How many drinks do you have per week?

How many drinks do you have per week?

  • I don't drink at all

    Votes: 26 28.6%
  • 1-3

    Votes: 17 18.7%
  • 4-6

    Votes: 6 6.6%
  • 7-9

    Votes: 10 11.0%
  • 10-14

    Votes: 14 15.4%
  • 15+

    Votes: 18 19.8%

  • Total voters

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Makes me completely fine. no fights, no scraps, no dramas. just find it very relaxing. most likely due to being a highly strung / stressed person.

I'll have a few nights where I only have two or three but I'll also have a six pack a couple of times a week and three nights where I'm having 15-20 standards.

Most of that is after 5pm but sometimes I'll start at 2-3pm if I'm wfh/weekends.
15-20 standard drinks during the week is very concerning IMO.

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I was drinking at least half a bottle of wine most nights for a while. Since my heart starting being a dickhead I’ve cut back significantly and try not to drink at home on weeknights. I don’t feel any better for it, just not spending as much money I guess.
I was drinking at least half a bottle of wine most nights for a while. Since my heart starting being a dickhead I’ve cut back significantly and try not to drink at home on weeknights. I don’t feel any better for it, just not spending as much money I guess.
I've noticed the same with my heart problems, had my first beers in about 6 weeks on Friday, took about 3 months after I was first diagnosed to have a drink, i didn't miss drinking, but I did enjoy the first pint

on the opposite end, I was with my cousin on Friday, and he had knocked off 3 1L bottles of Bundy since Monday, plus cans of beers
15-20 standard drinks during the week is very concerning IMO.
This isn’t very productive or helpful. you’re not a heavy drinker. I’m more interested in the experience of people who aren’t scared of alcohol. it’s like saying smokes are bad. obviously they’re not good for you but it’s all relative.

People coming on here who don’t drink and are lecturing are in the wrong place.

I don’t go into the myriad fast food threads and bag them out. people reckon sushi sushi and Guzman y Gomez is a healthy meal.

I’m quite a stressed out and melancholic and emotional person and alcohol helps with that. I don’t think some specialist or shrink is going to help and SSRIs are absolutely ****ed. it’s not a healthy way of dealing with my personality and feelings but it’s my decision.

At this point I’m looking at harm minimisation. I’m a proper hypochondriac so just need to know I’m not going to end up seizing at work or something.

As said, I’ll generally have a six pack almost every night - obviously some evenings it’s one or two stubbies and sometimes it’s 10. Thursdays through Sunday nights it’s at least that many with a bottle of red on top. I know it’s a large amount. I’m not worried about my health because it’s fine - I’m not even worried about being addicted because after all this time, it hasn’t escalated (which is unusual: most people slowly progress from a few a night to the spirits). I just don’t want to have to end up with serious withdrawal issues and to be in a situation where I’m hospitalised from withdrawal.

Again, a bunch of people coming in saying ‘I don’t drink but that seems a lot’ isn’t productive.
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This isn’t very productive or helpful. you’re not a heavy drinker. I’m more interested in the experience of people who aren’t scared of alcohol. it’s like saying smokes are bad. obviously they’re not good for you but it’s all relative.
Dude it you're having 15-20 2-3 times a week plus drinking on the other nights

That's a drinking problem
IMO anything more than 1-2 drinks a day is concerning. Doesn't mean you're an alco but it can't be good for your health.
That’s the equivalent of someone having a packet of chips every night. it’s not ‘concerning.’ thats hyperbolic shite. your body can process 1-2 standard drinks in about an hour and a half.

Stop the scaremongering and fear peddling.

I’m a heavy drinker looking for support and guidance from other people whose toes don’t curl when they think of the idea of a bottle of Shiraz alone on a Wednesday.
Dude it you're having 15-20 2-3 times a week plus drinking on the other nights

That's a drinking problem
I struggle to believe you’re doing a few Ks of running, lifting weights, and cooking your own meals every night.

