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Re: Re: Fiora

Originally posted by Tormented Tiger
At 22 yrs old I'd hope they'd resign him. Good hands and he still will bulk up a bit more. Half back flanker with a good 8 yrs left in him.

I agree! It would be stupid to let him go! So what that he hasn't come on witht the alacrity of Judd - he has been steadily improving this year and is set to become an impact player.
Re: Re: Re: Fiora

Originally posted by CJH
I agree! It would be stupid to let him go! So what that he hasn't come on witht the alacrity of Judd - he has been steadily improving this year and is set to become an impact player.

Maybe Fiora could be a late developer? Maybe he hasnt had as much game time as he would like to to become consistant. Im glad we signed him up for another two years.

The source would be great though. Thanks...
Fiora seems to be getting better and better every week. He is starting to run the ball out of defense at a fast pace. He is not so much of a hardball get player, but one that waits for players to give him the ball. I will be happy to see him at Richmond for the next two years and thank god he eventually showed what he is capable of doing. He is still a young player and there is still a lot of improvement that can be done to help him out.
Originally posted by AFLTN
Can't believe you re-signed Fiora for 2 more years!!

We still would like to know your source.

Yes he has show a steady improvement this year and last week was one of his best games for the club - Couldn't quite give him a vote (although i did for the two previous games). At 22 and 60 games the next two years will be the make or break of him - at the end of this contract he will either ba another 24 yo 90 game player who gives it away or a guy who will play 150+ games and become a fixture in the team.

There was one piece of play that sticks out when he ran along the wing couple of bounces, evaded a tackle and without breaking stride put a bullet 45 m pass onto Zantuck's chest after having carried the ball for at least 60 metres.

Maybe it was because we have not seen much of that delivery in recent years but that really excited me. (you just had to see Nick Stevens hand feeding tredrea all day it realise the difference in the two teams).

The fact that he was signed is no surprise i can only assume (and hope) that it was for a fair and reasonable amount.
I've seen this rumuour around before that he has signed for two years but the only thing I have come across in the media is an article in the herald Sun of 22 August:

"Having shown consistent form in the past three matches, Fiora, 22, said he was hoping to re-sign at the end of the year and wanted to have the opportunity to repay the club for investing confidence in him over the 59 games he has played."

There is also a rumuor that Tivendale has re-signed for 3 years but I haven't seen that reported in the media either.
Hopefully he has signed he a new contract. He's shown gradual improvement since he made his debut and he now looks like he is just about ready to explode. Playing half-back really suits him where he can use his pace and kicking skills to hit leading forwards.

Would still keep Tivendale as designated kick out, but is time to put Fiora as second choice.
Here iss where I read it, but I can't access as they want to charge for it -
]The Weekend Australian , 23-08-2003 , Ed: 1 - All-round Country , Pg: 044 , 400 words , SPORT
AARON FIORA acknowledges his innate modesty is as much an impediment as his small frame to fulfilling his promise as an AFL player. Since joining Richmond with much fanfare via the 1999 national draft, the boy from the South Australian town of Naraco...

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