Mystery Disappearance of Kenny Veach

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This Man Has Been Missing For Days, But That’s Not The Strangest Part Of This Mystery

The search continues for a 47-year-old hiking enthusiast who disappeared somewhere in the deserts of Nevada. While the Sheep Mountain area has been known to take the lives of even experienced hikers, the missing person’s case of Kenny Veach is particularly peculiar. The self-proclaimed “adventurer” sought after a mysterious cave he said once evoked a strange, possibly supernatural occurrence within him.
Before his disappearance, Kenny Veach commented on a YouTube video claiming to have found a cave around Nellis Air Force Base in southern Nevada. He was curious about the cave’s abnormal shape.When he investigated further, something frightening began happening to his body.

Before his disappearance, Kenny Veach commented on a YouTube video claiming to have found a cave around Nellis Air Force Base in southern Nevada. He was curious about the cave's abnormal shape.When he investigated further, something frightening began happening to his body.

Egged on by other YouTube commentators, Veach vowed to return to the cave, this time bringing a camera to document his trip. He was so effected by what he experienced there that he felt he also needed to bring a more reliable weapon.
Egged on by other YouTube commentators, Veach vowed to return to the cave, this time bringing a camera to document his trip. He was so effected by what he experienced there that he felt he also needed to bring a more reliable weapon.

Months later, Veach made good on his vow and returned to the spot he remembered seeing the cave, along with a trusty 9mm. A video shows him looking for the cave, but despite making a new friend in the form of a smiley tortoise, the trip is pretty much a bust.
Months later, Veach made good on his vow and returned to the spot he remembered seeing the cave, along with a trusty 9mm. A video shows him looking for the cave, but despite making a new friend in the form of a smiley tortoise, the trip is pretty much a bust.


Veach returned to the site a month later to find the cave, this time planning an overnight hike. He was never seen or heard from again. His worried girlfriend comments on the video he posted, explaining that since he left in November, Veach is still missing. She urges future solo hikers to use a GPS when exploring.
Veach returned to the site a month later to find the cave, this time planning an overnight hike. He was never seen or heard from again. His worried girlfriend comments on the video he posted, explaining that since he left in November, Veach is still missing. She urges future solo hikers to use a GPS when exploring.


A search party was formed by Nevada rescue volunteers. They found Veach’s cellphone near an abandoned mine shaft a week later, but still no sign of the man or the ominous cave he so desperately wanted to show to the world.
A search party was formed by Nevada rescue volunteers. They found Veach's cellphone near an abandoned mine shaft a week later, but still no sign of the man or the ominous cave he so desperately wanted to show to the world.


Although most likely intended as a joke, this comment left by an interested YouTube commentator doesn’t make things any less creepy.
Although most likely intended as a joke, this comment left by an interested YouTube commentator doesn't make things any less creepy.


A team has sent a camera down the mineshaft, but so far has received no such luck. It has now been almost four months since Kenny Veach’s tragic and perplexing disappearance, and his friends and family haven’t given up hope.

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Somehow I only just opened this thread! Hadn't heard of this bloke, but you'd want to be careful going off the beaten path while exploring that part of the world - the Nellis Air Force base complex is huge and includes the mysterious Area 51 and other off-limits places such as the Nellis bombing range.
Somehow I only just opened this thread! Hadn't heard of this bloke, but you'd want to be careful going off the beaten path while exploring that part of the world - the Nellis Air Force base complex is huge and includes the mysterious Area 51 and other off-limits places such as the Nellis bombing range.
Foul play for sure
Foul play for sure
Interesting fact: Sheep Mountain is some 40km south of Las Vegas, not on US military land as far as I can tell (??). The air force complex is to the north/north-west of the base. But there is a "Sheep Peak" within that region, some 40km north of Las Vegas. Did the story confuse the two places? :think:
I've done some digging and there's no evidence this man is missing at all, no missing persons report filed or any official news/emergency release.

I think this is a hoax.
Can you show links you read that suggest that. Because everything I search indicates it is indeed real. Example...

If you mean Kenny Lee Veach, of North Las Vegas, the general idea is that he’s missing.

