Footy Jumpers Project and a job I was hired for. I've used illustrator for those, but I prefer Ps for most stuff. I understand it a bit better I guess
Also, I think I'll add tips on creating shading in illustrator, which eliminates the need to use stroke on everything. I'll just have to check with Bacon Warrior , if you want to do it, if not I'm happy to do it.
Yeah, go for it. I cbf making a tute thread.
How can you trace
Why should I make my own template in Illustrator?
  • Gives uniqueness to your own work
  • Great skill to have, you can make a template for just about any sport
1. Find an image on google to base your template off. I've found this nice one of Jobe Watson. You're looking for a clear front on image of the jumper and shorts. This one is perfect for this purpose.


2. Open up Illustrator and paste the image into the middle of the page. Increase the size of it if you need to. Lock the layer of the image, create two new layers and call them "Front Jumper" and "Front Shorts".


3. Place a new layer in the "Front Jumper" group and name it "Guides". Using the pen tool, make a guide straight down the middle of the jumper, at the bottom of the jumper and at the bottom of the shorts. To make a guide, draw a singular straight line with the pen tool, then with the line selected go View > Guides > Make Guides.


4. With this done, lock the "Guides" group. It should look somewhat like this.


5. Now we're going to start tracing half of the outline of the jumper. Create a new layer and name it "Base", ensure it is below the locked "Guides" group in the layers. It doesn't have to be accurate for areas where the collar/cuffs are, because they will be hidden by these features later on. It is important you only trace one half of the image! Later on we will duplicate the layers, flip them and join them to generate symmetry - but we don't have to worry about that yet!


6. Now we're going to trace the cuff. Ensure it is as even as possible. Create a new layer and name it "Cuffs". It is important the area in which the cuffs will be place, covers the rough tracing of the base layer.


7. We now have to do that same for the collar. Create a new layer and name it "Collar". As it is the Adidas collar, trace straight to the middle guide. Add a white fill to see how the shapes look. Make adjustments if you feel the need to. It should look something like this.


8. It is now time to start adding minor details such as stitching. Create a new layer and name it "Stitching". To make stitching, draw a path with no fill and apply the following stroke.


Do this for the collar, cuffs, hem, and sides of the jumper. It should look something like this.


9. Now to move onto the shorts! Using the same procedure, trace the basic shape of the shorts! Create a new layer named "Base" and place it in the "Front Shorts" group. This is what I've got.


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Tutorial How to create a football kit template in Illustrator
