Culina: AFL supporters who dont embrace football are "insecure in their code"

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Work ethic? Try getting an AFL player to compete in as many games as a European footballer......say, anywhere upwards of 50 matches in one season. Then we'll see who's tougher....ARF!

Bang on the money there, and this is why <s******> AFL will never, EVER, be a truly global sport. Teams rewarded for coming last....plastic competition if I've ever seen one!
1 - The draft is in place so that all teams have a chance of success and the sport isn't dominated for years and years by teams such as Man Utd and Chelsea while teams at the bottom have little chance of competing.
2 - Why bother coming onto an AFL board only to bag it? I'll admit that this is the only post of yours I've seen but you don't seem to be very favourable towards this forum's sport of choice. Why not go to or something where the majority will share your views?
ice hockey plays a minimum of 82 matches and that is a lot tougher game than both AFL and soccer combined

True but players only get about 30 minutes of game time though? It is also hard to compare padded to non-padded sports.
I hate the promotion of soccer in Australia. Almost forcing us to assimilate to the European prima donna sport. We are Australian. Rugby and AFL are our codes because blokes putting their body on the line for eachother is what we like to see. Not pansies taking sickening dives (although this is creeping into AFL). Soccer can **** off as far as I'm concerned, we don't have to be like everyone else, the sports that this country grew up with are superior, and the rest of the worst doesn't know that!
100% agree, i am so sick of the "world game" bull****.

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I dont mind my soccer, but A-League doesnt really do much for me. Much rather be following the Premier League, which gets just as much coverage here as the A-League. I also take a keen interest in the Socceroos games, but sorry, if I had the choice between AFL and soccer? WHeres the choice? AFL all the way please, seeing the FA Cup final just gone confirmed that. I will be taping my team Liverpool's Champions League Final on Thursday, but I wont lose any sleep if they lose, it just doesnt mean as much to me as the Crows winning a Grand Final. :)
As always its the AFL fans who are so scared and paranoid that there little insignificant code will be swept away and killed by the huge force which is futbol. Such paranoia and anxiety from the bogans, much like Melbournes attitude towards anything that comes out of Sydney.

Newsflash it won't happen. Just learn to co-excist you small town yokels.

this thread backs it up.
Bahahaha here come the scared AFL fans out in force. What he said was dead on the ball. On and to guy who said the rule needs to be amended regarding the best team being in Asia ....IT IS, start in 2009 when the entire region reshifts its focus and becomes a lot like its better brother over in Europe., it the world game. No one cares you think its boring, low scoring, because look at participation numbers...look at the BOOMING interest in the A-League, and look at how Austrailans as a whole embrace WORLD FOOTBALL. Sometimes I think the AFL fans are unbelievably jealous of international competition. Dont know what that looks like? Yeah didnt think so. Over at soccer land we have about 200 participating. Its the biggest sport in Asia, Africa, Europe, and generally..the world apart from the US and Australia basically (alright lets stick in India for now). Does it hurt you that no one else likes "footy-mate", even the Americans hate it! There are about 5 million people in the world who give a rats about the sport. You are lying to yourself.
100% agree, i am so sick of the "world game" bull****.

UMMMMMMMM it is the world game. AFL the world game? LOLOLOOL. Its the world game, find me a place aside from the US and Australia where it isn't big. Not to mention, Australia is a speck of dust in the world scheme. We may be advanced and all...but theres about 20 million people in this country, 5 of which care about your precious AFL.
Hmmmm well we tried turning it into a soccer match on Saturday night! :D
Sadly St Kilda, the losing team alone, still kicked more goals then both teams would in an 'entertaining' soccer match.
Can I also ask you kind sirs why it is that your media attacks sokkha at times? Why do you feel the need to? Cos your scared!!!! If you just plain didnt like it, you wouldnt feel the need to pump up your own code, knowing fully well participation rates absolutely kill AFLs, no matter how much money you're putting into it. LOl @ AFL
Since you don't seem to be in the supposed 5 million people, why spend your time on an AFL forum?

I really find it sad that some people find nothing better to do than seek out an argument for the sake of it. It isn't as if any points get across here.
Hmmmm well we tried turning it into a soccer match on Saturday night! :D
Sadly St Kilda, the losing team alone, still kicked more goals then both teams would in an 'entertaining' soccer match.

Yep, cos goals mean entertainment lol. I can find more interset in a 0-0 draw then a footy match. Lol @ AFL

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Since you don't seem to be in the supposed 5 million people, why spend your time on an AFL forum?

I really find it sad that some people find nothing better to do than seek out an argument for the sake of it. It isn't as if any points get across here.