It seems that “he” posted a video on YouTube of “him” finding an “M” shaped cave opening “near” Nellis AFB. Typical to YouTube, he made this sound supernatural and unusual. And, I must admit, a cave or mine with an “M” shaped opening would be something to see.

BUT, this is YouTube. I know old wives tales that have more fact to them. Most of the video on YouTube is bait or fiction.

Anyway, for this, I did some snooping.

It turns out there there IS a Kenny L Veach of this age living around North Las Vegas. Or, at least, he comes up on searches for the name, address, DOB, and criminal background.

But, there are other things amiss here. For one, some woman claims to be his girlfriend or ex-girlfriend. She claims she’s spent hours hiking with him and misses him “physically.” OK. IF she’s his girlfriend, why is there no missing person’s report out on him? If there is, the police are sitting on it. No one of this name is listed as missing. OK, maybe he’s not been gone that long. Wait, four years? Yeah, no body AND someone is “missing?” I smell fish. Usually, the police ask for help or post him as missing, even if they suspect foul play and he’s dead. I know one case that it 40 years old and the girl is still listed as missing and a man is in prison for her murder!

Also, there is the claim that a group of search and rescue went out looking for him. Yet, nothing. This is possible. It’s possible that he stupidly went into a cave and got lost, fell, or was caught trespassing. Hey, it’s a military base and this is post 9/11. But, IF he’s faking this, he’s in a world of hurt, Smollett style. They claim to have found his phone outside a mine. This is possible. But, why leave it? IN a cave, or mine, it would only be good for photos, since it couldn’t get good signals to call out or use as GPS. And, given the training of some groups, going into a cave/mine isn’t that smart. Most of the old mines out there weren’t safe when they were in use. Now, decades later, they are probably in worse shape. So, if he went wondering in, that’s it. He’s a skeleton in the shaft.

Someone, claiming to know him, his girl, and intimate details of the case say he committed suicide with his weapon. Possible. But so is murder. Again, why no missing persons report?

Now, even if he got onto the base, murder is unlikely. Killed, sure. Arrested, sure. But, today, the military could justify killing him even easier than police do. And, “terrorists” get little recognition or anything in the media. If he had no one, then he could “disappear” like countless people do yearly. He could be in prison somewhere.

Since I didn't stumble on police reports or something equally hard, I’m going with another YouTube HOAX. You can make money this way and a name for yourself.
An interesting fact-finding forum below....

Some snippets from it....

I have done a LOT of looking into this case, I cant believe I never posted it before, I know I meant to many times.

Unfortunately there is very little MSM information on it, but there is a bunch of stuff on reddit, social media, youtube etc that we cannot discuss.

The video above is what brought some notoriety to the case, people speculate that he returned to the "mysterious M cave" and met with some peril.

The overwhelming likelihood IMO is that he pushed himself too far and died from exhaustion or dehydration, misadventure etc, the second most likely thing would be he disappeared on purpose but there is only circumstantial evidence to suggest this and IMO it is much less likely.

He was known to handle wild animals like snakes (he was bit by a poisonous snake once) and to push himself to extremes while on his hikes, things like not eating or drinking for as long as he could to test himself.

The mine shaft mentioned in the story above, that his cell phone was found near, was searched - he was not in there.

It is interesting this wasn't covered all that extensively locally (I'm in Vegas) though it wasn't fully ignored by the media here and it certainly does seem like Red Rock Search & Rescue made thorough efforts to find him. He didn't disappear off a main hiking trail or even *near* a main hiking trail, he was a highly independent and not-super-safety-prone wilderness hiker forging through remote mountains in a desert terrain without GPS according to what I'm seeing. I'm not a hiker, so this is just my own (maybe misguided opinion) but I'm kinda impressed they found anything given that. (Though Kenny gave a pretty detailed description of exactly where his start for the search for the M cave started so they were surely able to pinpoint that and search from there.)

Unfortunately, it appears that his GF at the time of his disappearance believes that suicide is also a viable option in this case. (According to comments made on his YouTube channel, Snakebitmgee.) Kenny seemed like an interesting and likeable guy in his videos, I'm sure he's greatly missed and I hope his friends and family find some peace.