Yes it is far too much to drink. I’m not an idiot.

Everyone has a vice and this is mine.

Lots of people have a drinker’s mind and you don’t. coming in here and taking pot shots isn’t going to curb my behaviour because frankly I don’t respect your perspective. there are people on this forum who have been functional alcoholics or common and regular drinkers and that’s the perspective I’m after.

It is also quite a serious addiction and medical issue so being so flippant and judgemental is not appropriate. you wouldn’t barge into the many mental health threads and be this curt.

Please be respectful and open minded about a complex issue and realise people don’t just drink because they’re out partying like teenagers; they’re using this as a device to dissociate or associate with something.

Alcoholics aren’t bad people. they’re quite often just sad. please be respectful of that.
That’s the equivalent of someone having a packet of chips every night. it’s not ‘concerning.’ thats hyperbolic shite. your body can process 1-2 standard drinks in about an hour and a half.

Stop the scaremongering and fear peddling.

I’m a heavy drinker looking for support and guidance from other people whose toes don’t curl when they think of the idea of a bottle of Shiraz alone on a Wednesday.
You're describing what sounds like drinking 7 days a week

The equivalent of around 9 bottles of wine

And I read it as sometimes you start drinking before you've finished work

Is that accurate?

I struggle to believe you’re doing a few Ks of running, lifting weights, and cooking your own meals every night.

Yes it is far too much to drink. I’m not an idiot.

Everyone has a vice and this is mine.

Lots of people have a drinker’s mind and you don’t. coming in here and taking pot shots isn’t going to curb my behaviour because frankly I don’t respect your perspective. there are people on this forum who have been functional alcoholics or common and regular drinkers and that’s the perspective I’m after.

It is also quite a serious addiction and medical issue so being so flippant and judgemental is not appropriate. you wouldn’t barge into the many mental health threads and be this curt.

Please be respectful and open minded about a complex issue and realise people don’t just drink because they’re out partying like teenagers; they’re using this as a device to dissociate or associate with something.

Alcoholics aren’t bad people. they’re quite often just sad. please be respectful of that.
Mate I'm currently drinking cask wine I'm not a health freak
Dude it you're having 15-20 2-3 times a week plus drinking on the other nights

That's a drinking problem

It's certainly a lot more than most people drink. Whether it's a problem depends on the individual.

From a government web page - 'Signs that you may have a problem with your drinking'. I can honestly answer yes to the first question and no to the others.

You are drinking more than is recommended in the Australian Guidelines.
You or others are worried about how much you drink.
You need to drink more to feel the same effects.
You crave alcohol.
You need to drink first thing in the morning to get yourself going.
Alcohol is affecting your physical or mental health.
You don't feel in control of your drinking — you can't cut down or stop even if you want to.
Your drinking is interfering with your relationships or job.
You or others have been injured because of your drinking.
You experience physical symptoms such as shaking, sweating, anxiety or vomiting when you don't have a drink.


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This isn’t very productive or helpful. you’re not a heavy drinker. I’m more interested in the experience of people who aren’t scared of alcohol. it’s like saying smokes are bad. obviously they’re not good for you but it’s all relative.

People coming on here who don’t drink and are lecturing are in the wrong place.

I don’t go into the myriad fast food threads and bag them out. people reckon sushi sushi and Guzman y Gomez is a healthy meal.

I’m quite a stressed out and melancholic and emotional person and alcohol helps with that. I don’t think some specialist or shrink is going to help and SSRIs are absolutely ****ed. it’s not a healthy way of dealing with my personality and feelings but it’s my decision.

At this point I’m looking at harm minimisation. I’m a proper hypochondriac so just need to know I’m not going to end up seizing at work or something.

As said, I’ll generally have a six pack almost every night - obviously some evenings it’s one or two stubbies and sometimes it’s 10. Thursdays through Sunday nights it’s at least that many with a bottle of red on top. I know it’s a large amount. I’m not worried about my health because it’s fine - I’m not even worried about being addicted because after all this time, it hasn’t escalated (which is unusual: most people slowly progress from a few a night to the spirits). I just don’t want to have to end up with serious withdrawal issues and to be in a situation where I’m hospitalised from withdrawal.