Im currently on 3 forums, 2 of them football, 1 of them AFL. And I feel I need to because of idiots like Craig Hutchison tonight, who infuriates me to no end, what nerve! And then I see this and all you clowns blabbing on, get a life, stop dissing a code which is superior in every manner, that you lower yourself to petty jealousy
Further more, its funny that even after 2 years, our fans at Melb Vic are better than any in the AFL. Look at Saints wanting to replicate the atmosphere, look at the idiots over in Adelaide trying to do the same. What a laugghhhhhhhh
I doubt that Craig checks this board so why not send him a letter or email? I'm sure that he has an address somewhere. You've got to realise that you will recieve no respect or favours if you come onto an AFL board trying to pick a fight about which sport is superior, regardless of your own points. This forum was set up to talk about Australian Rules Football. If you want to talk about Soccer then go to or at least the Soccer sub-forum of this.
I doubt that Craig checks this board so why not send him a letter or email? I'm sure that he has an address somewhere. You've got to realise that you will recieve no respect or favours if you come onto an AFL board trying to pick a fight about which sport is superior, regardless of your own points. This forum was set up to talk about Australian Rules Football. If you want to talk about Soccer then go to or at least the Soccer sub-forum of this.

If you honestly think I come here looking for respect, you are out of your mind. I could not care less what any fool on this forum thought. Ill preach the good word for the rest of my life. Its just a shame that the sleeping giant is awaking for everyone of you

``And the main sport - probably the only sport - in most of those places is football. It is absolutely huge.''

That says it all doesn't it. Here in Australia I get to watch or play Soccer, Aussie Rules, League, Basketball, Baseball, Hockey, Triathlons, Swimming, Surfing, Motorsports, Hurling, NFL and a number of other sports from countries all over the world.

If anything Australia is a very accepting place for any sport. Unlike most of those places where all they have is "The World Game". And they call us insular?

I don't know why but I just can't seem to like any of these twats who only want their code to be the popular one, they're all self serving w@nkers and Branko who likes to keep it all in the family (playing for Australia and getting assistance through junior ranks wise) is one of the very worst.

Can't wait to watch Sydney F.C. get flogged this year, love to see him squirm like a worm.
He does have a point, even though he articulated it in a stupid way, that AFL fans seem to get paranoid and anxious the most when it comes to soccer due to the threat.

Many will say this is not the case but subconsciously it is. You just don't want to support a code (even though the major comp is played in summer) b/c you are scared that it might over take in popularity due to it being a world and user friendly game and the afl not.

I love both codes..but sometimes i get embarrased at how idiotic and small minded AFL fans can be.
That says it all doesn't it. Here in Australia I get to watch or play Soccer, Aussie Rules, League, Basketball, Baseball, Hockey, Triathlons, Swimming, Surfing, Motorsports, Hurling, NFL and a number of other sports from countries all over the world.

If anything Australia is a very accepting place for any sport. Unlike most of those places where all they have is "The World Game". And they call us insular?

I don't know why but I just can't seem to like any of these twats who only want their code to be the popular one, they're all self serving w@nkers and Branko who likes to keep it all in the family (playing for Australia and getting assistance through junior ranks wise) is one of the very worst.

Can't wait to watch Sydney F.C. get flogged this year, love to see him squirm like a worm.

Thats you buddy, and your minions. So we have ours. All they have is the world game? You are out of your mind if you think they play it and follow it because thats all they have. I hate ANZAC day, I hate the way C10 and the media pumps it up, as they "day they go to war" What, this is some war that essendon and collingwood are going into it? Give me a break. Do you want to know whats amazing? How about the day that war was halted for a football match (dont ask me where right now but if you want ill dish itup)? Can the AFL do that? No.
I hate, I hate

That sums it up pretty much. You hate, you hate, you hate. You're the very epithamy of what you hate and that just makes this whole thing very sad.

BTW it was Christmas day the Germans and Allied troops called a cease fire for the afternoon and some troops crossed over and met in no-mans land. I've read a story back when I was a youngster that they swapped pictures of their families, shared rations and played games.

Did you ever hear about how during their days as POW's the allied troop in the hands of inhuman Japanese soldiers also organised games, Australian Rules was one of them, they even had their own version of the brownlow medal.

Alot of those boys died while they were POW's, worked and starved to death. It shows that sports and games of all kinds has the ability to lift the spirits of all men in times of great distress and appauling conditions.

How pathetic would this stupid argument of yours sound to them?

So before you leave, I just want to say one thing to you, sports are just that, games, and for anyone to have the petty bitter hate that you display is a sad, sad thing. Find something more important to stew over than what sports other people enjoy watching, because in the end it's none of your business.
That sums it up pretty much. You hate, you hate, you hate. You're the very epithamy of what you hate and that just makes this whole thing very sad.

BTW it was Christmas day the Germans and Allied troops called a cease fire for the afternoon and some troops crossed over and met in no-mans land. I've read a story back when I was a youngster that they swapped pictures of their families, shared rations and played games.

Did you ever hear about how during their days as POW's the allied troop in the hands of inhuman Japanese soldiers also organised games, Australian Rules was one of them, they even had their own version of the brownlow medal.

Alot of those boys died while they were POW's, worked and starved to death. It shows that sports and games of all kinds has the ability to lift the spirits of all men in times of great distress and appauling conditions.

So before you leave, I just want to say one thing to you, sports are just that, games, and for anyone to have the petty bitter hate that you display is a sad, sad thing. Find something more important to stew over than what sports other people enjoy watching, because in the end is none of your business.

I wasnt talking about the Allied and Germans troops, thats common knowledge. So thanks for ranting on about it. Football (soccer) unites in ways AFL can only hope it ever does, but alas, it wont

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Culina: AFL supporters who dont embrace football are "insecure in their code"

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