I def think he was suffering with Bipolar with psychotic features and he killed himself

I came to that conclusion by :

he was def manic on his videos pressured in speech unable to stay on topic

father killed himself there are some correlations there

mental illness - genetic component

verbalized detailed plans regarding suicide - no one will find me -- having detailed notions about ending ones life generally speaking indicate the likelihood of doing so

bipolar tends to result in :

creative - things he made

bizarre thinking selling his house with him in it certainly meets that criteria

frequent high risk behaviors: his hiking certainly meets that criteria -- going into the dessert with little water also qualifies

dehydration can result in hallucinations psychosis etc -- seeing the M cave might be just that

claimed he walked up a 9000 foot mountain to sleep and the following morning claimed to climb down -- that's 18000 feet -- somewhat grandiose?

suddenly quitting a 17 year career impulsive? Tendency to mismanage money is a hallmark of the illness

the notion that a tee shirt is a major deal is not connected to reality another thing I saw he made and thought it would be the next thing was a wooded toilet paper holder -- illogical thinking peculiar as well

on his video his says when he found a rock out in the dessert his conclusion that it indicates that human beings have been there is so irrational (the conclusion)

his gf stated he battled with thoughts of suicide for some time

the notions that his body began vibrating intensely sounds more like a delusion or break with reality

pressured and rapid speaking is huge component of a manic episode

back to risk taking no gps on him easily falls into that category as does bringing a small amount of water and food while planning to be in the dessert for hour upon hour certainly is risk taking

in his video there are no shots of being very high in the air looking down all terrain when he sets up to film his hike is on flat ground

when he sees the animal (forgot which one) he concludes that the animal can probably hear him talking and then pulls the camera back to where he is the distance is incredible - you cant even SEE the animal. The belief that an animal like can hear from miles away is not a conclusion based in reality

his hopes after quitting his career was that he would be a smash on YT which would support him ( selling t shirts and a toilet paper holder) is certainly a questionable conclusion

no job financial stressors are def a component of suicide ( helpless hopeless ness)

his gf did state he was having financial problems -- she also stated he described suicidal thoughts for many many years

his recent search history was about suicide

he clearly indicated that if he did kill himself he would never be found-- out in the dessert makes sense

his cell phone being found laid on the ground nicely appears more like placing as opposed to a dramatic drop

his truck being found eradicates the notion that he just want to disappear and start over somewhat eradicates that possibly

there are hungry wild animals out in the desert lions......

the M cave has never been found although folks have searched for it

the illness can often be become more problematic with age (47)

the quitting the job might be fired as a result of deteriorating performance - congruent with the illness and ageing

tendency to be articulate is high

creativity is a component of mania

as far as we know not really a long history of relationships relationships are very difficult as far as the illness goes

he did have a adult daughter by no mention of previous marriage -- he was handsome promiscuity when younger is another hallmark of mania

grandiosity is another component of the illness many examples mentioned above

The notion that he wanted to sell his house with him being a part of the purchase price - he comes with the house (watch his videos linked above) that certainly meets irrational bizarre grandiose disconnected with reality somewhat impulsive and delusional financial difficulties ( or attempts to get rid of stuff prior to killing self )

dying of natural causes might result in more likelihood of being found they searched right away

they did go down the hole right near the cell phone and found nothing - a fall in a crevice is a possibility but IMO the above mentioned seems more probable

with the passage of time gf did come to suicide conclusion

she described him as a lot fun -- mania often results in that being the case when happening


My name is Sean Horlacher, an amateur hiker who gained youtube publicity in 2016 after posting two videos searching for missing hiker Kenny Veach (47). He disappeared in Nov/2014 while attempting to relocate an M shaped cave that vibrated his body as he walked closer to it. Kenny's truck and cell phone were located near the area he stated the cave would be (Picture Canyon, Sheep Range, Nevada).

I've searched Picture Canyon and the surrounding area on four separate occasions (May/2016, March/2016, June/2019, July/2019). The first three hikes were with partners, but this last hike, I went solo as Kenny often did. On the solo hike, the discovery of an extremely unusual rock formation that myself and many others believe to be where the M-Cave originally existed. This same unnatural rock formation is found in Kenny's last video where he fails to locate the cave and is confused on how it could've mysteriously vanished..

*Personal thoughts... I believe Kenny possibly located either a ventilation shaft to some type of underground installation or nuclear waste dumping site.