Again, a bunch of people coming in saying ‘I don’t drink but that seems a lot’ isn’t productive.
I would define a drinking 'problem' not as something you can really put a number on an amount but when it on a reasonably consistent basis starts to have an adverse affect on things work, health or relationships.

In saying that even if that isn't a problem atm that level of consistent drinking is very habitual, imo I'd have a go at least having 2 or 3 days off in the middle of the week.

Also I think a drinking problem isn't something that happens overnight where someone doesnt then does but builds quite gradually over time
It's certainly a lot more than most people drink. Whether it's a problem depends on the individual.

From a government web page - 'Signs that you may have a problem with your drinking'. I can honestly answer yes to the first question and no to the others.

You are drinking more than is recommended in the Australian Guidelines.
You or others are worried about how much you drink.
You need to drink more to feel the same effects.
You crave alcohol.
You need to drink first thing in the morning to get yourself going.
Alcohol is affecting your physical or mental health.
You don't feel in control of your drinking — you can't cut down or stop even if you want to.
Your drinking is interfering with your relationships or job.
You or others have been injured because of your drinking.
You experience physical symptoms such as shaking, sweating, anxiety or vomiting when you don't have a drink.

We love pretending we're built different here when it comes to booze

If you're drinking 7 days a week it's going to become a problem at some point whether you realise it or not

If you're asking on the internet whether your habits are ok you probably already worry they aren't

The problem with that list, and I'm speaking from experience here, is we're often very bad judges of how well we're doing
I usually just drink on weekends but I drink enough on weekends to more than make up for the rest of the week.

I'm the classic binge drinker, I've never been one to have one or two drinks every night but when I drink it's a lot.

My doctor asked me how much I drink on the the nights I drink, I underplayed it and he still said that it's too much.

Doctors always say that though, they stick to the recommended standard drinks which isn't enough to get you drunk.
I usually just drink on weekends but I drink enough on weekends to more than make up for the rest of the week.

I'm the classic binge drinker, I've never been one to have one or two drinks every night but when I drink it's a lot.

My doctor asked me how much I drink on the the nights I drink, I underplayed it and he still said that it's too much.

Doctors always say that though, they stick to the recommended standard drinks which isn't enough to get you drunk.
That's kind of the point I think
The fun part is always bad for you
That's kind of the point I think
The fun part is always bad for you

There is always a cost to the fun part of drinking a lot in terms of a hangover but the alternative of not drinking is no fun at all.

There is nothing worse than they being on a night out where everyone else is drinking and you aren't which I've done a few times.
There is always a cost to the fun part of drinking a lot in terms of a hangover but the alternative is not drinking which is no fun.

There is nothing worse than they being on a night out where everyone else is drinking and you aren't which I've done a few times.
I meant more that the fun part is literally poisoning yourself

We don't do it because it's healthy

So doctors are never going to say it's healthy, because it isn't

It's more a question of whether it's long term damage or not
If you're drinking 7 days a week it's going to become a problem at some point whether you realise it or not
Someone better tell the French that most of the country has a drinking problem.

Im being facetious, but it isnt as simple as the line I quoted. Many French can drink a glass or 2 with lunch and a glass or 2 at night and never have what I would consider a drinking problem. There is a huge cultural difference in the way Med countries drink compared to anglo countries.
Someone better tell the French that most of the country has a drinking problem.

Im being facetious, but it isnt as simple as the line I quoted. Many French can drink a glass or 2 with lunch and a glass or 2 at night and never have what I would consider a drinking problem. There is a huge cultural difference in the way Med countries drink compared to anglo countries.
1-2 a day isn't what we're talking about here
But also just because a bunch of people do something doesn't mean it's healthy or fine

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How many drinks do you have per week?