When talking with the staff at Corn Creek Visitor Center, who manages the land, they had no knowledge of any terrain modifications or activity in Picture Canyon over the past 5-6 years. If this cave did in-fact exist, it was covered up by an "unacknowledged being/group", who have now broken at least 1 federal law by purposely modifying the landscape.

Kenny is apart of thousands who vanish every year, many of those people while visiting national parks and federal land. Some people are later found incredible distances from where they were last seen, some are found in areas which were already searched multiple times and some are never found at all..
What's more puzzling is the National Parks/U.S. Department of the Interior DO NOT provide a public database of missing/deceased people, unless you pay a fee..?

A retired law enforcement officer by the name of David Paulides (Missing 411 - Books and Movies) has brought incredible amounts of awareness to the topic. When conducting research into these odd disappearances, David requested a list of missing persons from Yosemite National Park and they told him it would cost over $30,000 USD. When inquiring about the list for all national parks combined, they said it would cost 1.4 million USD...

"Ok.... now that doesn't seem right... So you're telling me that the National Parks and U.S. Dept. of the Interior have publicly provided daily weather reports for over 100 years (Established 1916) but can't provide a complete missing/deceased persons list unless it's paid for...?

Weird... You'd think the parks would have memorials for these people or at minimum a bulletin with their name/picture on it.
No, none of this...

Or could it be that the parks generate over 30 billion dollars in yearly revenue and
truthful publicity may scare off paying customers...? Hmmm.... now I think we're getting somewhere

I'm sure the figures get filed away "appropriately", but where do the XX BILLIONS left over from park revenue go?
**The total budget for all parks is an 2.7 billion (2020) .. A fraction of the yearly 30 billion rev..
A"true" audit of the parks revenue disposition would expose many things/people.

Personal observation:
We the tax payers financially support the government,
which supports the U.S. Department of the Interior,
which supports the National Park's budget,
who fails to maintain and provide a simple list of missing people to the public...
What the heck are we paying for?
Blatant neglect to those missing/deceased and their families I suppose... "

So you get the point, there's a major injustice being committed by the U.S dept. of the Interior, with no governmental entity holding them accountable. So now, "We The People" must be the ones who stand up for truth, justice and closure on thousands upon thousands of missing person cases around the world.

This is where the team and I come in. We are all willing to risk our lives in order to continue shedding EXTREMELY bright light on this matter.

Since announcing my return to search for Kenny and the cave last year, I've received death threats and have noticed many attempts to derail my efforts including sabotaging my vehicle and strange visits in the night (details in latest m cave video).
I know whoever covered up that cave obviously didn't want Kenny to find it, didn't want me to find it and definitely didn't want the 244,000+ people who have now viewed the video, to find it either..

The truth will be shown regardless but it'll be shown a lot faster with the support of those reading this. Thank you, much love.

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Spooky or Not: Kenny Veach's Mystery Cave


I swear this story is better than the title makes it sound.

Back in 2014, a Youtube comment on a hiking video caused a minor hubbub. The commenter, “snakebitmgee” (later identified as a man named Kenny Veach), claimed to have discovered a strange cave with an opening shaped like the letter M while hiking through remote wilderness in the Nevada desert.

According to Veach, upon approaching the cave his body began to vibrate and he was overwhelmed by an intense feeling of fear and dread, which forced him to retreat. He didn’t know the cave’s exact location because he didn’t bring a map or a compass with him (keep that in mind for later), but he intended to find it again, this time bringing a gun and a camera.

Naturally, this was met with ridicule from other commenters. Veach, incensed, swore he was telling the truth and vowed to go looking for the cave again, this time with a gun and a camera. His attempt failed, but he uploaded a vlog to the snakebitmgee channel where he promised to try again, and this time he’d find the cave, come hell or high water. He was going out into the wilderness, alone, on a multi-day odyssey, and by god he was going to get to the cave.
Horror aficionados will recognize this as the point in the story where the protagonist vanishes mysteriously and is never seen again.

Then Kenny Veach vanished mysteriously, and was never seen again.

A large-scale search found Kenny’s phone on the edge of a deep mine shaft; cameras lowered into the shaft found no body and no sign that the shaft had been disturbed any time recently. No other evidence has been located since. Several hikers have ventured out to the approximate region where Kenny claimed to have spotted the M cave, but all have been unsuccessful.

So. What happened?

The most enticing answer is that Kenny found the M cave again, at which point something spooky happened to him. But if we take all the facts into consideration, several more mundane explanations present themselves.

The first and most obvious possibility is that Kenny was injured or got lost in the desert and died. The Mojave desert is vast, hot and dry, and Kenny was embarking on a multi-day hike over dangerous terrain, alone. And if some of his earlier comments were indicative of his hiking practices, he was in the habit of heading out into the wilderness with no navigation aids.

A similar possibility is that Kenny may have taken his own life. Looking at some of the other videos on the snakebitmgee channel, it appears he may have been in financial distress; he uploaded a rather desperate (and unsuccessful) audition for the TV show Shark Tank, as well a strange attempt to sell his house while being allowed to keep living in it as a groundskeeper and handyman. According to his girlfriend, he had struggled with depression and suicidal ideation before, and had stated that if he ever took his own life he’d do it by walking out into the desert so that his body was never found.

This raises a sad possibility: was the story of the M cave part of some elaborate suicide plot? Many people have opined that the phone found conspicuously on the edge of a mine shaft feels like a deliberate red herring intended to stop searchers from looking too hard for him. Did he concoct the cave story so his friends and family would assume he’d met some paranormal fate?

It’s a good theory, but I’m not entirely sold on it for one reason: if his intention was to never be found, why would he draw lots of attention to himself by publicly boasting about the strange experience he had and his desire to bring back hard evidence? Without the M cave story, Kenny Veach would be an unremarked-upon name in the annals of people who go missing in America’s extensive wilderness. If he did kill himself, I think it’s more likely that it was a spur of the moment decision, or at least something he had only planned for a short time beforehand.

So, let’s say suicide or accidental death are the most likely explanations for Kenny’s disappearance. Where does that leave us in regards to the cave? Was it a hoax? An attempt to somehow make money? Just a weird lie?

My gut feeling is that Kenny wasn’t lying. I think he believed that he did experience something inexplicable in the desert, and at least initially he was genuinely trying to find it again. The story itself is what leads me in this direction: it’s strange enough that it doesn’t feel like the sort of thing someone would invent just for the lulz, but at the same time it’s not so out-there that it could serve as the basis for fame and fortune. “I found a weird cave and it was scary” isn’t going to get you a place on the talk-show circuit alongside alien abductees.

To be clear, I’m not suggesting that there is actually a scary mystery cave somewhere in the Mojave desert. I think what probably happened is that Kenny, having spent several days alone in the wilderness and likely suffering exhaustion and dehydration (he bragged several times about how physically demanding his hikes were), and possibly prone to bouts of anxiety and disordered thinking, found an odd-looking cave entrance, got hit with the effects of physical and mental stress, and then unconsciously embellished the event in his mind when it came time to tell the story to his fellow hikers.

...of course, all that said: But what if the cave was real, though? What then?

There are a lot of air force bases and other military installations in Nevada, including the infamous Area 51. It’s not a stretch to assume that not all of these locations are known to the public, or that they’re all sign-posted. Is it possible that the M cave was the entrance to one such base, and that someone decided to stop Kenny’s attempts to draw attention to it...permanently?

I mean, no, probably not.

...But what if, though?

On the balance of the available evidence, I have to conclude that Kenny Veach likely either died in an accident or took his own life. While the story of the M cave is strange, there’s nothing to suggest that it has anything to do with his fate.

People still go out looking for the cave. Frankly, I think their efforts would be better spent searching for his remains and bringing closure to his friends and family.



D dymo 20 hours ago · 0 Likes

Tunnels in most deserts are very real (i.e. Edward's AFB). There are also the vortex sites in Arizona which have positive and negative vibrations that emit from them. Not only do I believe the cave he found is real, it doesn't surprise me a bit.


Gregory M Smith A year ago · 0 Likes

The cave could actually be real. The area is ringed by caves and underground tunnels, some of which run under Nellis AFB and near Area 51. That said, those tunnels are supposed to be the sites of bunkers, installed at the height of the Cold War.

There have been rumors that such tunnels are protected by crowd dispersal machines, such as microwave boosters that make you feel like your skin is on fire, and ultrasonic guns, that give you the feeling of queasiness and lightheadedness, which is what Kenny seems to have experienced. They're non-lethal but the effects get worse the closer you get to the machines and even Special Forces soldiers have had to retreat from them during tests.

As for the M Cave, the Air Force pays close attention to social media. Likely, the went out with construction tools and chipped away enough rock to disfigure that "M."

Unlike what is shown in movies, most people who get too close to sensitive government areas are kicked out or arrested by local police. Making them disappear only creates conspiracy theories and more interest from the public.

Also, it is highly unlikely that any criminal element was involved. Being near Nellis SFB means constant fly-overs by planes. Patrols go into the desert frequently in case a pilot has to eject. There are trip sensors everywhere. And, worst of all, this part of the desert is among the hottest and driest in North America. It would be a terrible place for smuggling or organized crime, not even getting rid of bodies.


I just found out that the youtube channel I mentioned a while back (here's the post) has been updating again. I've just started up one of his videos, and got a bit alarmed.

Unfortunately, I think the guy is getting...a bit more dangerously conspiracy-obsessed than he was before (or he's become emboldened to express those thoughts openly). I don't want to be cruel or rude when I say that, but I think it needs to be said. I might update any parallels in what he mentions about M Cave in the comments of this post, but I'm wary of interacting any more than just a brief observation of this guy's channel because he's not just speaking speculatively about conspiracies the way some in our community might be inclined to, he seems to truly wholeheartedly believe without healthy skepticism, and is upset about the injustice of some serious, heavy conspiracies. I don't know if he is completely well, which is why I'm posting this update here as a word of caution about the kind of content he's been posting.

His words have to be taken with a serious grain of salt, and with an awareness that the wrong kind of attention could be harmful for him. If you do take a look at his channel, please don't egg on his conspiratorial beliefs. Indeed, I'm more wary of the fact that he's going into the desert the way he has been. He's apparently experienced and educated in that kind of hiking, but attention can push some people outside of their limits sometimes. Be careful how you treat him. The kind of speculative research that this community does should be done responsibly, or not at all.

EDIT: It occurs to me to also mention that Kenny Veach dissapeared in the first place because he found a vibrating cave in the desert...and youtube commenters egged him on into going back and looking for the thing. It's important to keep that factor in mind whenever interacting with anyone going anywhere potentially dangerous.

I skipped down to his latest video and yup.. this dude has fallen down the wrong rabbit hole. He links David Wilcock and Corey Goode and David Wilcock's gaia series. I do want to point out that completely healthy, rational people have fallen for this stuff too, most likely because it came from a source they've developed a heavy level of trust for and therefore no longer see a need to critically evaluate that persons arguments. The fact that he posted direct links to David Wilcock and Corey Goode leads me to believe that is likely what happened in this Youtuber's case. ( a lot of these really DARK theories come directly from Corey Goode) I've seen a lot of people led astray by those two individuals in particular.

Wilcock and Goode are pure distilled 200 proof crazy.

lol. very accurate. sad part is, david wilcock before corey goode was actually a fairly good researcher into esoteric subjects. After meeting Corey Goode, he jumped on the crazy train and brought most of his followers with him.

Damn. I am disappointed for sure. I was super excited about this story but after no updates for months I forgot about it. After seeing his latest posts, it's sad he got caught up in all the bullshit. Oh well, hopefully the original story will get some sort of closure...

For anyone interested, Warlife Wrath is a great channel on YouTube who's been looking into Kenny Veach more. He's been receiving some cryptic messages he needs to decode. If anyone is good at codes, watch his most recent video, maybe you can help decode it. The first couple coded messages were in binary & I believe to be someone just messing with him. This new code is odd & could be something more to it. Check it out if you're interested, here a link;
How far in are u GG?
Have u seen the Liberasean vids where he gets sick on the trek and reckons he has seen rocks having been moved?
That was early on

Then is was warlikewrath
And theres another guy on now, aquachigger.

People arent giving up on it
That upper class english guy video channel, he has a billion videos about this, ive got that channel bookmarked, will go thru it at a later date. Got a bit sidetracked recently ;)

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Mystery Disappearance of Kenny Veach

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